How can one heart love two people at one time, in exactly the same way? It can't. One person will be loved more than the other, no matter how hard you try to prevent it... And usually it's not the one you should love more, not the one you want to love more. It's always the one who's taken, the one who can never, ever be yours.
That's when your heart and mind start battling... Your world goes from the different shades of sunshine to the black and greys of sadness. You feel your heart slipping away and find yourself wishing that you couldn't love at all, just to stop the pain and the confusion.
What makes it worse... When you find that the words "I love you" get stuck somewhere between your heart and your mouth when you try to say them to the one who loves you so much... When that happens, it's enough to bring tears to your eyes.
And when your parents tell you you'll never see or meet this person who loves you so dearly, that adds another sword to the ones that are already stabbing at your heart.
And when you realize that you're unknowingly using the one who loves you so dearly... when you realize you're using her as an emotional crutch, you discover what kind of person you really are... And that out of the two people your heart is running after... you deserve neither of them.
You can't love two people... Your heart can't work that hard. When you try, you'll only end up hurting.
And then the world will go back to how it once was... dark.
It started out as me talking to myself... then turned into me ranting to myself... then turned to what you see here... er ^ up there. Tell me what you think?
My Review
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that was very good. It tugged at your thoughts and feelings. Even if your not going through the same thing you can still relate to it some how. I hope things get better for you, keep writing.
Oh NO!! There is plenty of love to fill a million hearts..our comprehension of love is is the purest of emotions..the sweetest of shouldn't measured has no measure...thank you for sharing..thought provoking read
)': I'm sorry Izzy. We've both been through this shyt, it sucks. But I survived, so I know for a fact that you can. You're much stronger than me.... Than I was. Just don't go into a deep and depressing void.
Izzy. Short for Ismode.
I write... All the time xD sadly, I don't have the time to post them here. I'm nerdy, a choir geek, and probably really, really weird. I tend to be quiet until I get to know y.. more..