I almost understood this, yet not at all. It's perplexing and oddly beautiful. There's mystery here, or just plain nonsense... or both. It's twisted and a bit dark, yet seems to harness a bit of light as well. Very intriguing... I do love a mystery.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Also, share some of whatever dank deliciousness you were smoking when you wrote this! Fawk...
9 Years Ago
mind often can't understand. anyway thank you on reading :)
There are a few bright spots in this poem, such as the first stanza, but all in all, it does not flow together as an integrated message, at least to my reading. I cannot understand the connection between quantum physics & the last 7 lines.
This sounds exactly like me when I'm stoned. Last time I was smoking I pulled out my physics book and started teaching everyone in the room about conventional current! Haha, very nice piece, really enjoyable read. :)
I really love this. The first part reminds me of a long and treacherous part of my life and how my love made me feel with his addictions. The science added in then bringing up the sky really tops it off for me. I am very pulled in by science in poems given that it is such an important part of life and often over looked in the poetic world. Many of my poems have to do with the sky and also mention science. This appealed to me on so many levels, very well written.
This is a rather unusual poem. Very contradictory and thought provoking. It seems that the voice of this piece is giving several different messages at once. While this is quite confusing it's also remarkably mystical. I really like this one a lot!