Chapter three

Chapter three

A Chapter by Papercuts.Hate.You.Too

"Let me go ask her" he said then I freaked out and knew if he saw the phone he would freak out and tell mom.So paniking I threw the phone at the wall and it broke.I tossed the ipod to Leylia so she would have something to do and I acted like I was texting someone right when Brad opened the door."Hey guys!! What are you doing?" he said coming over and siting between me and Leylia.We acted like we had no idea why he was being so nice.We stood up together and stared at him,I looked into his eyes and Leylia did to.Then when hit my foot to hers we looked at each other and said a "No way!!" at the same time.After he stared at us for a good five minutes,he finally said some thing."How did you guys know that" he started but I finished."That one of your weird freinds thinks Leylia's hot,and that you owe him since it was his house that you brought that w***e to.So you were gonna come in my room and try to get her to go out with that wierd guy." I said finising by ploping on my bed and putting my feet across his lap."I know you like the back of my hand Brad Tommson." I said as Leylia grabed a bag of chips and tossed a couple at me I opened my mouth and caught one.Then I threw one at Brad and he sat there staring at me."Oh,don't look so suprised Brad,I've know every thing about you since We were in dipers." I said eating another chip."Why do you think when I get back at you,that you realy hate it.It's 'cause I always know when your in the mood for what.Like right now you think im crazy,but your suprized that I know you so well." I said and Leylia sat on the other side of Brad and tossed more chips at me.Then she sat the chips beside the bed and stood."I got to use the bathroom,be back!!" she called.I handed him a chip and he ate is.Then he finnaly stoped staring at me and looked down at the bag of chips.I saw the bad boy smile rise on his lips and I reached over to grab it first.He beat me to it and I grabed the soda under my bed and shook it."Before I turn you into the chip queen,I give up because diet is hard to get out of white clothes" he said pointing to his snowy skinny jeans.Then I looked and saw he had a black My Chemical Romance shirt and a black studded belt.He almost never wore shoes inside the house and I was grate full for that!!Then I looked down to see what I was wearing.I had on a pink tutu that had black lace sewn in random places.My pink tank top matched perfectly by the black vest I was wearing.My pink converse that had black paint splaterd on it.Brad looked down to my shoes and laughed."Love the pink!" he said playing with a rufle in my tutu.I tossed him a chip and he ate it still playing with my skirt.That's how we always fought,he would do something stupid and I would forget it.Some times I would get back at him,but most of the time I would act like I forgot."I won." I said trowing a chip at him."Your freind still isn't gonna date Leylia.If he's your freind I just know shes to good for him." I said,giggling."Well,if you know so much then how about he comes over and we'll see how they get along.But you can't tell her,if she knows,she'll be mean the whole time." he said,grabing the rufle and straitning it out."Ok.That makes sence.For once you've actually thought of a good idea." I said suprised."Well im not all meat and bones.I've got a brain some where in here!!" he said."Your mostly bones!!Your smaller than a tooh pick!!" I said,holding up his thin arm to further prove my point."Your skinny,too.How else do you fit into those tutu's?" he said,grabing hand full of my skirt revieling what was underneath."Oh.Don't be jelous!!You defidently get more girls than me!!" I said giggling agian."If I get one girl I already beat you!!Besides if you turned gay,girls will be lineing up out side our door!!" he said,and I (once again)giggled."Who's gay?" Leylia asked walking in and spoiling our rare times when me and my brother actualy get along."No one,but one of Brad's freinds is coming over.I thought us four could hang out?" I said knowing she would eventualy agree."Fine." she said."I already called him so he should be here soon." Then he was cut off by the door bell ring."I'll get that mom." I yelled as I ran down the stairs and opened the door.The guy had brown curly hair and was taller than me(but,then again,every one is taller than me!!)."Hi,I'm Brooke.Leylias up stairs,so follow me!!" I said as I walked up to my room."Guy I don't know,meet Leylia.Leylia meet,the guy I don't know!!" I said gesturing to each of them.They looked at me and I understod.So I grabed Brad's arm and mumbled a goodbye to them as I closed the door."There so cute together!!"I said as I went back down stairs and into the kitchen with my brother following."We just made a couple!!Go us!!Go us!!Go us!!Go us!!" he said as we danced around the little kitchen."What are you guy's so happy 'bout?" asked my dad who had come in to make something for lunch.I told him about how we had left them up stairs so they could have some privacy,and as I babbled on I moved around the room making him a sandwich.When I finished I handed him the food,he thanked me and went back up stairs to help mom pack.I was hungry and this was about time mom made dinner so I made two more sandwiches,huming paramore lyrics the whole time.Brad sat on the counter,watching me.I grabed two sodas and handed one to him,he poped it open and continued to watch me.After I finished,I handed him a sandwich and took a bite of mine,then we heard a laugh.A loud laugh,and I knew it was Leylias.I looked at Brad and then turned to creep up the stairs with him behind me.I put my ear to the door and Brad did the same.I could hear them talking,then it when silent and I heard moans!!!Me and Brad were staring at eachother,wide eyed and with our mouths hanging open.He grabed me by the wrist and pulled me in his room.He went to his closet and came back out with a remote.He turned the t.v. on and it was a picture of my room,then I saw Leylia and Brads freind making out on my bed!!!!!My bed!!! I wanted to kill them!!! "I don't think I can ever sleep on my bed again." I said siting on his bed,next to him."I don't want to see this!!I'll be outside,trying not to puke" I said,as I stood up but Brad grabed my wrist and pointed to the screen.I looked and Brads freind was grouping Leylia.I made a face and walked back down stares and wonderd why Brad was following around."Why are you stalking me?" I asked him as I hoped up to sit on the kitchen counter."'Cause I got nothing better to do." he said as he started to play with my tutu again."Do you even have other freinds besides the guy up stairs making out with MY best freind?" I asked him,also playing with my skirt."" he whisperd."I don't count.I'm your sister....we need to get some more freinds." I said relizing I only had two freinds and that my brother only had one."How 'bout you be my freind and I'll be yours?" he said,flirting."Are you trying to make a move on your own sister!!" I said joking but he blushed like a little girl."Your blushing!!!Well I was kidding." I said but he just stared at me."I wasn't." he said as he moved so close to me that his waist was leaning against the counter."BRAD!!!Your my brother,I'm your sister!!!It is wrong for you to be" I was cut off by his kiss.He grabed my waist and pulled me closer to him.Loss in the moment,I put my hand in his hair and pushed his face closer to mine.I wraped my legs around his waist and he put a hand on the side of my face keeping the other at my waist.I broke the kiss and looked him in the eyes.I gently removed his hands."This isn't right!!!Were not suposed to feel this way!!We can't be THIS!!!" I said hoping down from the counter and pacing back and forth in the little room.Brad leaned back on the counter,watching me with smile on his face."Brad,we can't BE like this!!!We can't act like this!!!" I said stoping to look at him.He walked up to me and grabed my waist,pulling me to him again."I don't like it either but... I don't know.Maybe...we could try to figure this out.Together.Don't you feel it,too?" he asked and I did feel something.Something that was hidden deep inside me,waiting to burst out."Yeah,I feel it." I said with a smile.Then I heard moms voice coming down the hall and Brad set me on the counter.He leaned against the same counter and sighed.Then mom came in and smiled at the fact that we weren't fighting."What's got you two down?" she asked as she grabed a water out of the frige and took a sip."Our freinds are up stairs,making out and now were bored" I said flatly.She coughted back up her water making me l smile.After she was ok,I hoped back up on the counter."You've got to do something about it.Maybe you four could all go somewhere together." she said then walked out.I hit Brad in the arm,once I knew she was up stairs again.He laughed and turned to face me like he had before."Did you see how close that was?!What would of happen if she caught us?!" I said,but he just played with my hair.I grabed his hand and took him outside to the tree house me and Leylia made when we were in the fifth grade.Once we were in the little room he pressed me against the closest wall and I tryed to tell him that we need to figure this out but he stoped my protest by kissing me again.This time I had control and when he noticed I wasn't into the kiss,he stoped."We need to figure out what to do.We can only do the kissing stuff when we know were alone!!!" I said sitting on the floor and thinking this through.Brad sat down and held his arms open for me.I crawled over to him and into his lap."Let's go some where,you,me,Leylia and Rylie." he said as he gently stroked my hair."That's his name?Well I do wanna go some where.Maybe...the movies?" I said not really caring where we went."That's perfect!!!" he said,putting a hand on my face and making me look at him.Then he leaned forward and I did the same,putting a hand in his hair.The kiss was long and sweet and I pulled away only to put my head on his chest and close my eyes.I was dating my brother!!!MY BROTHER!!!My own flesh and blood!!!If we ever wanted to get maryed we would have to change our last names and no one could come.Mom would be so confussed and dad would get mad.I didn't even want to think about what would happen if Leylia knew.She would hate me.Ron would hate me.Brad would really be the only one I could even talk to.No one but me and him.Him and me.Together till the end.I loved the sound of that.Then I felt him stand under me and I stood,too."Let's go brake the love birds up" he said hoping down from the tree house and to the ground.Then he looked up and helped me down.Once up stairs, I knocked on the door and I heard Leylia call "Come in" so I opened the door and was suprised to find Leylia siting in Rylies lap while they watched t.v."Hey,Wanna go to the movies?We could see...The secret life of bee's or...In the land of women or...August rush...orrrrrrrrrrrr" I turning to Leylia,knowing she would follow."orrrrrrrrr" she said standing and slowly walking over to me.I heard Brad tell his freind to cover his ears but it was to late."rrrrrrr TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" we yelled together.Then started babiling on and on about the actors.After a while we stoped talking and turned to the guys."Brad,Rylie we need to find some clothes for Leylia,so if you will" I said gesturing towards the door.They walked out and me and my best girl freind walked into my closet.We found a pair of hop pink pants and white and pink hello kitty shirt.I have really small feet so Leylia couldn't wear any of my shoes,but luckly she had on perfect white converse.She was about to take her shirt off,when I rememberd that Brad has a camera hidden some where in my room.I scaned the top of the walls till I found a little whole and a lens in it.I grabed a couple books and stacked them in a pile so I could stand on them.I grabed the camera out of the whole and tured it off.Then I put it in my closet and decided to give it as a birthday gift to Brad."So what do you think?" Leylia said posing like a model."I have the perfect belt" I said as I grabed one of my million belts and handed it to her.The belt was white and the had different coloured peace signs all over it.Then I draged her over to my night stand and put a pink bow in her hair.I grabed my pink and black checkered bag and tossed my pink zebra print wallet in it along with my car keys and a little brush just in case."Can I borrow a bag?" Leylia asked as she sliped on her shoes."Of course.Just pick on and lets go!!" she grabed the bag that matched her belt pefectly(it was the same pattern).She tossed her phone, her wallet and a ton of candy into the bag.I would of yelled at her for eating so much candy,but I had just realized I almost forgot my phone.After ten more minutes of running around the room and asking eachother "how do I look?" or "Am I forgeting something?" we walked out and into the hall way to tell the boys we were ready and as we walked down the stairs Rylie said some thing about the weather and me and Leylia claped our hands once and turned to eachother as we said "Jackets!!!Be right back!!!".We raced past them and back into my little closet.We walked back down the staires with me in a black leather jacket and Leylia in a white one."We have our wallets,car keys,jackets and shoes."we both cheaked again to make sure that we had every thing before we all piled into Brad's car and took off down the road."What are gonna see?" I asked turning down the music so I could hear every request."Well...we could see Transformers!!" Brad said driving with one hand one the wheel and the other hand taping his knee."I say,ladies first." said Rylie and suddently I was wondering how he liked Leylia."Well,I don't really mind what it is so Leylia,you got any ideas?" I said looking in my passenger mirror to see Leylia and Rylie in the back seat."How about we decide when we get there?" she asked and we all agreed,so once we got out of the car we all headed up to stand in line.


My anoying sis is making me get off so,toodles!!!!



© 2009 Papercuts.Hate.You.Too

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Added on August 30, 2009



Somewhere.over.the.rainbow, VA

