Unity is all that comes to mind. When reading this piece I see the things in life that unite us, hardships and struggle, determination and strength, expression and creation, faith and persistance, and finally will to live. These are all common things all of mankind shares and what unites us as a functioning society for all of mankind shares the pain of hardships, we all desperatly strive to rise from it, we all express our displeasure of it and create a means to end it, we keep fighting our way through it day after day with the idea of the haven ahead that awaits us once we have escaped. A great example of what brings us together in life in general.
And i also think that this represents not only the struggle and our fight, but our will to survive and our final triumph, though not gained yet, entirely. IT will come one day. Not so much Heaven, but peace, for sure, in some form, pure happiness, love, all will reign victorious, be it on earth or in some alternate time and place...
Unity is all that comes to mind. When reading this piece I see the things in life that unite us, hardships and struggle, determination and strength, expression and creation, faith and persistance, and finally will to live. These are all common things all of mankind shares and what unites us as a functioning society for all of mankind shares the pain of hardships, we all desperatly strive to rise from it, we all express our displeasure of it and create a means to end it, we keep fighting our way through it day after day with the idea of the haven ahead that awaits us once we have escaped. A great example of what brings us together in life in general.
Those that know; know. The dream is still the same as day one.
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