BrokenHorn The Warrior

BrokenHorn The Warrior

A Story by Robotic Assistance

His story is coming real soon!


He keep this hands to his side. Completely surrounded by ambush, they all wore leather studded armory and carried typical bandit weapons; daggers, dirks, clubs, maces, and some held short swords.


" Hello, please pay the tole! " A bandit smiled a crooked smile.


The towering figure in full plate armor didn't respond it simply stood there, as if ignoring the suggested amount for passage.


" I don't know if you understand but " He held out his open palm, " give me 100 gold! I know you can afford it, mister shiny tin can! " he wiggled his mace in the air " and don't make me ask again! "


" Hey Boss I want his helm! I like the horns! " a bandit smile revealing missing teeth.


The enormous man was burly and sized greater then most men, his full plate armor was the finest silver and engraved with labyrinth disigns, on the shoulders and breast plate. The Helm has bull horns on it but the left horn was broken, it looked like it was previously crushed, it wasn't a smooth cut. Still he didn't react, his hands stood at his side next too two silver swords but the real attraction was the two-hander on his back, it's blade was icy blue and the hilt silver.


" Okay this guy! This one has on brains so let's crush his empty skull " The lead bandit jumped forward swinging his mace with brutal force. The giant of a man charged forward meeting mace to shoulder of his full plate but his momentum was greater then the tiny bandits, as the weapon clashed with armor speeding shoulder continued forward and slammed into the man sending him to the floor with great speeds. Others lunged forward, stabbing and jabbing their short ranged weapons, but with celerity his hands in a blur were filled with the two swords at his side and their attacks were blocked and parried, one cut low at his going but in a swift motion a sword blocked and his free hand cut high, the cold steel pierced his throat and with a strong jerk to the side his head toppled to the right. The others morale was lowered and soon started retreating.


He shook his massive head as they wildly spread out into the forest tree line, they were heading back to their camp, they must be put to an end. Moving forward he reached down and picked up the slammed bandit leader by the shirt


"Where do they go? " his voice spoke crude common

"Like I'd tell you! " he spat at the helm that hid the mans face

Shaking his head at the response he reached up with his free hand and placed it on the bandits shoulder

"One time I ask! One TIME! " He crushed is shoulder in his clutches. Gauntlet hands ripped into flesh and destroyed what form his bone was.

"AH! " the bandit howled in terror " Okay! OKAY! Head East! Into the forest! There's a poor path but visible, go couple of miles and there's a small camp but don't go... we serve a great Warlock! He'll destroy you! "

" You speak save life! Go go to real home! " he put the man to the ground and gave him a nod, " Take drink, it has power " he handed over a healing potion to the man and walked into the forest heading east, he was going to walk straight into the camp.


The path was indeed poor but it lead him directly to the camp. As he entered the grounds bandits jumped up and armed themselves with bows and crossbows, soon arrows and bolts were loaded and trained on him.


From a tent a slender male in a robe exit, his smile was half gone, for the left side of his cheek was gone, he looked like a living corpse " Welcome! Welcome! This is my home! Take a seat good sir, hahahah! " The Warlock widen his decayed smile.


" Lock bad for earth! You poison the soil with black magic! " The full plated man's fist balled and his whole body tensed in rage. " Go home! Out of forest! "  a foot slammed onto the ground shaking the camp ground.


" Do you honestly think I'm afraid? A master of fear and terror? " He chuckled loudly " Now I must kill you for trying to belittle me, hahah, you're very comical my armored friend but humor won't save you! " He looked to his bandits " Kill him "


The nervously started to pull back on bow line and triggers but before they could fire the towering man shouted in a mighty bellow and demoralized them, some fired way off target some dropped their weapons and fled. The plated tank rushed forward and boared bandits out of his way. For a full plated man he was very nimble, he was going dead on to the Warlock but the caster has other plans, he shook his head and let out a shriek, visible waves of sound shot forward from his lips and collided with bandits and the bullrushing man. As the waves hit his massive body he instantly stopped, all his momentum collided to the invisible wall.


" Ugh...." he was dazed, his vision blurry and now his helm was more of a disadvantage then ever. Reaching up he carefully pulled off the helmet and dropped it to the ground, revealing his bull like head, he was a Minotaur and one horn was exile.


" You! You're a Minotaur! HAHAHAHAH! " the warlock shook his head and quickly regained composure " Looks like we'll feed good tonight my scared companions! Now step aside and let me kill him all alone " The bandits happily moved and hid from the battle about to erupt. The warlock held his hands forward and shot out a ball as dark as midnight, it flew into the air as a shadow. The Minotaur jumped to the side just in time, the shadowbolt flew until it simply disappeared. Quickly shifting his feet he rushed towards the Warlock. The caster closed his eyes for a second then reopened them with a howl!  Agony spread through the warriors veins, as if the black magic was fused with this blood!


"RAWR! " The Minotaur scream and snorted the pain away. Continuing forward he reached back and unsheathe the two- handed weapon, in a quick spin he spun the blade around in his rotation cutting in a diagonal slash to the unarmored Warlock but nothing but air was hit... the smell of brimstone was carried in a sudden smoke. In rage he controlled the powerful swing but before he could turn around a shawdowbolt hit him in the back and threw him forward to the ground. The Warlock was somewhere behind him. Quickly he pushed off the ground, but as he was lifting up hands from the earth reached up and held on to him, he was in a net of skeletal hands, even as just bone they were very powerful and kept him in place for a moment. Squirming around and pulling up with his titan strength he struggled and pulled up. The hands holding on him kept their grip, as he erected his body he surfaced some of the undead holding on him, pulling them right out of the earth. Shaking and throwing them off crashing them to the ground, he cleared himself just in time to get hit by another bolt but this one was caught coming just burned his flesh under the armor as it struck. He started into a charge again and the lock smiled again at him. Within a second the Minotaur was next to the Warlock but the caster jumped back and while in flight and just before he landed demonic wings sprout from his back and carried him up "Oh you're in trouble my friend! HAHAHAH " He held his arms straight up into the sky then the clouds above him thickened in clouds, fire poured from them! Large balls of fire  crashed against the soil and trees catching them ablaze!


"NO! leave home! Leave my home! " in a panic he didn't even noticed his safety, the fire struck him scorching the hairy flesh as hit made contact. The Minotaur brought his blue blade to the sky and closed his eyes. More clouds thickened the sky and blocked out the sun, the clouds relinquished heavy droplets of water, soon the fire and water battled, and smoke and vapor created a fog.


" Ooh a magical weapon, I shall experiment with it once I kill you. You filthy cow! " The Warlock wasn't visible cause of the haze but his voice gave him away. Standing perfectly still in the fog the Warrior listened and smelt for the Warlock before he made his move, the sound of flapping wings were barely heard but thanks to that and his voice, target was acquired! Quickly bursting into motion the Minotaur charged then jumped high into the air with the two handed blade in hand he cut blindly into the air, and like butter the blade dismembered the Warlocks leg, he let out a wraith shriek and crashed to the earth. As soon the bull-like man landed her walked over to the casters body, that rolled around in agony.


"Now go! Home! " a massive foot crushed down into the casters face, shattering bone and putting the caster into forever darkness. " Stormer, no rain " as quick as the storm came it was was gone, the Minotaur looked around, wet from the water, he was sadden by the damage of the forest but he knew this forest was strong! Too strong, it would repair itself. He put a hand on a burnt tree " BrokeHorn sorry! "


BrokeHorn walked away from the scene, there was no bandits in sight. They fled long ago, now he continued his way to find his friend, his companion in his adventures " I come CrookedJaw! Stay alive! " he exit the forest and continued down the trade road, to the town he heard CrookedJaw was being held captured.

© 2010 Robotic Assistance

Author's Note

Robotic Assistance
Ignore grammar problems! And enjoy.

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Added on May 22, 2010
Last Updated on May 22, 2010


Robotic Assistance
Robotic Assistance

Odessa, TX

Hello my name is Harold Veee. I'm in a slow city where nothing amazing ever happens, but I'm here so I make the best of it. Thinks I love: Amanda :D (I love you babe) Gavin WeirdNose Lee .. more..
