K's present

K's present

A Poem by wrote.here

To a best mate


Words fail to answer for this person

for even if we are apart without line.

Everyday is not enough,

each moment is left unforgotten.

Even when moments are tough,

Hiding from our warden distance.

Nothing can replace this,

Something time can’t erase.


There’s no way to describe her exactly,

it’s as if describing the air you breathe.

Seeing her makes everything brighter,

she’s like the full moon during the eve.


She is eternally, until the end, infinitely

a best friend, the kind that’s rare to meet.

a sister, who has the other you like another me.

a true mate, who you will forever at heart keep.

a leader, whose orders you’d follow unquestionably.


What parts can I remember? What parts are real?

Too many to write… but I pray it will suffice to mention,

Do you remember when we met?

You were pink and I was blue.

Did I ever tell you?

I knew everything would be okay because I’ve got you.

Do you remember the song playing?

The one about daylights and ending.

Can you relive the sky?

The time when we were on the roof as you said goodnight.


I will never say goodbye to you,

the thought is ridiculous.

The idea of losing you is preposterous,

and so I will always see you in…

life or the next,

dreams that are real or in mind,

the bloody internet or any other way.


How I’d feel for her is like so as is.

I trust her, without limits.

I’d die for her, without second thoughts.

I will find her, if she’s lost.

I’ll love her, till the hells freeze over.


When we find each other again,

for sure we do something mad.

I will practically…

hug you to death,

grin more than slightly,

talk to you endlessly.


What is she like? To be frank like this:

She’s a genius, none would doubt this.

Her art makes you smile, it’s always alive.

She’s beautiful, every laugh and smile.

Her presence is vivid, even with closed eyes.


I know when she sees this she might say…

No, NO, or even the great NOO!
But you see, the truth is…

Yes, YES, and specially YES!!!

All I said is true, she’s quite the beauty too.


I’d be missing her each day,

where ever place I stay.

My life is tied to yours in fate,

you’re my sister in every way.

You are the moon in my heaven,

my favorite person in our earth’s haven.


Am a bit lost without you here,

but know I’m always beside you.

You are in…

my head,

my mind,

my thoughts.

To paint you in memory

,black and white or any color…

would never be enough.

Loving you is like the sky,

a thousand colors in one shade.


And that I truly do,

I love K like today as I always will do.

© 2014 wrote.here

Author's Note

To K when she reads this,
Happy Birthday :3 this is yours
distance prevents me from giving a gift
so screw distance
like a song says[revised a bit]
I hope you don't mind, that I put down in words.
how wonderful life is, that I met you in this world

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This is so amazing...a tribute to your best friend. I am touched. I wish someone would treat and love me like a sister like you have mentioned. You are so blessed having each other.
Thank you for this wonderful piece.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thank you, twas my pleasure to make it for her as she is a most special friend
This is a beautiful poem. I am sure there are personal reasons for all the font colours, while I find it a little hard on the forty something eyes:)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

thank you, my best mate's currently country's away and today's her birthday haha

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2 Reviews
Added on January 25, 2014
Last Updated on January 25, 2014
Tags: best friend, sister, K



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