When we Don't Know

When we Don't Know

A Story by Matthew Paul

I wrote this from the perspective of a person growing up in the city who cant handle what they see day to day. It is not how I feel in particular but, maybe it raises some interesting points?


When we don't know

When we feel part of something we do not grasp we collapse our desires and aims into frustrations. This frustration becomes anger as we feel reasonless. So many questions seem so heated. we become at a loss to explain how we feel. 

What are these cities for. These gray streets weep rain into the gutters like the proverbial collective tears of one another. The plastic beauty surrounding us is fake, if we take the foolishness away; these buildings are just symbolic of self righteous pride rising up from the stripped lands we have demolished.

Why should we buy into the positivity we are cultured with. We have come so far to stand here in nowhere with no idea where we are heading. In fool proof routines there becomes little to smile about. Our life styles are beyond our control, those born to be poor suffer the domino effect into poverty. A person can feel rich and be poor; yes. But when our senses are so bombarded by material things beyond reach; is it not just to question equality.


When we don't know

We feel lost, overwhelmed by a void which causes a halt to the instincts that inspire us to live. We feel like we could circle the globe and never know what it feels like to be free. We feel subjected to laboring in niches for the very same society that is inadvertently silencing our will.

So we look outside of our cities to find solace and place hopes and dreams but; we see wars, famines and diseases. Hunger, abuse, genocide and slavery. We start creating fantasy realities to deny depression the right to make us give up.

This is how we slip to know hate against the way we live. It is not a choice nor rebellion, just a succession of reactions we make as we face the walk of life. In these cities people walk head down and our neighbors are all strangers. There is no sense of belonging, no sense of community, our interactions are stamped around markets and cash transactions. How is this a happy life.


© 2009 Matthew Paul

Author's Note

Matthew Paul
Just a first copy, and unfinished.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Dismally put. The city eats alot of good souls and is very much alive. Sometime not knowing is a good thing but not here with the mix of plaster, cement and continual disassociation. Very 'Borg' like. Interesting Sense of feel.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 19, 2009
Last Updated on June 19, 2009


Matthew Paul
Matthew Paul


Those that know; know. The dream is still the same as day one. embed wmode="opaque" src="http://static.ning.com/socialnetworkmain/widgets/index/swf/badge.swf?v=4.1.5%3A22017" FlashVars="backgroun.. more..

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