So wt do u thnk hw dt women shud b dt ny mn wl b hpy to.tie s knot...?
Yes even a suduko of exprt level can be solvd but a womens mind is next to impossible to decipher.Evry man needs a womsn who is beautifl,smart and definitely width Brains. But this qualities can b found in evry 4th lady in any place. So how can the man find the lady of his dreams........
Every woman should have these 4 qualities that would attract ny man towards hr like a magnet.
No 4
Never brainwash ur man..he hates it plz.your man is not a wall to be washed on a regular basis. Common evrybdy knows hw to handle any sitiuation some in a mature wy,some in an immature wy,some compromises,some dont even budge n sum jus ignores n leave it to fate.Yes you can gv some advice but aftr giving advice dnt just expect that only your advc wl be followed.
No 3
Your not free always to msg him 24 hrs.Common who will plan to stay with a person who is cnstantly msgn.callin.finding your whreabts,enquiring if you had bf,brunch,supper,dinner...omg.Babe your man is nt a baby to be checked hourly.Spare him.Yes wnhvr you both are free just speak for sumtime then find some convenient time to hve that long..,flirty,Romntic,sexy conversation and durin that conversation you can ask al the thngs that you wre dying to knw since the time you started your day.Checking on your partner what he is upto., Even he feels happy, yes there is an angel whos is always thinkn of me..But yes even angels are also on break once in a while.
Tip.try for sumty da trick.jus less d frequency f ur cals.msgs n c d result.ur.mn.wl xum.runin twrds u like a child cums runin aftr d first dy f deir kindergarten.
No 2
Plz do nt disturb him when he is hangn out with his buddies.
That's the least time he is expctn your call.txts.Yes ur the luv,. Soulmate,.otherhalf,betterhalf.significant other(o gosh so many terms) but he was born alone...so why can't you leave him alone....Guy budies have a very strong bond mand they alwys try to make some time out from their busy schedules.
So plzl ladies do not call your man when hes is having me time with his pals.
No 1. Numerouno
The most important b romantic,Passionate and sex frndly.
A man wll alwys be man.he has his needs and he is always needy no matter what the situation is and women they have this habit of just makn some excuses (lame excuse - tired.sad.unhapy
V.hapy.upset.angry.wrk.pressure. Parents r here.i nd to. Get up early. IM sleepy.u don't knwi m havng my....those days.u dnt hve safty.sex is not the nly thing. U knw ilove u.do u lv me or.my.bdy.)
Im not sayn just fuck up wnhvr you both are together but yes try to spice up his life wnhvr you gt the chance .Like he shud be more than eager to meet and always think about your next sizzling move.Afterall man was first an animal.
I kbw that al the women out there hav these qualities but sumwher down the line they just dissolve these traits due to the relationship pressure or insecuritu of losing your man of dreamz.
So just revive all these qualits of yours and see how your man proposes and take you to meet his mum and dad.
Happy readn