The Inevitable Truth

The Inevitable Truth

A Story by IronCote


Mocha; large & without cream, a morning ritual, one of many I should add, a destructive caffeine filled habit, some might describe it.

 An old fashioned song playfully and coincidentally rhymed and fit along with the clanking of cups and the espresso machines steamers. Love me tender " Elvis Presley. People just never seem to enjoy the classics anymore, makes them feel older I suppose, can be scary to some.

It took me a few seconds shy of a minute to snap into the reality bubble and realize it was my cellular phone that was ringing, I immediately felt for my left pocket for my stress vitamins, after having felt they were there I wondered why else my mum would be calling. Perhaps something had gone wrong with her checkup.

I am not your typical emotional guy, nor am I the popular adored one nor am I the lonely outcast, but I am not to be blamed for knowing that only my mother would be calling me. Although, come to think of it, there is only one thing worse than having only your mother call you and that is the expectation of having only your mother call.

Was not a familiar number, bless the IT companies for their brilliant creation of the caller id to protect our freedoms. Reject. Slid the Phone back in my pocket, collected the take-away cup of coffee from the barista with the hazel eyes and grinned foolishly.

 The number Called again, and again and again, a total of 9 times. I thought that I maybe should have answered it earlier, well, too late. Love me...Tender... Love me sweet...Never let me go...

I answered this time. A robotic female voice spoke & what she said changed the entire course of my life, ironically she spoke in such a manner as to suggest she was reading of a script, how life can be, what means nothing to one individual can destroy another`s life.

“Good Morning, Mr. Jan Hebberson? Sir, we have you listed as the emergency contact for Barbara Hebberson. I’m afraid there’s been an accident.”


 How can the sun still shine, why are the birds still chirping and why have the stars not exploded, the mountains remain intact, the sky remains blue and the trees are still swaying, the oceans remain salt infested and i was still breathing. Why have the oceans not sunk it and why has the earth not cracked, why has the rain not fallen and why have the rivers not evaporated. That is what the world has come to, except it wasn't the world...only mine.

 Waking up to my face tightly pressed against the windows of the train, the stain of mist from my breath expanding and retracting, was when i saw her for the first time. Sitting alone, on the corner compartment with her legs casually crossed and music playing softly in her right ear, while the other headphone hung loose down her chest interwhining with her stunning coal black hair. She had ginger eyes, lighter eyebrows and a bandage on her right hand reaching halfway up her arm. She had a dark green polo shirt and semi loose khakis, and she was beautiful. Coal black hair, ginger eyes, light eyebrows, a bandage and a smirk that was only striggered on the right side of her mouth, and she was beautiful. She was alone and i was too, i studied her firmly wrapped bandage and assumed it was a sport injury. Afterall, we all make naive, optimistic assumptions, some have called it living positively and some have called it faith, but i knew better, or i would learn to know better..

© 2010 IronCote

Author's Note

Hello My fellow readers & writers,
I will be posting short chapters such as the above on a bi weekly basis, reason being is to keep it updated & to keep up the suspense. Please do not hesitate to comment whatever your opinion may be, as long as its valid.
Thank you.

My Review

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Ah, the power of detail to make the story alive, and the possibility of what is happening creates the desire to want to read more.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I have made it purposely exceptionally short, you must be patient! :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is exceptionally short but really well written, leaves the reader wondering what is going have a talent for detail...but I am not patient! LOL! Let me know when you paste more.


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on April 24, 2010
Last Updated on April 29, 2010
Tags: Horror, Truth, Insanity, Romance



Dubai, Deira, United Arab Emirates

I am 20 Years old, I am english. I am easily inspired but also easily distracted, so when i do have a passionate moment, it becomes very powerful but perhaps not consistent. I enjoy playing instrum.. more..