The Unfulfilling Existence of a Heartbreaker

The Unfulfilling Existence of a Heartbreaker

A Poem by

(A Game Where the Winners Are Losers)


The existence of the detached is a form of self-starvation.

It is malnourished.

It latches onto the life force of the innocent, of the delicate.

It cannot stay for long; the human body cannot sustain a decaying heart.

Be kind, it does not know how else to be. 

It means no harm, it just hungers.

It feeds until nothing remains.

It does not know satisfaction.

It still craves.

It craves for human connection and love- a craving contaminated by fear of abandonment. 

So it abandons.

“The detached have outsmarted heartache- they refuse to belong.”

Oh, but you do. You do belong. 

You belong to the abyss that claimed you. 

You belong to the emptiness that encapsulates you.

The void is your cage.

The innocent are those who, although touched by darkness, refuse to be consumed by it.

Blessed are the vulnerable.

Blessed are their tear-soaked pillows.

Blessed are their pleas for relief.

Blessed are their hearts bursting in excess

Blessed are those who remain.

They are the victors.

You lost before you began. 

You chose death from the beginning.

Do you still want to keep playing?

© 2016

My Review

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This was well written and expresses how the inner self covets more of what it believes it deserves. There is a sense of appreciation for those who deny evil and embrace endurance with an open hand. Very beautiful work, indeed!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

8 Years Ago

Thank you thank you so much for your review! I sincerely appreciate it.

8 Years Ago

You're welcome!

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1 Review
Added on August 7, 2016
Last Updated on August 8, 2016
Tags: heartbreak, recovery, love, romance, heartache, abandon, breakup


You may call me Iza. I am 21 years old :). more..
