Oreth The Paladin

Oreth The Paladin

A Story by Robotic Assistance

just introducing Oreth a character of mine. T

The wind whistled from the east, a thick mist carried along with it’s gentle tug. The sea of Bozomba was always a peaceful sight, blessed by Mystara herself, the waters clear as crystals and as fresh as new life. This giant of a man stood facing the cliffs edge, the drop was hundred of feet and the forest beyond him just before the bay was vast as well. Hmm? His arctic blue eyes conveyed every detail of the ambience around him, his massive hand softly caressed the metallic surface of his Battle Hammer, the foe he sought to destroy requested both skill and brute force. Oreth looked up to the heavens and inhaled deeply and released his breath in a heavy sigh. Looks like rain… The clouds above increased in size and danger as the shades of gray developed; and so with his left foot pushing forward he continued towards his achievement.
                He walked for hours and swam a bit too, he was almost out of the forest but the storm was approaching and so was the night, his body fatigued and ready for a whole eight hours of sleep but he needed decent hospitality, the trees would just not due tonight. The rain came without mercy and pounded the earth to a flood, the man’s cloak cringed to his armored exoskeleton Finally!!! Over there! A grotto only several paces to the right, he would increase his speed and arrive at the caves welcoming coverage within seconds. He would have the scout the depths of the cave to make sure that any of the inhabitants, if any weren’t hostel but for a second he leaned against the moist wall and closed his eyes to sample the paradise to come, a smile broke his cold face; finally some emotion.  The blue orbs relinquished their sight once again, and his arms pushed him off the wall and so he began his search. The caves floor was already flooded to his ankles, it agitated him a bit, Oreth was always a warm natured fellow! The entire cave seemed clear until the turning the last corner of the interior and before his eyes was a sight of terror; on top of a mountain of gold and treasures was a massive beast of scales and talons. As if an anchor sank his confidence Oreth froze and started to collaborate his escape from this black winged dragon, judging by the size, facial hair, and countless number of horns this reptile has surpassed his adolescence and entered adulthood centuries ago.  Closing his eyes and in a soft whisper he chanted a spell of levitation, as the chanted ceased he would look down to see the sole of his boots above the rippling surface of water. Turning from the snoring lizard he began to flee, after the first to steps a panic shot through his veins as his decent began! Not only was his body fatigued but his mental energy was drained too. Within seconds his large body splashed into the cavern floor awaking the beast. The Dragon pushed off its belly and stood on his golden and silver throne and roared an ear shattering cry, pride and strength quaked the walls crashing stalactites to the ground. The monstrosity moved forwarded sending tremors into the earth, there was no time for pusillanimity. Oreth stood without fear and roared back “ stand your ground Dragon I wish you no harm I only seek hospitality! No upshot of violence should occur” the dragon replied telepathically “ HUMAN!!!! YOU’VE INVADED MY HOME AND REQUEST ME TO BE HOSPITABLE? WHY? WHY SHOULD I? I SHOULD CRUSH YOU LIKE THE INFERIOR BEAST YOU ARE” Oreth slung out his weaponry baring the Hammer in both hands “ I am Oreth Silverwind man of the cloth! I’ve requested a civil departure from your hostel ways but you’ve denied them without consideration, now this be your last warning LIZARD! Stand down or be slain…” I can’t defeat a dragon alone… Mystara please guide me.  The black reptile stood up on twos and marched forward, the miniaturized man rushed with his deity at heart and a deafening thunder out drummed the storm outside as Hammer and hide clashed, the Dragon laughed as Oreth recoiled from the impact “ GRRR” he hissed at the reptile as he recollected his footing. The black nightmare didn’t waste a moment he continued his assault and snapped his wagon sized head at the little hero( Oreth stood over seven feet tall, his chest size was greater the most birds wingspan, he was an enormous human being) the dozen and dozens of daggers in it’s mouth pierced his plate mail under the cloak and punctured his flesh breaking bones as they pursued deeper into his fleshy body. “ YOU DEMON!” in a nimble action, Oreth gripped the hammer with in both hands “ I am Oreth Silverwind man of the cloth! I’ve requested a civil departure from your hostel ways but you’ve denied them without consideration, now this be your last warning LIZARD! Stand down or be slain…” I can’t defeat a dragon alone… Mystara please guide me.  The black reptile stood up on twos and marched forward, the miniaturized man rushed with his deity at heart and a deafening thunder out drummed the storm outside as Hammer and hide clashed, the Dragon laughed as Oreth recoiled from the impact “ GRRR” he hissed at the reptile as he recollected his footing. The black nightmare didn’t waste a moment he continued his assault and snapped his wagon sized head at the little hero( Oreth stood over seven feet tall, his chest size was greater the most birds wingspan, he was an enormous human being) the dozen and dozens of daggers in it’s mouth pierced his plate mail under the cloak and punctured his flesh breaking bones as they pursued deeper into his fleshy body. “ YOU DEMON!” in a nimble action, Oreth gripped the hammer with his left hand; his only free one, and sung violently at the crown of horns on the beast head, like glass hitting the earth these oversized thorns shattered and the hammers wraith didn’t stop there, the domed end of the weapon crashed to the skull of the dragon releasing him from the grasp, the paladin fell to the ground and cringed at his open wound, as his fingers touched the aperture the opening started to heal itself but the bruises and fractures remained, but the bleeding has stopped. Pushing off the ground Oreth charged and so did the monster. Swinging back  training the weapon to the beast chest, just as he began to transfer the momentum of his speed and strength to sternum of the Dragon, the creature would suddenly stop and whipped around launching a missile of scales and stakes at Oreth’s own chest, the tail would avoid colliding with the Hammer and successfully strike Oreth in the chest, the collision swept him off his feet and crashed him into the walls. “ Grahh “ The human had a will greater then a army but his strength would evacuate before he could react to the terror, his grip loosened and the hammer fell to the ground, thud then silence settled…. It can’t end… it can’t be over…  “ Pathetic Human, the obvious as arrived. You’re victory was a figment of an abstract reality, welcome to the crude awakening Hah “ Oreth tried to return insults but words would not escape, only breath and blood spilt from his pale lips. His vision blurred and the warmth of his blood turned cold a shellshock enveloped him and everything sounded hallow and as if everything returned to him in a snare he brought his gauntlet covered hands to the end of the beast and submitted a tyrant of pressure, cracking bones and amputating the end which staked him. “ There is no fabrication of my victory, in the name of Mystara you will not see the day of next, you will not bully the creatures of his plain anymore! “ Oreth brought a fist and crashed his armored knuckles to giants chest sending the best backwards and to the ground.  Clashing to floor the monster would wiggle around returning to it’s combat stance,  in celerity it reared its skull back and splashed a liquid of odd color at Oreth, it touched his plat mail and hissed as the acidic chemical ate away at the metallic properties of the armor, some of it whipped him at the face at the streaking his eye vertically.  Though he did not flinch Oreth stood there ready to end this upshot.  The Dragon stomped forward seeking the same desire; closure. The reptile launched it’s jaws at the paladin once again, and in almost a blinding motion the man would bolt to the right and corrugated his knees, allowing him to reach down to the hammer at the ground, wielding the weaponry he would jolt upward using his bent knees to propel him to the ceiling of the cave, the hammer would wreck with the dragons mandible snapping the head upward with a crack ,the motioning body of the dragon would stumble, the legs would buckle, and soon it would crash into the flooded grotto floor; dead.  Wasn’t my task but wow, I defeated a dragon… sad he couldn’t walk out of here alive but fool had to be doltish.  He didn’t celebrate the victory with rejoice or happiness, lowering his view he looked at the hole in his chest larger then any created by a spear or javelin, he was still lightheaded dizzy. Blind spots soon developed as more crimson leaked from the gaping wound. Staggering he walked outside the cave and washed himself in to rain, spilled and washed away from his body. Suddenly he has no will wither or not to continue, his legs gave out and his eyes closed hitting the ground nose first.  The night hid his limp body and the rain washed away his life… Morning came and there laid the hero’s body surrounded by newly birthed flowers of gold and blue! Oreth felt a gentle touch at his ear and reached for it, the being took flight. Looking up a oversized white butterfly fluttered away, he stood up and watched the insect escape, he didn’t bother checking his health he knew what had happened “ Mystara… “ a smile broke free once again.

© 2008 Robotic Assistance

Author's Note

Robotic Assistance
ignore grammar problems.

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if you want a serious review, you need to really work on the form, you can read any short story author for yourself as an example and see this lacks heavy in a will to construct a proper story.. just by looking at this i wouldnt read it
if you do revise this, let me know

Posted 14 Years Ago

WOW WOW WOW!!! Epic n' ancient n' wildly imaginative!! N' super-action-packed, to boot! Fabulous, fantastical stuff! ㋡

Posted 14 Years Ago

I don't know about Oreth, he's somewhat foolish. He couldn't even realize he was tired? Idiot. All the same I didn't want the dragon to die, no more reptilian casualties of acclaimed human superiority! Yup yup back to the point- you achieved the goal of your mission. Oreth is now known.

Posted 16 Years Ago

So love the edits :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on September 15, 2008
Last Updated on September 19, 2008


Robotic Assistance
Robotic Assistance

Odessa, TX

Hello my name is Harold Veee. I'm in a slow city where nothing amazing ever happens, but I'm here so I make the best of it. Thinks I love: Amanda :D (I love you babe) Gavin WeirdNose Lee .. more..


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