I couldn't love you more

I couldn't love you more

A Poem by Jack...

Love in the winter



I Couldn’t Love You More

by jack



A cold wind whistled, a sharper embrace

This brisk chilly morning on my unsuspecting face

A tiny touch of winter as I walked out of the door

The skies were clear, the stars did shine, I couldn’t love you more


Dawn had yet to find me, lingering its sleep

Darkness still engulfed the fields, its silence for to keep

My breath now clearly visible, the air so crisp and pure

Beneath the trees, the autumn leaves, I couldn’t love you more


Not a soul was stirring, no noises to be found

A pathway that did guide my feet was there upon the ground

I couldn’t help but wonder what this day might have in store

Now what did wait outside the gate, I couldn’t love you more


A song was rolling through my head, a happy melody

With lyrics perfect for the time, the morning I did see

Like rhythms of the oceans as they wash against the shore

Soft and sweet, it did repeat, I couldn’t love you more


I walked a little farther, frosted ground beneath my feet

Found the perfect setting and I took myself a seat

Rubbed my hands together an attempt to keep them warm

Then closed my eyes, began to dream, I couldn’t love you more


These words I write are saying, if I may be so bold

A message from my beating heart this chilly night is told

It sends a simple meaning to the woman I adore

You are my world, you are my life, I couldn’t love you more

© 2013 Jack...

Author's Note

Thank you for reading

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Oh, jack, this is beautiful, almost brought me to tears. Imagery is fantastic. Bet she was very touched to get this.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so very mcuh Barbara. I appreciate your kind words.
Beautiful piece. Makes me warmer on a cold day :) And the feelings that anyone who loves can relate to are so magnificently put together into words. Wonderful job!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words.
Your poem brings to mind the warming fire of love that is the balm to carry the human heart through this cold world. I enjoyed the walk with you in this winter wonderland of love.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Was that a genuine "Ha!" or a sarcastic "Ha!"? :)
 David Scott

11 Years Ago

Sarcasm? What is sarcasm? :)
My Sarcastic Ha! has a ";p" after it, for future reference...

11 Years Ago

OK, I will make a note of that...ok...got it.
I find that I get so involved in your writing that maybe there is more to it for me
I would love to have that kind of love-
the flow to this is once again amazing
like the pic as well I took myself a seat-I just like how that reads
thank you for sharing

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks so much Holly. Your kind words are always a gift to me. Thank you for taking your time and re.. read more
it's quite cold and dreary here in southern illinois...nothing like a little love to warm things up...nice poem, Jack.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks Jacob, I hope this warmed up your wintry day a bit.
Beautifully written. Full of imagery, meaning, and the grace of feelings held close to the heart on a cold, still morning.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you once again for your kind words.
I really enjoyed this piece and it's the first one of yours i heave read, I hope there is more behind what excellence you have crafted here.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so very much. I appreciate your kind comments
whoever this lucky lady is, after she reads this one , i'm sure you'll have no difficulty getting into her knickers. but, all kidding aside jack, this is gorgeous writing. it is truly expressive and romantic...so beautifully worded. awesome, just awesome!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much

11 Years Ago

This has a melody all it's own, and a sprint in it's step. I envy the woman this is written for, just a simply joyful read Jack...as always. Love this.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks Frieda, I figured I'd give you a break from the doom and gloom I've been posting.
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Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Ha, I'm the Queen when it comes to that, you post whatever is in your heart at the moment Jack, I'll.. read more

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9 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on March 25, 2013
Last Updated on March 25, 2013
Tags: love, winter



San Antonio, TX

Not much to tell about me, I am just Jack, I am a poet, a writer, a musician, a painter, a builder and a dreamer. I live in south Texas but am originally from New Jersey and miss it more and more all .. more..


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