![]() Santa Falls tonight!A Story by Robotic Assistance![]() :P![]()
It was fair, this thought passed his mind. The lights, the cheer, complete happiness and here he was passing the world in a forgotten existance. There was an thousands of his kind but none spoke out, all bowed their heads in slavory, and simply accepted this fate. With tiny clinched fist, closed eyes, and grinding teeth he mustered the strength to do what has never been acomplished! He left the workstation and proceeded to change this way that's crippled this people, he will not die a slave! No not him! As he passed through the workstation the others dropped their jaws and whispered in fear " What has he done?" "What is he doing?" "He'll kill us all..." The whispers sang a song of depression and fear, but this time he was going to conduct a different symphony! He marched to the beat of revenge and freedom he was no longer a coward that hide in a factory and worked for nothing more then blisters and aches. Walking out to the hills of snow, the city was small but had a great populace. He passed the houses decorated in lights and wired figures of trees and deers. Some of them had the man he hated the most,the dictator of this remote town of suffering. In this tiny green tunic he marched, there was no going back. He was sure the athorities would be alerted in moments, with that in mind he hasten his pace going straight for the mansion, his targets lair. He ran passed the front gates, there at the door were two large men posted. The little man walked over to a tree and plucked a dagger of ice, formed on a tree. The cold blade stung his hand as he gripped it, the blade was already melting.... He approached the guards, " Hault there small one! " the guard ordered. " I need to talk to the boss, sir " the small figure continued up the stairs. "You know you can't see him now, not the night before the eve of our deadline. Gimme the message and I'll give to him later when he's not so occupied " " Very well, here's the message " The avenger leaped forward driving the point of this weapon through the man's chest, before the other could react he jumped off the corpse and drove the icicle into this neck, the guard crashed to the ground, he was still alive. "What are you doing...." his words were drowned in blood, The avenger didn't speak a word, the only sound was the crunch of the sole of his boot crushing the mans face, ending this life.With blood on his hands and tunic he stood there for a moment and created a smile on his face " I will not spare none that stand in my way " he threw the icicle down and continued. He put a small hand on the doornob and opened the door, the massive abode smelt of cookies and ginger. The entire house was light up with lights of green and red, there was wrapped boxes with bows and tags....The smile on this face fadded to emptiness. The main room was empty, so i was obvious his actions weren't known so with that in mind he simply skipped up the stairs. Reaching the top he met the huge door which held this nemisis, silently he made his way to the handle of the door, on the tip of his toes he reached up and pulled down on the handle. The door opened, only creating a slit big enough to pass through, he first peered into the chamber and there he was that fat sonavabitch, buried in paperwork and checking a list! He couldn't remain calm, he bottled his true emotions for hundres of years, tonight was redemption! He smashed the door open and scream on the top of this little lungs! His nimble legs sprinted to the large desk the man in red sat behind. The overweight man looked up in shock just in time for the assassin scaled the desk, grabbed a fist full of his hair and slam his face back down into the desk where he judged the entire world! The avenger in a comple beserker continueously smashed his targets face on the oak wood desk. He just pounded and pounded until his little arms could no bare anymore of his brutality. Winded and soar he crashed to his knees, kneeling in a pool of blood and crushed teeth. " Ha...hah...hah hah hah ah!!!!!!! " He rose to his feet in a loud chuckle! He turned around and faced the door " Now it is time! The time of the elf! " he raised his little arms battered in blood of Santa, he was free, finally free! © 2009 Robotic AssistanceAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 28, 2009 AuthorRobotic AssistanceOdessa, TXAboutHello my name is Harold Veee. I'm in a slow city where nothing amazing ever happens, but I'm here so I make the best of it. Thinks I love: Amanda :D (I love you babe) Gavin WeirdNose Lee .. more..Writing