

A Chapter by Papercuts.Hate.You.Too

I opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was in a green room.I was laying on a cot bed (what milatary people sleep on).I saw a table beside the bed and two doors.I asumed one was the way out and the other, a closet.I saw a window on the same wall as the bed, which was actually preatty comfortable."Why didn't you just mark her, then leave and move on to the next kid like your supposed to?!!" I heard some one yell.It sounded like it was a women who yelled and like she was only in the next room.I sat up and automaticly wished I hadn't because when I leaned against my wrist it was as some one took a hammer and smashed it against it.I didn't scream or even cry (though I wanted to, so bad) I just breathed in and out slowly till the pain was bearable, then I looked down at my wrist and saw it was wraped in a bandage, I'm so small that it was wraped around and around a ton of times and you could see that it still had to be cut shorter.Then I looked over to the corner of the room and saw Kitten locked in a cage (which you might imagine made me really mad).I quickly hopped off the bed(careful not to lean on my wrist) and got Kitten out while muttering to my self about how rude they must be to put a cute little bunnie in a cage!!!!! "When I marked her THAT happened.I zapped her then she just took a step forward and then passed out. I caught her then I looked at her and she had that tatto" Lafon yelled right back at her,and not telling her the whole story of him bringing me here then having to zap me.I quickly scaned the room till I found what I was looking for.I walked over to the mirror and tryed to control my reaction(I couldn't control it).My forhead had a cresent moon like any other vampire I saw in our history books, but on each side it had white wings and further down my face (on each side of my eyes) was butterflies with wings that were bright with different colors and on the right side of my face was another one, and one more on the left side just below the corner of my mouth.All of the vampires I've seen had black tattos but mine were diferent colors.I touched one of the as if it would disaper, but it stayed there.Permanit.Just as I feared it would.Kittens sudden snort (telling me she was mad) made me look down at her in my arms, then I saw her looking in the direction of the door and I turned to look at what made her so mad.I saw a women who had brown hair like mine, but her's was more curly, and a amazing face.She was wearing a green dress that complamented her curvy body.Even though she was smiling like a mother does to her childer and seemed so nice some thing about her gave me a bad vibe."Are you okay?" she asked taking a step forward and giving me a I-think-she's-sick look."Um...I guess." I said turning back to the mirror to look at my tattos again."It's just...alot to take in.I guess I'll get used to it." I said mostly to my self."Then I heard some one walk in and instead of turning around I simply looked in the mirror to see who it was.Lafon looked paler than before but he had a oh-my-god-im-just-so-glad-your-ok look on his face and I saw a smile pulling at his lips."So...Your a wake.Thats good." he said giving in and smiling down at me(I still couldn't get over how tall he was)."Yeah.I just got one question.Why is my marked filled in ,and while I'm asking, why do I have butterflies all over my face" I said as calmly as I could manage while turning to face them."Well that's what we were wondering,Leylia.We've only had one other fledging that has had the same thing happen to her and she knows that she has been blessed by out god,Nyx.So I was assuming the same for you." she said looking at Kitten most of the time she was talking."Well I hope you don't mind Kitten here." I said petting her and feeling the vibarations of her purring."Well, it's just that we have cat's here and I'm afraid they might not get along." she said still eyeing Kitten like she was a monster."Kitten loves everyone.She's like a grandma.Well, not like mine.Mine died from a drug over douse when I six, but not one came to her funeral except me, Karen, and my grandpa who die a year later from drinking and driving.Well, look at me, I'm babaling on about my messed up family when I don't even know your name." I said stoping myself before she relized what I truly was (crazy)."Oh, I'm Neferet.I'm like the nurse/profeser/high prease." she said with another motherly smile."This is Lafon.He's the one who marked you" she said, gestering to him."Well if I am blessed by Nyx, how does that explain this" I said pointing to my forhead."Well, why don't you go ask Zoey.I think she's in gym right now." she said sneaking a glance at Kitten."I'll take you there.If you don't mind" Lafon said giving me a puppy dog face."Sure.That would be great!" I said as I grabed my bag which was in the corner by the cage they put Kitten in.As we walked down many hallways we small talked for a while until I though of a good question."Why was Kitten in a cage when I woke up?" I said petting her."Neferet though it would be best if we put her in there so she doesn't get hurt." he said still walking."Well,'m suprised she didn't freak out when Neferet grabed her" I said puting her down and leting her hop beside me.Then Lafon came to a stop a open the doors to a big gym filled with people fencing.A guy standing close to me fell and almost toppled Kitten. I quickly picked her up and watched him fall."Hey, watch were your t falls, a few more inches and Kitten would of been stuck up there!!" I said not even trying to be funny, but still making Lafon laugh."And you would of been pulling her out!!" I told him making him stop laughing.I held a hand out for the guy who fell and he grabed it  really hard."What are you trying to brake this wrist ,too" I said still mad. Once he was standing he took off his helmint and I wanted to kick my own butt right there."Your the professer, aren't you?" I said in a voice bearly louder than a whisper."Yes.I'm professer Dragon" he said with a smile even though I had been so rude."I am soooooooo sorry!! I was just mad because they put my bunnie in a cage which could of killed her because when she's around other people she get's scared and alot of bunnies die from heart attacks every year and I don't want my bunnie to die." I finished in a rush still staring wide eyed at the professer I had just insulted."Breath" Lefon said to me and I realized I had been holding my breath.I took a couple long breaths then I looked around the room to see every kid staring at me.I noticed one girl who had tattos around her face and I remeberd why we had come here in the first place."Can we talk?Privately." Lafon said to the girl.She looked at me for a while before she said "Sure" and then walked over to us.Lafon started to turn for the door but when he noticed me staring at the ground and not moving, he grabed my arm and pulled me out the door with him.

© 2009 Papercuts.Hate.You.Too

Author's Note

I love the whole-i-make-fun-of-my-teacher-with-out-even-knowing-it-was-him thing and what do you think about the book so far?

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nice love the telepath and really good :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 18, 2009
Last Updated on August 21, 2009



Somewhere.over.the.rainbow, VA

