Few years have passed,
Since you left for your final home
Beyond Time.
My eyes cannot visualize.
The overwhelming beauty of Heaven.
A Place created by God Almighty
For Angels and human Souls.
A concept unimaginable for me.
Of the intense love you are surrounded by.
The Divinity of Our Creator.
Which words cannot describe.
The heavenly peace and well-being.
You have found.
Keeping company with our dearest family and friends.
You have 3 more Grandsons,
spreading your name.
Tyler.Noah and Matthew.
Now a grand total of 8.
Our memories of you have not diminished.
I'm learning poetry and releasing my memories.
dust them off and let them flow.
I made new friends.
from my poems, they know you.
We are all well.
missing you so very much.
Our not so little family says hello.
With this letter we are sending our love and kisses.
Share them with all.