Satan's Steal

Satan's Steal

A Story by Invisible_kid


                Sandra Portiere sat nervously in the visiting center, waiting upon Doc’s arrival with the news. Her eyes drifted to her watch, seven o’clock. She’d be due for work within the hour, where was this doctor? Her mind drifted to young Apollyon. Would she be okay? Will she make it through this? How long will it take? The questions shot through her mind like wildfire, and the results continued to become more and more gruesome as the inner interrogation went on.
                Doc entered the room slowly, his steps hesitant, and his face grave. A petite nurse walked by his side, her face pale and drained as if she had seen a ghost. She was Hispanic, and refused to take her eyes off of me. Oh no, this was it. Apollyon, she’s done something, something’s happened, something is wrong. Sandra grew increasingly anxious as Doc continued to pace his way to her chair. She finally stood after a long period of questionable eye contact. He took notice of her anxiety and furthered his journey across the room to tell her the news she’d never want to hear.
                “Doc, tell me what happened, is Apollyon alright?” She held her breath as he sighed and diverted his heavy set of hazel pools into any other direction but her expression. As she noticed his reluctance to answer, her heart beat raced. Her daughter was in danger, and this doctor was refusing to tell her. She began to feel uneasy, the white walls around her were closing in on her; and the world was falling. “DOCTOR!” she busted after what felt like an eternity of anxiety.
                “My apologies, I’m having trouble wording the story to this ma’am. You see, I think you need to have a seat, please.” He held out his hand to the chair where she once sat impatiently. More nervous than before Sandra took her seat as did the doctor. She stared at the man holding the news she had been dying to hear.
 As the doctor sighed before beginning a woman in a red sweater fell right before her; her bag and all of its contents sprawled across the floor now. Sandra crouched down to the floor to assist the woman, she picked up the items and placed them in the bag that was once slung over the woman’s dainty shoulder. As Sandra stored various papers into the inside slot her fingers and gripped the bag , she felt a light stabbing as if a pin had just struck her.
                “OW DAMNIT!” She jerked her hand backward for a moment before checking her hand. A small spot began bleeding the red juices. Doc raced for a band aid as Sandra checked for the pin that had nipped at her skin. Where would it be? She checked all around the tiny skull and cross bones patch where she had been gripping the flap of the carry on; nothing. Well that’s strange.
                After attending to the slight wound and helping the stranger carry on with whatever it was she was doing. Sandra sat down once more beside the doctor, ready to hear what it was that caused such a grim expression.
“Sandra, we honestly don’t know how it happened...there doesn’t seem to be any sort of natural cause, no signs of struggle or anything. Apparently she asked Juana over here,” he spoke while gesturing to the nurse I hadn’t noticed was still by his side, though still standing unlike the both of us, “what time it was, and literally within a minute later…” His face fell as he continued on.
Opening my eyes I realized I’m still here. Why? I didn’t belong, everyone else needed to be here, wanted to be here, wanted to live, though I prefer a much shorter road. And soon my savior would come for me, and take me away to where I’d never see these damned white rooms again.
I could hear the tiny whispers tickling my lobes. Apollyon, Apollyon come home with us. I sat in this room for as long as I could remember. But according to some strange women I could occasionally hear in the hallway, I was here for six years so far.
It was then that I heard a new voice calling my name. Not a whisper, towards the side of the room I had my back to. I didn’t dare turn around, if my savior had come, I was not to show him my face until it was time to take me, until I was sure.
“So how are we today miss Apollyon, which may I say is a lovely name.” The voice was gruff, older. Not soothing but uncomfortable. I didn’t dare turn, he wasn’t at all whom I had wanted to see, nor could he ever be. B*****d had me fooled, dear savior, where are you now?
“Apollyon please respond to me.” the voice was becoming impatient for the tone screamed obvious annoyance with me. I for bayed myself to speak to such scum, one of the fools that had me locked in this loon.
“Apollyon.” Obviously calmer now, I grunted to let him know I was still in the shithole, still breathing, still miserable. “good enough.” He sighed and shut the door, good. I closed my eyes as the whispers continued, giggling melodies into my mind, whispering songs of taking me away. Apollyon, today is the day. Today you may come home.
I jumped up in a panic, could it have been true? Was today finally the day I left, the day I could depart from the world around me?! I slugged at the door as hard as possible screaming as loud as I could. A nurse rushed and opened the door immediately, a look of concern plastered on her face.
“WHAT TIME IS IT?!?!?!” the wrinkled woman sighed peering down at her watch. “Five after six am.” I slammed the door behind me and began laughing. Yes, today was the day! I laughed until my stomach knotted and turned. A minute later, my vision was blurring and my heart was pounding harder than ever. Was this it?
As I lay on the floor, sprawled on my back I heard angry whispers, mixed with sweet and gentle whispers, all different tones and voices shouting and just barely mumbling the same thing, it’s time Apollyon. I began to laugh hysterically again, uncontrollably even. Until I felt the stabbing in my chest; I tried to grab it out of reflex, but my hands and legs couldn’t move. I was pinned to the ground by a force, ah dear savior, you have finally come for me. The knives continued hitting my draining body. I screamed, I laughed, I teared out of both pain and joy. A narcotic mess about to make her deplorable departure, how funny.
I saw a red river pooling around me, my body became released from the floor. I crawled into a ball holding my knees to my thriving chest. i felt a cold stick clutch my body, rubbing the red trickles off of my arms and legs. My dress was now spattered, it smelt dank. My heart rate slowing, my eyes drifting around lazily, my remaining thoughts sluggishly dying out.
The whispers grew softer, I smiled to myself weakly chuckling, time to say good bye. Apollyon. I wanted to answer my savior back, I felt this immense rush, a last and final surge.
“YES! TAKE ME BACK MASTER!” I sat up, rocking myself back and forth; knees still to my chest as I had my last and final lively talk with my savior. Apollyon, do you know what time it is? I nodded my head speedily, as if the answer couldn’t have been suggested fast enough.
A deep laugh echoed within the walls of the room, I was then thrown back against the floor, pinned by that same force once more. The voice right next to my ear now, still rumbling the deep roars of laughter. My pale being didn’t struggle at all, I wanted to finish this dance, my time was now.
I turned my head all over, rapidly looking at all the walls. Feeling Nausea my mouth began to over flowingly water. i felt it spilling out of my mouth as my body jolted consecutively.
My head spun so fast i thought my neck might snap, my teeth clenched at the building pain in my stomach. i thrived to cluth it, make some of this pain stop but the force pinned me good to floor sprawled in my most vulnerable position.
 Six simple words repeated themselves over and over again upon the white canvases surrounding me. ‘It’s time to go home now.’ I repeated these words in my head.
It’s time to go home now. It’s time to go home now. It’s time to go home now. It’s time to go home now. It’s time to go home now. It’s time to go home now.
I began to count my final breaths, I knew my time was coming and my presence was fading.
One…two…three…as I got to four my eyes began to close. Four…five…six. I saw a black abyss appear before my eyes. Dear Father of Sins, take me home.
                “Did you hear about the Portiere girl?” One of the more talkative nurses; Jenna; began. She had walked over to the lonely table of the cafeteria where Juana; a newer nurse; sat alone. She just barely peered up to Jenna to see whom had spoken, then turned her eyes back down to the mystery meat upon the dirty tray.
                Jenna took a seat in hopes to get this new nurse to talk. “Yeah, so this girl named Apollyon Porti-” the lights flickered as Juana bursted “DO NOT SPEAK OF THE YOUNG LADY’S NAME!” Jenna jerked her head back in amazement, that had to have been the most that nurse had spoken since the few days ago that the whole situation had happened. Surrounding nurses had begun to peer over to see what was going on, Jenna spoke in a soft, low whisper.
                “May I ask why your so hostile about this?” Jenna had never seen such an outburst, and from such a quiet woman too. “Because, I know what really happened.” Her thick accented words shot at Jenna like bullets, how could she have known? “That’s impossible, security tapes show that she simply fell to the ground and died.”
                Juana’s eyes locked upon Jenna’s, the big brown buggers staring holes into her sockets. “Cameras cannot catch the devil.” Jenna laughed, the devil? What a stupid idea. “The devil didn’t take anyone Juana, do you need a room of your own?” she chuckled, but Juana remained serious. “The name Apollyon has two meanings to it.” Juana remained strict with her words, “One meaning angel holding the key to the Abyss…” Jenna listening intently leaned in to hear the next segment. “The other meaning the devil.” Scoffing Jenna stood and picked up her tray of food, turned upon her heel and walked to the next table. Damned fool, thinks the devil took a young girl in the insane asylum? RIGHT, ha!

© 2009 Invisible_kid

Author's Note

I had fun writing this, its just a nothing special piece but i'd love reviews!

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u were right, this is very dark hah. but a great write. very intriguing! awesome job.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 10, 2009
Last Updated on July 30, 2009



Zebra Town : ), NY

Theres a thing about writing that makes me fall in love with it every time i think about it. When your writing, who you are isn't what matters, its what you write and how you word it. You can w.. more..
