"I am going to talk to you about feelings and love, I am a very loving person a person who love’s abundant people around me. I appreciate this people and this people have driven me through the most harsh times in my entire life. I believe love is thinking about someone over the years and not caring what they look like even if in sometime the love of your life was the prettiest boy on earth and 4 years laters he is full of pimples and not cute at all so what? you do not see that in him. Can you get my point? that is exactly how I feel. I wonder and ask myself, How is it possible for me to be in love with this guy if there is nothing a girl can see on him? I believe this feeling is called love, LOVE makes us go blind. When we are in love we only see what we want to see not what we are suppose to see. Love is a very complicated word and I believe I need to grow on it I need to extend my love towards others and open my heart to those who really deserve my sincere and eternal love."