Beware, the apocalypse is near.

Beware, the apocalypse is near.

A Story by Inugal96

This is the silliest thing I have ever written.


You sip the zesty punch while looking at the clock on the wall.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.  

7:30. She should be here any minute now.

You see something move in your peripheral vision and your eyes slowly turn towards the direction the motion came from. Your eyes widen slightly in surprise.

Oh, no. You forgot all about them. She won't be able to handle herself.

You have to put them somewhere safe before-


Oh god you’re too late. Maybe she won’t notice them.

"Sarah, how are you? I have some very important news to-"

She gasped louder than you thought humanly possible.


She runs over to Melanie and strokes the all black puppy sitting in her lap.


"Trust me, I know." you say crudely, though you're smiling like an idiot.

"Did you see anything on the news about the Clarksville Zoo recently?" She said, her eyes never leaving the puppy.

"Last thing I heard was that a-"

"OHMYGODITJUSTSNEEZED! Isn't that the cutest thing you've ever seen?!"

You give her a disapproving look.

She shuffles her weight from one foot to another. "Sorry."

"Last thing I heard was that a peacock escaped from its cage and gave some guy's toupee a run for the hills. But that was months ago, what’s new?"

"They Clarksville Zoo has a new exhibit. A...Zombie exhibit." The idea made her stomach hurt.

"I thought that was only for the big cities? Besides it’s so.....inhumane."

"I agree."

You set down the cup of punch and look around the room for a place to sit.

Your eyes land on leopard couch. Your lips curl into a smile. Perfect.

You plop down on the couch and motion for Clara to join you. She happily does.

Just as you and your best friend get into a deep and emotional (yet hilarious beyond measure) conversation about Homestuck. Sean walks in. You like Sean, he's a nice guy, he is just a little creepy.

"What's a Karkat?" He asks.

You and Clara roll your eyes and simultaneously say "Look it up."

He turns to Melanie and they continue to have a conversation about her muscle disease and his creepiness. Since neither have mouth filters those subjects were inevitable.

You and Clara continue to laugh maniacally until the television lets out a loud and obnoxious BEEEEEEEEP!

"Breaking News" the news reporter...reported.

"Just in the Zombies in the Clarksville Zoo have escaped. They are rouge and can be anywhere. We are advising everyone to stay INDOORS until the coast is clear."

"Oh, s**t?"

Clara just stares at the T.V. in horror.

"What does this mean exactly?"

"What does this mean exactly?"

Clara snickers quietly to herself. Sarah always has a way of saying something right before it happens.

"What this means is that if you let this thing bite you, you will become a zombie as well. So we continue to advise you to STAY INSIDE. Now to you Kara."

"Thanks Jett. In other news Kim Kardashian is ENGAGED AGAIN this time to-"

The sound of the T.V. starts to fade away.

Georgia (all 6'2 of her) bursts through the door.

"My mom wants everyone to go to the living room!"

"Happy birthday, my present is the zombie apocalypse; hope you like it!"

Clara starts to laugh but is interrupted by a serious thought.

Oh god, I hope this isn't one of those things Sarah knows before it happens.

Clara couldn't have possibly known how right she was.

Georgia proceeded to usher everyone into the living room.

Everyone sits there for about an hour.

"Uhm...Where is Melanie?" one of your close friends, Julie asks.

"She's not still in the sun room is she?"

"Oh my god she is! Somebody go get her!" Georgia's mom's, Marcy, voice overpowers the crowd's.

"I volunteer Georgia!"

"Well somebody's got to go."

Georgia inches her way through the crowd muffling excuse mes and sorrys.


Georgia unknowingly swings the door open to the sun room without hesitation.

A gory seen unfolds. Melanie is laying there her neck violated by the teeth of a zombie. There is blood everywhere.

Clara shrieks and turns away.

Julie hugs Clara close and closes her eyes.

Georgia just stares.

You run up to Georgia and push her back into the living room. But you're not quite strong enough and while your mission to push Georgia back into the living room is a success, you are now lying in the floor in the sun room and you are spotted by a rouge Melanie and unknown zombie.

You close your eyes.

How could you be so stupid!

All of a sudden you feel feminine hands wrap around your ankles and pull you to safety. The door to the sun room slams in your face.

You calmly stand up. Then run to the nearest bathroom and puke your guts up.

You don't know if it’s because you almost died or because of the putrid smell lingering in your nostrils.

"Not so tough now are you?"

You glare up at him. You thought it was him who pulled you out of the sun room.


You hate Kevin. Yet he is one of your closest friends. Why? You have no clue.

"D****e? How about thank you Kevin? I would have died if you wouldn't have come to my rescue Kevin! You're my knight in shining armor Kevin!"

"That too."

"Want some advice? Beware, the acockalypse is near."

"ACOCKALYPSE?!" You crack up despite yourself.

Kevin blushed. "You know what I meant!"

"Oh, BELIEVE ME. I know what you meant!"

Kevin rushed out of the room.

You not-so-gracefully hop up from your position above the toilet.

You start heading back towards the living room but run into the boy your best friend is in love with. Jack.

"Why is everyone in the living room?" He said with a mouthful of Doritos.

"You really don't know?"

"No clue."

You face-palm harder than necessary. How can somebody SO smart be so clueless?

"I'll let Clara tell you ALL about it."

You use every opportunity you can to get them together, you know because she’s your best friend.

Jack shrugs "Whatever."




You open your eyes slowly.

Is it over yet?

You want to make sure everyone is okay so you take a mental note of where everyone is.

1. Melanie --Zombied

2. Sarah--???

3. Julie--Hugging you so tight you feel like you’re her stuffed animal, dog named Maggie.

4. Kevin-- Just ran in blushing. You wonder why.

5. Georgia--Bawling her eyes out because her Best Friend is now Zombied.

6. Marcy--Consoling Georgia.

7. Nathan--Staring at Julie from across the room.

8. Sean--???

9. Jack--???

So where are Sarah, Sean, and Jack?

Just like that Jack comes gliding in. He looks around the room with a skeptical face.

He looks right at you and his expression softens. He starts heading your direction.

You realize your grinning like an idiot so you act like you don't see him coming.

"Hey Clara, Why is everyone hanging out in here?"

"You really don't know?"

"No, and that's exactly what Sarah said."

You proceed to tell him all about the zoo and zombies.

He puts a handful of Doritos in his mouth” Oh, s**t?"




You let go of Clara. Talk about an awkward moment. You look around the room to check and see if Nathan is safe. You love Nathan. You really do. Too bad your mother doesn't approve of your boyfriend. She's making you break up with him. You are planning on doing it tonight. Not right now though there is way too much going on. You can see why your mother wouldn’t approve of your boyfriend. You are sixteen. He is almost nineteen. He just got into college, you just got into high school. You love him just the same though. Maybe even more. Having to hide your boyfriend did give you a rush. You kept it a secret from everyone except Clara, your best friend, and Georgia, Nathan's best friend, who set you guys up in the first place.

Oh god. You're going to cry.

No Julie, you're stronger than this.

What you need right now is a friend. You immediately turn towards Clara. You see she is clearly preoccupied with her own relationship problems. You sigh. Your eyes scan the room for Georgia. You found her but she’s sobbing into her mother’s lap and this definitely doesn't look like a good time. You guess you'll just go to the bathroom and sob your eyes out. You head down the hallway. Sarah is standing on a stool staring out a window. You wish you could tell her about Nathan. Times like this it would be nice to have a friend to talk to about your problems. Especially one who doesn't go around blabbing everyone's secrets. But you can't. She loves Nathan too. Or at least did. You guys don't really talk about it. You just kind of use Clara as a link between the two of you. It works and nobody gets hurt. You are close to the bathroom.

"Oh, Uhm...I wouldn't go in there if I were you Julie."

You look at her with intrigue. She rubs her hand on the top of her head.

"I kind of threw up. Repeatedly."

"I'm sorry? Well is there another bathroom?"

Sarah gestures towards the window. "Not unless you don't mind fighting off zombies."

"I'm good. I think I'm better now anyways. I'll just go back to the living room and hang out with Clara."




Jack is so ridiculous. Your gaze turns towards the window. You wonder if you can see the sun room from there. You walk up to the window but are too short to see out. You look around the room. Here we go. You find a stool. You pull it over by the window and hop on it. Just as you are about to look out the window you hear footsteps coming close. You look down the hallway its Julie. She is one of your close friends. You see that she is heading for the bathroom.

"Oh, Uhm...I wouldn't go in there if I were you Julie."

She looks at you with a strange look and you begin to feel uncomfortable and awkward.

"I kind of threw up. Repeatedly."

"I'm sorry? Well is there another bathroom?"

You flail your arm towards the window. "Not unless you don't mind fighting off zombies."

"I'm good. I think I'm better now anyways. I'll just go back to the living room and hang out with Clara."

You turn your attention back towards the window. You can barely see a limp Melanie. But her body is in a weird position.

Is she dancing?

You realize that she is being held up by something.

Or someone! Is that the zombie? No the skin colors wrong it must be a person.

Wait a second, OH MY GOD. It is a person. Sean. What the hell does he think he's doing?!

You jump off the stool and run to the living room pushing everything and everyone out of your way.

You swing the sun room door open.

You can barely handle what you see. A Zombied Melanie is on the ground. Sean is sitting on top of her holding her arms down. He is crying hysterically. He looks up for a short moment and looks at you. Then turns his gaze back to Zombied Melanie and kisses her passionately.

He pulls his face away from hers and looks longingly into her eyes.

She looks at him and moves her face closer to his. Much closer. Then bites him.

You know what this means Sean will be a zombie now. An unfeeling, suffering zombie. You know what you have to do. You go to Georgia's room and get a pistol from the safe.

You run back towards the sun room.

You aim at Sean, close your eyes and shoot. Now Melanie. Again you aim at Melanie, close your eyes and--

"No! Sarah don't!" Georgia dives in front of Melanie.

--shoot. It’s too late you had already pulled the trigger.

The bullet missed its target though.

And is now buried deep in Georgia's chest.

Melanie is devouring her.

You slam the door shut.

You look around and see that Marcy is headed to the front door. If she walks out there she is as good as dead.

You hope for her the zombie she runs into first is really hungry, and doesn't just bite her once.




You are only slightly surprised by the scene. You expected this; Sarah's just doing what has to be done. You saw it coming. You have always thought of yourself as a Sherlock Holmes kind of man.

The gun slips from Sarah’s hand and falls to the ground with a thump.

Sarah immediately follows.

Clara rushes to her side and stats talking to her.

You can't hear but you guess that she’s telling her that everything’s going to be okay and that it’s not Sarah's fault, etc.

You like Clara.

Not like that though.

You don't like anyone like that.

Relationships aren't exactly your kind of thing.

Or at least wasn't. Things are starting to change with you possibly dying soon and all.

Do you like Clara like that?

You ponder the thought carefully.

You realize you always have.

S**t. Some kind of Sherlock Holmes you are.

You decide you will tell Clara later. Right now she’s a little busy.

You finish of the Doritos and throw the bag away regretfully.

You look down at your hands and notice your fingertips are all orange.

If only I had some hand sanitizer.

You bet Clara has some.

You reach in her purse and pull out two kinds.

Do I want Japanese Cherry Blossom or Sweet Pea?

You hold the Cherry Blossom one to your nose and sniff.

Oh god no.

You sniff the other one.

Much better. It smells a little girly but it’s better than nothing.

You look around the room while you rub it in your hands.

Your eyes meet Clara's.

She’s glaring at you.

You give a lopsided smile and she can't help but smile back.

Works every time.




You have been comforting Sarah for a while now. Or at least trying. She’s not responding just staring at the gun on the ground. You're not going to tell her she has a smear of Sean's blood on her face.

Oh no I forgot all about them!

You make your way out the front door.

You look back and let out a sigh of relief.

Good nobody noticed I left.



Hmm I wonder what that was all about.

Your stomach grumbles. You get up from your heap on the floor and stick the gun in your pants. You know, for safekeeping.

You walk over to the fridge and get out a bowl of grapes and sit at the bar.

You just put a grape in your mouth when you’re joined by Kevin.

He looks at you like he is about to say something crude, but then he glances up to the glass front door and his expression becomes bewildered.

"Is that Clara?!"

You whip your head around.

Clara is holding something but you can't make it out.

Wait, maybe you can.

"What the hell is she doing?!"


Clara swings the front door open.

"Hey guys!"

"Did you seriously just go out to get the PUPPIES?!"

"Yeah! What’s wrong with that?"

You laugh so hard you start crying.




You can't just let Marcy walk out like that. You have to stop her. Even if it is dangerous. You look at Julie and say a silent goodbye just in case you don't come back.

I really do love her.

You push past Clara holding all three puppies just in time to hear her say

"Am I holding them right?"

Is there a wrong way to hold puppies?

You shrug and head out to find Marcy.




You are standing there alone. You decide now would be the best time to break up with Nathan.

Wait. Where is Nathan?

You're afraid you won't like the answer. You calm yourself by saying he’s probably just in the bathroom or something. And you'll wait for him to get back.


You've waited about an hour. Now you know he is not in the bathroom. Unless he is having serious problems. Even though that's slightly comforting you would rather not think about that.

Just as you were about to go look for him he bursts through the door.

He is sweating profusely and pulling on his shirt collar.

"I found Marcy. Then she bit me."


You hear the click of a gun.

You look at Sarah. She’s pointing a gun straight at him.

"Sarah no you can't!"

"You'd rather him suffer?"

"No but-"

"Trust me. Suffering is an understatement. I just came back to say goodbye, Julie. And I'm sorry. I really do love you."

You can't see him anymore through your tears.

"Give me the gun."

You hear a shot. Then silence.

"I love you too." You manage only a whisper.





It’s been awhile now. You've been comforting Julie while Sarah, Jack, and Kevin took Nathan's body to the sun room. You figure Melanie will eat him.


It's time for bed you and Julie are on the couch. Sarah is in a chair and Kevin and Jack are on the floor.




You are awakened by a sharp pain in your stomach. You look down through squinting eyes. Melanie has escaped and the pain is her teeth in your stomach.

You jump up and retrieve the gun from Sarah's surprisingly warm hands.

You shoot Melanie waking everyone up.

They all let put simultaneous What's going ons and  What is happening.

You throw the gun on the floor and button up your shirt.

"Melanie escaped is all."

You don't mention the bite. You know they would just try to kill you and that is not something you want. Besides, you feel fine.

"You don't have to worry about it now, just go back to sleep."

You lay down but don't close your eyes. You won't be sleeping anytime soon.




You start to wake up. You yawn and look up.

You are horrified at what you see. Melanie is biting Jack!

Jack is going to be a zombie!

You close your eyes.

You're just having a dream. You're just having a dream.

You open your eyes.

It's not just a dream.

Now Jack just shot at Melanie.

"Melanie escaped is all."

You know different. You know that is not all.

"You don't have to worry about it now, just go back to sleep."

You lay back down but don't close your eyes. You won't be sleeping anytime soon.


You just had an idea.

Medicine cures sicknesses. Being a zombie is a little like having a sickness. So maybe medicine can cure Jack.

You will do anything for him. It’s still early. Everyone is still asleep.

You don't care if it's dangerous.

You don't care if you might even become a zombie yourself.

You have made up your mind and there is no going back.

You slowly get off the couch without waking up Julie.

You go into the kitchen and get some supplies from the first aid cabinet. 

You kneel down beside Jack and shake him around.

He is breathing very heavy and you kind of have the urge to just take your hand and...

You shake your head dismissing the thought.

He blinks his eyes a couple of times and tries to rub the sleep away.


"Jack, please get up, I need to talk to you." You have a concerned tone.

"Okay, what?"

"No, not here. In private. Follow me."

He groans but gets up anyways.

You start to walk towards Georgia’s bedroom and look back.

He has a limp.

You finally make it to the bedroom and close the door.

You turn and motion for him to sit on the bed.

He obeys and you join him after setting the supplies down on the dresser.

He didn't notice them until now.

"Look Jack-"

"I have something to tell you."

"Please, let me go first."

"But it’s really important."

"Please Jack!"

He sighs. "Go ahead."

You clear your throat before you begin.

"This morning...I saw. I saw what happened with you."

You couldn't find a good way to put this.

"Uhm...I saw that you. Err."

You take a deep breath and clear your thoughts.

"Okay, this morning I woke up and saw that Melanie was biting you. Then I saw you pry her off of you and shoot her."

He looks only slightly shocked.

"I promise I am the only one who knows everybody else is asleep! Also, I brought those supplies to wrap up that wound before anyone woke up."

He smiles. "Thanks."

You retrieve the supplies from the dresser and set them on the bed.

"I'm going to need you to...take....your...shirt off."

He smile grows bigger "Sure."

You look away. Most of the time.


"There! All done!"


"You're welcome!"

"So..yeah. I still haven't told you that thing."

"Oh! I almost forgot."




You follow swiftly behind Clara and Jack, hiding every now and then.

What could those two be up to?

They sneak into Georgia's room shutting the door behind them.

You place your ear to the door.

Spit it out Clara! Jeez!

It’s mostly boring, wait what’s that?

Clara just said Jack is a zombie!

I should take action, me being the leader and all. If I was a ruffian like Sarah I bust in there right now and pull an gun out of my pants and shoot the snot out of 'em. I'm MUCH better than that though, and you actually have a heart. What am I talking about? EVERYONE knows that! You're FULL of love.

You were so caught up in your own thoughts you almost forgot you were eavesdropping.

"There all done!"


"You're welcome!"

"So..yeah. I still haven't told you that thing."

"Oh! I almost forgot."

"Yeah, well I've wanted to tell you this for quite a while now but I haven't because.... Well I don't know why but I just want you to know that I've liked you for a while now. I do mean like-like. It's okay if you don't feel the same! I just didn't know if I should tell you or not because I'm apparently a zombie now and..."

"I don't care what you are."

Suddenly all you hear is silence.

You definitely didn't think he would be the first to admit it. You figured she would pop and just be like "OHMYGOD JACK I LOVE YOU!" You then flip your very short hair.

Wait, did I just say that out loud?

You scramble into the bathroom for cover.

"No one’s here."

"I told you I didn't hear anything."

"Well I'm going to go back to the living room before they realize we're both gone."

"Alright I'll put the supplies back in the kitchen and fix some breakfast."

There's a pause.

"Alright, I'll wake Sarah up and tell her to fix breakfast."

You hear Jack chuckle as he walks off.

You walk in the bedroom and lean on the door frame.

Clara turns around, jumps, and supplies fly out of her little basket.

"Jack did hear something didn't he."

"Or someone."

"How much did you hear?"

You would tell her the truth but she looks really upset.

"I joined in just in time to hear your little love-fest."

You proceed to make kissy faces at her.

She blushes and turns her face around.

"Just don't tell anyone okay? It's kind of a secret."

"I won't."

"I really appreciate it."

"Oh Jack you're SO handsome."

"Shut up."

"No, no, no! Wait! I can do better!"

You take a deep breath.

"You want some advice?"


"Beware, the acockalypse is here!"


"Okay, okay!"

You walk off singing "I'll keep you my dirty little secret, dirty little secret.

Man, do you love getting under people's skin. Especially Clara's.




"You're welcome!"

"So..yeah. I still haven't told you that thing."

"Oh! I almost forgot."

"Yeah, well I've wanted to tell you this for quite a while now but I haven't because.... Well I don't know why but I just want you to know that I've liked you for a while now. I do mean like-like. It's okay if you don't feel the same! I just didn't know if I should tell you or not because I'm apparently a zombie now and..."

"I don't care what you are."

You would continue to talk but you can't.

It's not because you're out of breath, I mean you're on the swim team.

It’s because you can't move your lips.

They're being pinned down.

By Clara's lips.

It's okay, you don't mind.

You don't mind at all.




You can't take this anymore. You know you said you were going to break up, but truthfully you really weren't going to. You can't live without him and you won't.

The gun is still laying by Sarah and she is not anywhere to be found. You take it and slip into the sun room.

You hold it to your head.

Your hands are shaking.

You...can't do it.

Your friends need you.

You sigh and lower the gun.

"Yeah, that's what I came in here for too."

You are so caught off guard you almost pull the trigger.

You turn around and see Sarah sitting there with some rope.

"But, why?"

"Almost couldn't take it anymore. We are all going to die soon anyways. And we never did anything with our lives. Never made a difference, never did something like sky dive or bungee jump, never truly loved."

"I loved."

"I mean get married, have some kids."

"Well then, I guess you’re right."

"But then I decided it’s not too late for a couple of those things. And that I was being stupid to think there's no hope."

"I're right."

Sarah comes and takes the gun putting it back in her pants and linking arms with you.

"Come on, let's live a little."

You proceed into the living room when you are met by Clara.

"Hey Sarah! I was just looking for you! Can you whip up some breakfast?"

"Sure thing!"




You meet Sarah and Julie in the living room.

"Hey Sarah! I was just looking for you! Can you whip up some breakfast?"

"Sure thing!"

You go and sit at the computer and take a deep breath.

Let's concentrate. This is a life or death situation.


I hope we have cheese.

And biscuits.

If we have biscuits then we will need ketchup.


You click on the Google Chrome icon and a new window pops up.

You go to yahoo, your favorite search engine although Sarah will argue that Google is much better, and start your research.


"It’s ready!"

Everyone piles up their plates with food and chows down.

Except you.

You are just looking down at your plate and playing with your food.

You have SO many questions.

Like, why is Jack not writhing in pain after a few hours when Nathan was miserable after a few minutes.

Jack barely even seems affected.

Other than the sweating, which only you seem to notice.

From your research you did on medicine you have come to the conclusion that the best medicine to try to reverse the effects of Zominism is penicillin.

You will have to ask Jack if he wants to try this; you aren't even certain it will work.

Actually it’s a total guess.

You are so lost in your own thoughts you don't even hear Kevin come up behind you.

"Hey, Clara?"


"I was wondering if you could help me with something."

"Yeah sure. What is it?"

He motions for you to follow him and you obey.

He leads you to the sun room and he plops on the couch.

You stand there awkwardly.

"So I have feelings for somebody and I don't know how to go about telling her.."

"Kevin, uhm, I don't quite feel the same way."


"Jeeze Kevin, take a joke!"

"Oh, sorry I guess I'm just a little nervous."

He rubs his head with his hand and laughs nervously.

"So, who's the lucky lady?"


"Oh Kevin, that's sweet but her and Nathan-"


"Wait. Is it Julie or Sarah?"

He is sweating now and switching his weight from foot to foot.


"Oh. I, er, see. Well which one do you like more?"

"Well Sarah and I have been friends and neighbors since I was in 1st grade. We are really good friends and I've had a crush on her since then. I don't want to ruin my friendship with her. Julie is so confident and funny though and even though we are friends I wouldn't ruining anything with her. But then there's Nathan and I know that she still has feelings for him and he just died and all but I do have feelings for her they just aren't the same as the feelings I have for Sarah."

"Well I don't really know what to tell you. This is just something you have to decide for yourself. Besides If Sarah figured out you were deciding between you and Julie she would be pissed. It would just bring back bad memories. You know, of Nathan."

"Will you just find out if either of them have feelings for me?"

You sigh and think it through.





"Will you just find out if either of them have feelings for me?"

You can't believe he couldn't just ask you himself.


You are leaning against the cabinets when they step through the door.

Kevin is the first to see you and turns bright red.

You sigh and walk off.

"Sarah! Wait up!"

You keep walking and end up in Georgia's room

Just at that moment you are hit by a great idea.

You open the door to Georgia's closet and start rifling.




You walk through the door and spot Sarah.

Oh my god she heard EVERYTHING!

Sarah sighs and heads down the hall.

You want to tell her to stop but the words are lodged in your throat.

"Sarah! Wait up!"

She doesn't listen and walks into Georgia's room

You and Clara make haste to catch up.

You walk in and Sarah is rifling through the closet.She pulls out a box.

"I thought it was Georgia who collected these."

She throws the box on the floor and the contents spill out.

You look at them in puzzlement while Clara seems to know exactly what’s going on.

Sarah reaches in the closet and grabs a gorgeous ball gown.

Georgia always loved to dress up.

Sarah holds the dress up and grabs a mask out of the box.

"Let’s have a ball!"

Clara claps and jumps around.


"What about tuxes?"

"Georgia's brother!"

"Georgia has a brother?!"

"LOL Georgia's brother is dead." said Jack as he lay on the bed eating Doritos like a huge d****e-bag.

You can't believe Jack was laying on the bed eating Doritos the entire time.




You push Kevin and Jack out the door and tell them to go get Julie.

A few minutes pass and Julie walks in closes, and locks the door behind her.

"So, we're having a ball?"

"Yes! Now let’s pick our dresses!"

"No offence Sarah, but since when did you start liking get dressed up and dancing around."

You don't really, but you have a plan and nobody is going to ruin it.

To answer Clara's question you shrug.

You find the perfect dress, its light blue and has black lace all over.

Clara picks a red dress that goes down to her knees and Julie picks a pink and white dress that looks more like a ball gown.

You all pick out masks to match.

You step out of the room and instruct Jack and Kevin to put on tuxes, put some music on, and move the furniture around  in the living room to make room for dancing.

You, Clara, and Julie get into your dresses and fix your hair.

Clara chooses to do hers in a 50s style with a swirl on top.

Julie straightens hers and leaves it down.

You curl yours and put it up making sure it covers your ears.

When you go into the living room you see that the boys outdid themselves and hung Christmas lights and decorations.

You tap your foot to the beat of the song.

You see Jack making his way over.

You nudge Clara forward and she gives you a look.

Jack bends over, extends his hand and asks "May I have this dance?"

Clara blushes and accepts.

Kevin starts heading your way and when he is almost there you push Julie in front of you and sit down.

Kevin looks down at you with a grim expression.

Then looks at Julie, smiles wide and asks "Would you like to dance?"

Julie giggles and says "Sure!"

You look around.

Well, your plan worked.

You got Kevin to pick Julie.

You go to the kitchen to set out some snacks and punch.

You set out a bowl of Doritos and a bowl of punch.

Somebody taps you on the shoulder.

Kevin better not be asking me to dance, he is with Julie right now.

You swing around "KE-...oh."

Its Jack.

He raises one eyebrow and asks "Would you care to dance?"

You look at him skeptically "Clara put you up to this didn't she?"

He smiles "Of course."

You return the smile "Just one."

You dance for about a minute then you lead Jack to where Clara is standing.

You take his hand and move it to Clara's "All yours."

"Oh no! You guys dance some more,  I'm fine!"

"I'm thirsty."

Jack twirls her around "Come on!"

You sit at the bar and fill a glass of punch.

You look out the glass door into the night as you sip your punch.

You think you see some movement in the distance.

You squint your eyes, looking hard.

There's a man running!

You do a spit take and everyone whips their heads around.

He is much closer and there's a zombie on his tail.

You run up to the door and unlock it.

He runs up to the door but can't get it open.

He is turning the knob the wrong way.

You yell at him to stop and he does.

You open the door for him.

The zombie (who you now recognize as Marcy) grabs at his ankle and he barely makes it inside.

You reach for the gun but realize you don't have it.

You kick the zombied Marcy snapping her neck.

You slam the door shut.

The man is bent over breathing heavy.

After quite a bit of coughing and time, he stands straight and extends his hand "I'm Toby."

You stand akimbo "You got a last name Toby?"

He chuckles, "Yeah, I've got a last name. It's Turner."

You shake his hand "I'm Sarah"

He laughs so hard his face turns red "Pffft, C***s! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm twelve. Not really! I'm seventeen."

Your eyes lower to his shoes "Are those heelies?"

"Yeah! I would've used them to outrun the zombie, but there was gravel and it just didn't seem very logical."


"So why is everyone all dressed up?"

"We're having a ball, want to join?"

"Hell yes I want to be in your ball!"

"Okay, follow me. I'll show you where the tuxes are."

You show him into Georgia's brother's room and wait for him in the living room.

He walks in wearing a tux and his Tobuscus shirt underneath.

You introduce him to everyone then you both sit on the couch.

"So what do you think of Julie?"

"She's nice enough."


"Definitely a d****e-bag."


"I knew it!"


"Really smart, but a real smart-a*s."

"Spot on! Now, Clara."

"Hothothothothot, I mean she's alright."

"Hey! You'd better watch out! That's Jack's girl."

"Just so I don't screw things up, why don't you tell me everyone's relationships?"

"Alright, but it might be awhile."

"I've got time."

You proceed to tell him about all the love triangles, and such.

"Sounds complicated."


"Well I guess it's about time we get to bed!"

Everyone nods in agreement.

When you’re done changing you go to the linen closet and get a blanket and pillow for Toby.


You hand him the blanket and pillow.





The evening was a blast.

You might be in love.

Kevin is a sweetheart.

But the new guy has stolen your heart.

You'll go for it.

Kevin might be trying to win your heart but he wants Sarah's and you can tell.

You and Sarah are friends so you'll give Kevin to her.

Even though you have had a crush on him for years.

She deserves it, she's been through a lot.

And She obviously doesn't like the new guy.

So everything will work out fine!

Man, I'm a good friend.




You lay there thinking about the day.

You made a tough decision today.

You don't really like Kevin, but he was the only guy left.

He was your last chance for romance.

You gave that chance up for Julie.

But now your actions have been rewarded.

There is a new guy here and the two of you hit it off immediately.

You guys talked the entire night.

You think this is the beginnings of love.

And there is no one left to stand in your way.




You are the first to wake up.

You walk past Sarah and see that the gun laying on the floor.

You pick it up and put it in your pants.

This might come in handy.


You wait until Julie wakes up.

"Hey, after breakfast I would like to talk to you."


You gobble up the delicious breakfast Jack made.

You wipe your face with a napkin.

You walk over and place your lips close to Julie's ear and whisper "Meet me in the Sunroom."

She mumbles a mhmm.

You go into the sunroom and sit on the couch.

After a minute she comes in and shuts the door behind her.

She joins you on the couch.

"What do you want to talk about?"

You clear your throat.

"Do you have feelings for me?"

"You mean like romantic feelings?"


"Well I thought I did, when it was just you and Jack then Clara and Jack became an item, but then Toby came and I really think we made a connection."

"A connection?! All he saw was you dancing. With me. And if I'm hearing you right your saying you did like me when I was your last option but now that I'm not its 'Goodbye Kevin, Hello Toby'? I don't understand."

You were yelling.

"I'm sorry."

She was whispering.

"I'll show you sorry."




Jack volunteered to make breakfast this morning.

You volunteered to clean up.

Sarah and Toby are sitting at the bar laughing hysterically.

You walk over to Jack while he’s scrubbing a pan.

You elbow him softly.

"Who knew you could cook?"

"Ha-Ha, very funny."

You raise your eyebrows at him.

"I'm hilarious."

He chuckles.

Jack is wearing Marcy's pink apron, you just now noticed what it said.

"You know pinks a good color on you."

"I know, did you read the apron?"

"Yes I did."

You lean in to kiss him on the cheek but you're interrupted.

"And if I'm hearing you right your saying you did like me when I was your last option but now that I'm not its 'Goodbye Kevin, Hello Toby'? I don't understand."

Everyone looks in the direction of the shouts with concerned expressions.

Sarah gasps.

"Julie is with him!"

You all hurry towards the sun room.

Sarah and Toby make it first, and you and Jack follow after.

Kevin is sitting on Julie's chest and pinning her arms down.

He pulls a gun out of his pants and holds it to her head.

She is sobbing loudly.

Kevin whispers harshly "I'll show you sorry."

Just then Toby grabs Kevin by the neck and throws him to the ground.

Kevin lets go of the gun and Julie grabs it and holds it tightly to her chest.

They land on the floor, Kevin in a heap on top of Toby.

Toby flips him over so that he is on top.

He punches Kevin once, twice, three times.

Kevin tries to fight back but is not nearly strong enough.

Toby looks at you guys "What should I do with him?"

"The gun!"

Julie throws the gun to Toby.

He stands up and shoots.

Kevin's body goes limp.

Sarah walks up to Toby and punches his chest as hard as she can over and over.


Toby's eyes start to water and he doesn't even try to defend himself.

"I didn't mean to- I just- He was-"

You walk up to Sarah and look at Toby.

"You did the right thing she's just upset."

You look at Sarah and then to Jack.

"Let's go."

"Okay, we still have dishes to clean."




"Let's go."

"Okay, we still have dishes to clean."

You watch them leave.

"Come on, let's talk somewhere else."

You try to say sure but the words just come out incoherently so you nod instead.

He extends is hand to help you up.

You try to reach out but can't move.

You look up at him pitifully.

He bends down holds you in his arms and carries you to Georgia's room.

He gently sets you down on the bed.

"Why aren't you doing anything?"

You manage to spit out some words "I'm just in shock okay!"

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way about him!"

You look at him with a puzzled expression. 

"Don't look at me that way, you are obviously in love with him."

You laugh so hard you fall off the bed.





He sits on the floor with you and now you're both laughing.

"Well its good you don't have feelings for him."

"Why's that?"

"Because. I have feelings for you."

You try to turn your face away so he can't tell your blushing but he kisses you before you can.




Your listening at the door.

So, Toby and Sarah are a thing now.

You realize your all alone.

You had Kevin.

You gave him up for someone you didn't even like you.

You sigh.

You don't want to be alone.

You thought you were doing them a favor by staying here, protecting them.

Now they don't need you.

They don't even know your gone.

They wouldn't even know if you left.

That is your plan.

You find a piece of paper and pen and leave a note.

You go out the sun room door that leads to the outside.

Maybe you'll find somewhere else, maybe you won't make it somewhere else.




"So you want to try some more medicine or do you think the penicillin is working?"

"I just. I'm just not feeling very good."

You look at him with a concerned expression.

"I'm just a little dizzy, I think I need to sit down."

He gets up and heads for the couch and you are following close behind.

He sways a little bit falling to the floor.


"Mi enif tnod yrrow tuoba em."

You think about it for a second and realize he said everything backwards.

What he meant to say was 'I'm fine don't worry about me.'


"Promise I, dying not I'm"

You think about it.

He meant to say 'I'm not dying, I promise.'

You hold his head in his lap saying his name over and over.

He can't do this.

He can't.

You're crying and look down and see that he is too.

"Don't cry Clara, everything will be just fine."

He was only whispering.

You stay with him until he finally dies.

Being a zombie finally got to him.

You lay beside him holding him close to your body and weeping.

A man in a full suit kicks the front door in.

He sees Jack lying on the floor.

He looks at you.

He sees blood on your chest.

He thinks it’s yours and assumes you just got turned into a zombie.

Jack's wound had opened up but you kept holding him anyways.

The man takes out a shot and bends down over you.

He injects it into you.

You stop moving.

You stop breathing.

You stop living.




"Hey Kevin, now that I taught Sarah to make-out you guys are gonna be together forever so you should thank me."

You laugh hysterically.

Toby is reading Promstuck and replacing the names with people you know.

"That would be perfect, but you don't have any hickies but Vriska has, like, a billion."

"Let’s make it more realistic then."

He kisses you hard.

You push him off playfully but end up falling back hitting your temple on the desk.

"Oh man. I can't see anything! Now I really am like Terezi!"

"I am 88 percent sure that blindness wears off."

You both laugh.

"But seriously are you okay? I hope it’s only temporary."

"I'm sure it is."

Just then a man comes in the room.

You can tell it’s a man by his god awful cologne.

He assumes you didn't have a reaction to him coming in the room because you’re a zombie.

He didn't stop to think 'Oh, maybe she is blind.'

You feel him bend down and inject you with something.

You are paralyzed.

"You seem like you’re not a zombie."

"No sir, I am completely human!"

"Looks like I'll be on my way then."

Toby leans down and kisses you on the cheek.

"Goodbye, I guess I'll be finding somewhere else to stay."

A tear rolls down your cheek.

You hear the front door open and the sound of his heelies rolling farther and farther away.

You die.




1. Melanie--Dead.

2. Sarah--Dead.

3. Julie--Dead.

4. Kevin--Dead.

5. Georgia--Dead.

6. Marcy--Dead.

7. Nathan--Dead.

8. Sean--Dead.


10. Clara-Dead

11. Toby-Zombied

© 2012 Inugal96

Author's Note

There is a lot of mistakes, I'm sorry

My Review

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Featured Review

Superb! This isn’t as far fetched as it seems. If some mad scientist should ever develop through genetic engineering a strain of the rabies virus that acts within minutes of being bitten, then there would most certainly be an apocalypse without pity within Raccoon City after two rabid raccoons escape from the city‘s petting zoo. This virus would spread to the bats, and from there the rest of the world.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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10 Years Ago

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Superb! This isn’t as far fetched as it seems. If some mad scientist should ever develop through genetic engineering a strain of the rabies virus that acts within minutes of being bitten, then there would most certainly be an apocalypse without pity within Raccoon City after two rabid raccoons escape from the city‘s petting zoo. This virus would spread to the bats, and from there the rest of the world.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Posted 10 Years Ago

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10 Years Ago

Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

You are welcome...:)................
i can ignore the mistakes great write i loved it :P :D :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on January 14, 2012
Last Updated on June 15, 2012
Tags: zombie, zombie apocalypse, silly, funny, nerdy