The Gang

The Gang

A Chapter by Papercuts.Hate.You.Too

"I am the worlds biggest idiot" I said mostly to myself."You had no idea that was a professer" Lafon said sliding his hand down my arm to hold my hand."Even if that wasn't a professer that's still so rude for me to say!!" I said as we steped into the libary.No one was else was there except a veary young professer (really, the only way I knew he was a professer was because he had the pin thingy over his breast pocket that Neferet also wore) and he simply glanced our way before looking back to his book and looking up to me again (well of course I would turn a few heads, I'm the new girl walking around with a bunnie,a tracker, and I have butterflies all over my face).He had dark black hair and his mark looked like a mask.I was still shocked by the incident in gym so Lafon continued to pull (more like tow) me towards the back of the libary until we found some couches that were over stuffed but still better than standing."So what do you guys need?" the girl said.What was her name again? "Zoey, Leylia here had been marked by me and when I did, this full tatto appered.We were wondering if you knew any way that we could figure out why this happened?" he said calmly and smoothly(and I rememberd her name after he said it).She looked at me long and hard before saying "no one really knows why Nyx does what she does.She just does it and we except.".I finally managed to find my voice to say"So ,in other words, you have no idea why I have these markings?".She gave me a look that told me she barley knew why she had her makings."I know that when I do some thing she wants me to, my markings grow." she said hoping that was something.Well if she follows Nyx and has tattos, and I have tatoos that must mean she (Nyx) must want me to follow her.Thats what I will do, I will trust and belive in her.While I was trying to figure out  what I would do, Lafon and Zoey had been talking about the same subject."So, if she comes to the full moon ritual tommorrow, then maybe Nyx will help us out." she said not sure if that would work completely."That's it." I said just now listening to them. "I need to talk to her.To Nyx.I need to find out what I'm supposed to do" I said even though I already knew.Something inside of me told me not to let them know I already knew what I was going to do."Okay.Dinner will start in a little so we can head that way and meet up with some of my freinds so we can dicide how were gonna put you in the circle and so I can introduce you to them." she said standing up.I copyed her move ent and told Lafon I would meet him back here at the libary after lunch for him to show me my mentor,my room, and where every thing else is.I could easily see he didn't want to leave me but I convinced him that I wasn't going to die at lunch so he let me and Zoey leave with out him and she talked about the full moon ritual the whole way there. Once we walked in all of kids turned and stared at me I looked towards the food and I almost took a step forward until Zoey called my name and pulled me out of the food trance I was in."This is Damein,the smart one, Jack, the sweet one,and the twins ,Erin and Shaunee.There the fashion queen's." Zoey said gestering to each one as she said there names."I noticed you have markes like Zoey" Damein said."Yeah, I guess that's why people are staring at me" I said looking around the room to see half the cafateria still looking at me."There looking because she looks like she belongs in a magizine." the Jack whisperd to Damein."Yeah, a halloween mask magazine" I said with a smile."You heard me?" he said looking at me like I had just read his mind."Duh,your not veary good at whispering" I said suddently feeling hungry again."Well you have excelint hearing then.Hey, Zoey can you pass the salt" he said trying to grab but not being able to."Here" I said flicking my wrist so the salt would fly into his hand.Every one starred at me and I got that hungry feeling again."I'm starving.Can I go eat?" I asked Zoey while putting Kitten in my bag.She noded and I walked over to were the food was and piled my plate high before taking a seat by the twins."So, when's this full moon ritual." I said around a bite of spaghetti."Well, it's really just us thanking the elements and Nyx's for every thing." Zoey said while every one said there "yeah"s "that's it exzacly"."So, has your cat found you yet?" Erin asked."I already have a bunnie, why would I need a cat?" I said, noticing Jack smile like a boy does when he sees his first puppie."You have a bunnie!! I bet she's just adorable!!" he said excitingly."Yeah, this is Kitten" I said pulling my fat bunnie out of my bag."Aww.She's so cute!!" I heard Jack say while reaching a hand out to pet her."Why did you name your bunnie Kitten?" Shaunee said, asking the question I hear to much."Yeah, that's like naming a lizard, doggy" Erin said, of course agreeing with her."Well, it's just a cute name and even if she was a cat I would of still named her Kitten" I said petting her."Leylia, what's this scar on her ear?" Jack asked. being careful not to touch it."Oh,well whan I found her she had a nial stuck in her ear" I said finishing my last bit of spaghetti."Good greif, where did you find her?In a sewer?" Jack said and I acted like I was mad. "Noooooo...maybe...ok, yes, I found her in a sewer. But after I got the nail out,cleaned her, and fed her like a dozen carrots, she looked like she does now." I said glad that I had washed her the night before."So you found a rabit in a sewer and cleaned and fed it then you keep it!!" Erin asked like I had addmited I killed some one."Looks like we got another Zoey.Except this one has twice the energy and is half the size." Shaunee said of coures agreeing with her twin."Hey im strong, I bet I could take on..." I looked around the room til I found a big guy who was sitting with three more guys who were ,also, big like him."him.I can take on all of them!!" I said knowing I could."Yeah right.They arn't students.There Sons of Erebus.They kill for a living!!" Erin said looking from the warrior to me and back to him."Watch me" I said grabing Kitten and walking over to the table that seemed veary small with them sitting in it.I gave them a warm smile and they returned it nicly."May I be so rude to ask what you are here for, ma'am?" One of them asked."Im simply here to prove to my freinds that I am stronger than they think I am.So I though we could arm wresle!!" I said making them look at me like I was asking them to fit through a three inch whole."No offence ma'am but we do not want to hurt you.It seems you already have a injured wrist." said the one siting closest to me, staring at my arm."Well I just want to see if you were stronger then me, but if you don't think you can handle the pain, I guess I can understand." I said then turned to walk away.I only had time to take three step's forward before one of them shouted "I think im tough enough to handle you.".I smiled at my freinds shocked faces and slowly turned around to see the biggest one standing tall in front of me."Ok" I said walking past him to sit at the table.He sat on the other side of me arm already on the table."But ,when I beat your tuchas (Took -us), you can't hate me.This is pure fun and nothing serious, you got it?" I said making sure no one would hate me on my first day."What's a took-us?" he asked."Tuchas is jewish for your butt.My mother was a jew and I picked up some words I liked.Now Im going to beat you tuchas" I said, giving him a grin."Well, give me your hand" he said and I grined wider."Im gonna play a little different" I said, while holding my hand a few inches from his, but with my hand flat out."Count it off, big boy." I said still grining like an idot."One...two...THREE" he said then push his arm with all his force, but not even buging it.I was using my telekinesis powers to hold his arm still.Every one was staring at me and I waved to Zoey and the gang (with the hand that I wan't arm wresling with)."I told you I would beat your tuchas" I said before flicking my wrist ,causing his arm to make a "boom!!!" sound when it hit the table telling every one watching that I had won.His arm left a big dent in the table,too."It was fun playing with you but I got to go.Hope you don't get mad." I said, then though of the dent in the table. I turned around and held my hand out.Then I lifted my fingers and with another "boom" the metal poped back into place.I picked Kitten up and walked back to the table, but instead of siting I grabed my bag."I got to go meet Lafon at the libary so He can show me my room.Bye!!" I said then turned and walked out the door and to the back to the libary.I walked in and saw Lafon laying on the couches were we at last time."Let's go meet this "mentor" and then find my room so I can sleep" I said, but he just sayed there looking out the window.Then I noticed the smell."Man,whens the last time you took a shower?" I said walking over to the other side of the couch so I could see his face, and as soon as I saw the knife I couldn't move.Lafon had a dagger sticking out of his chest and his shirt was soaked in blood.I heard a horrable scream that was so loud, I covered my ears.It took me a while to figure out I was the person who was screaming.Then some one grabed me and I reconized him as the young professer who I saw in the libary before lunch.Even though I knew  he was a professer, he could of been the one who stabed Lafon, so I tryed to get away from his embrace but he was strong and I stood no chance."CALM DOWN MA'AM...WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP STRUGGALING" he yelled but I continued to thrust around in his arms."LET GO OF ME!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled trying not to cry.When he finally let go of me I ran out the doors and back into the dinning hall.I burst through the doors and over the table where Zoey and the twins and the gay boys were sitting.zoey stood and grabed my shoulders."What's wrong!?!" she said holding me steady.By then every one stoped talking and was looking at me so when I yelled "Lafon's...dead.I...I went to him and...that's when...I found him.Then some guy...grabed me and...I just ran here." I finished leaning into her and she looked over to the twins and started taking control."Erin and Shaunee, go get Neferet and go to the libary.Jack and Damian, bring Leylia to my room and calm her down I'll be there in an hour." then the boys helped me walk out the doors and over to another building.By the time we were in a room,which I guessed to be zoeys, I had stoped crying, but felt like I couldn't talk (probably 'cause the scream).Jack and Damian were saying soothing words to me but all I could hear was a buzzing noise.I layed on the mattress that had nothing on it and the boys sat on the other bed which was easy to tell, was Zoeys bed.After a while the door opened and the twins steped in.They sat on Zoeys bed too and they must of noticed that I wasn't listening be cause after Erin whisperd in Jacks ear the buzz stoped.I layed there seeing the picture of Lafon's dead body in my mind.The knife was black, but it had a silver stripe on the handle like a kitchen knife, and all the blood.On his shirt and most likely the couch.I started to feel a horrable pull in my stomach and I ran into what I prayed was the bathroom.Lucky me,it was the bathroom.I puked twice before washing my face and walking back out to the room to lay on the bare mattress.After a while the door opened and the professer steped in.He stood at the door looking at me.I stared at him a long time.I tryed to talk but I still couldn't so I scaned the room till I found a pen on the dresser and a old piece of scrap paper.I moved my hand so I could hold it in the air and twist my wrist so that the objects could fly through the little room, only to land in front of me.I grabed the pen and wrote:

I lost my voice,don't know why.Who's the guy? 

 then,with a flick of my wrist,I sent the paper to the other bed, still staring at the him.I heard Erin say "She lost her voice" then she stood and walked over to the guy."Leylia,this is Professer Night." I hated his name (and his guts).I used my power to snatch the paper from the bed and scribbled the exzact thing I wanted to say.

He was there when I found his body.He grabed me from behind and when he finally let go I ran straight to the dinning room.

I flung the paper back to the other mattress and continued staring at this Night guy.When they read what I wrote this time no one talked for a long time as the room absorbed my mood.Sad,and Scared.Then the door opens and Zoey steps in with Neferet behind her.The crowded room became tence and ,if I could, I would of filled Zoey and Neferet in.My uncontrolable mind wonderd back the picture of Lafon's dead body.I could feel my stomach doing flips and I knew I was going to throw up again.I pushed Night out of the way and ran into the bathroom.I was trying so hard not to puke in the room that I forgot to shut the door.With a flick of my wrist, I once again, had privacy.I washed my face again and headed out planning to sit back on the bed, but Night was there.He had his back against the wall and his feet on the mattress.I noticed the paper and pen were right beside him so ,useing my power, I wrote him a note then steped out the room.Right before I closed the door I heard him recite it."No shoes on the bed.P.S. I know".I walk down the stairs and as I entered the big room full of girls I noticed a white ball that all the girls were "ohhhhh"ing and "awwwww"ing at.I pushed through the crowd and found Kitten dressed in a pet jacket and some snoby girl was trying to pick her up.I walked over,picked her up and walked off."hey,that's my rabbit.I found her." called the girl who couldn't even pick her up.Even though my voice was rough and it hurt like a shtuken nisht in harts(hurt like hell(jew phrase))."This is MY bunnie and next time you try to steal some one pet google them.Over 62% of bunnies die from heart attacts and are easily scared.So before you and your billik freinds kill this bunnie, I better go!!!!!!!" I said before leaving the room(by the way,billik means cheap(one of my jew words)).I walked back to the only place I knew,besides the libary,and im not going there!!As I walked,I noticed the stupid jacket was still on my bunnie.I tore it of,making suer I didn't hurt her.Once I was in the cafiteria,I layed down on one of the booths and put Kitten on my stomach.I closed my eyes and thought of the times when I wasn't being slaped,yelled at, or laughed at(A.K.A. the good times in my life).The crazy day had left me so tired that I feel asleep right there in the cafateria booth with my best freind(Kitten)sleeping on top of me.

© 2009 Papercuts.Hate.You.Too

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very interesting i'm really getting into this i love her telapathic powers :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 21, 2009
Last Updated on August 29, 2009



Somewhere.over.the.rainbow, VA

