Hey this actually seems like my style of poetry. Such as mentioning the title and presenting it with continuous periods. In fact I really like this piece of yours=] I love how you have a spiritual connection with your poetry, and construct it in a way that adjusts to many ways. I certainly like this piece! Great write!
God Bless=]
In a way your always connected, even when you dont feel as if you are. I liked how you incorperated not being to get onto this site to read the fantabulous poems, like this one. This poem is magnificant and so true, someone is always there for you even if you arent aware of it, but its beacause of connections.
Lovely write Anita,
-Dana :)
This is a beautiful piece Annie! :) Yes, we are connected to our loved ones... and it can feel lonely without them. Yet knowing that we are connected to a higher power whomever that higher power may be if you believe... makes one feel at ease.. and know that we are not alone. A lovely piece.. simply written with honest and beautiful feeling. :)
Oh Annie, Jesus is your best friend! The connection you have with Him can not be easily broken....not sure it is even possible to break that bond once formed....since He promised to never leave you nor forsake you. A lovely poem from your heart, my friend. May God bless you, and lift you above the darkness that can subtly creep in.
I'm just a novice in poetry. English is my second language, I was born and educated in France. My paintings are on the back burner for the moment. I love this site and enjoy writing (If I can call it .. more..