Chapter 48 - She'll Come Back...

Chapter 48 - She'll Come Back...

A Chapter by emma



It’s hard to be enthusiastic about life when someone near and dear to you is essentially dead. Everyday it’s a struggle to wake up and go through the necessary motions of living, and everything feels stupid and pretentious. Nothing feels worth it. Skye tries to engage me in conversation, but that doesn’t work a whole lot. Mostly I’ll just sit and stare at a space on the wall and nod or mumble a reply every so often. My grandma tells me stories and tries to cheer me up, but her stories are usually about my mom and dad and me when I was little and that just makes me more depressed. My mom comes in every once in awhile and tries to apologize some more, but I don’t want her to be sorry anymore. Her words don’t mean anything to me. I want her to show me she cares. So our conversations are never really important or meaningful. Even Dean came in once to try and talk with me. Said he wanted to get to know me, but it didn’t feel right. I didn’t want him to get to know the depressed and angsty version of myself, so I pretty much just stopped talking with him after a few minutes. Amelia was the only one I still could talk with. She told me she used to be depressed, too, when her little brother died.  She seemed to understand what it was like to hate everyone and everything, but still long for human companionship. So everyday (even after I cried and yelled) she’d always come back with a bowl of chocolate ice cream and would let me spill my guts about my feelings.


But I still felt hollow, even after all of that.





“She’s not getting any better . . . I’m worried about her,” I told Dean.


He squeezed my hand. “She’ll get better eventually, Blue. It took us both months before we had gotten any better, and she’s the one who’s lost herself and her boyfriend. You just need to be there and wait for her to come back.”


I buried my face in his shoulder. “What if she never comes back, Dean?”


It took him a moment, but he replied, “Then you stick with her anyways.”


I sighed and pushed myself up. We were sitting in the library, at the very back, where all the plush chairs were. We’d been spending a lot of time there lately, talking. We had a lot to catch up on. So everyday after classes, we’d meet up in this exact spot and talk until dinner and then usually reconvene in one of our rooms. Finals were coming up, though, so it wouldn’t last. Me in particular would need to study into the small hours of the night.


Penelope was already stressed out completely, but not really about finals. She told me that it was because since her parents were divorced and the school only ran half the year so we could catch up on mortal affairs, she had to decide if she wants to go live with her mom in Switzerland or stay here with her dad. I tried to help her out once, but it went like this:



Me: Switzerland would be cool.



Penelope: But I’ll miss all my friends.


Me: Then stay here.


Penelope: But this is a chance of a lifetime!


Me: Oh, yeah, and I’m sure you’ll make tons of new friends.


Penelope: But what if I don’t?


Me: You will.


Penelope: You don’t know that!


Me: Well I guess you better not risk it then.


Penelope: But you said Switzerland would be cool!



Suffice to say she hasn’t progressed at all with her decision. Her mom is only in Switzerland for the next five months, too, so she’ll have to make a decision soon. It’s for her job, Penelope told me. She travels a lot, but never usually stays for so long. Again, a chance of a lifetime.


It’s going to be damn hard to get any studying done with all her fretting.


Dean took my hand and squeezed it, hard. “Blue, she’s your best friend. You can’t give up on her when she needs you most.”


“But that’s just it, Dean!” I shouted, a lot louder than I’d intended. I lowered my voice. “She doesn’t need me. She won’t even talk to me anymore.”


Dean touched my cheek gently when a tear falls down it. “Hey, hey. Don’t cry. She’ll come back around, Skye. I know it.” He sighed.


“What?” I asked.


“Hmm?” He seemed startled.


“What was the sigh for?”


“Oh . . . nothing.” He wouldn’t meet my eyes.


“Seriously, tell me,” I prodded.

He took another breath before saying, “I was just thinking that love’ll always find a way to come back to you, no matter if it’s romance or family love or friend love. It always comes back.”

“Oh,” I said for lack of something better. Dean could sometimes surprise me greatly with his random deep proclamations.


We sat in silence for a few minutes, my mind racing. I was thinking about what love even meant, and for the life of me, I couldn’t get an exact definition that seemed to fit. Love was just so quirky and weird and different for everyone . . . there was no possible way to perfectly define it.


I remembered how I used to think I had it with Chase . . . but did I?


Dean grabbed my arm, and then I was facing him and we were face-to-face. His eyes seemed to be searching for something in mine, but I didn’t know what. His lips parted to say something.




�"and then the bell rang, signaling dinner. Our eyes broke contact and he let go of my arm and I never heard what he had to say. 

© 2012 emma

Author's Note

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Oh my gosh, Dean! Forget school, drag her off to a cafe and have a heart to heart! Unless you were going to say something mean... then by all means, delay away your day! (hehe, that kinda rhymed)

Posted 12 Years Ago

:D cant wait to see what happens next in the story!

Posted 12 Years Ago

So close.

So far. :(



~*Anastasia Shalroy~*

Posted 12 Years Ago

So close, and yet, so far....:(

Posted 12 Years Ago

@ Damita Taylor: lol yes i'm still writing, this isn't the end.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Will there be more? that's no way to end the story lol

Posted 12 Years Ago

Andrea and Nate better get through this alive and well OR I WILL GET ANGRY AT YOU!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

i actually liked this chapter... i dunno why. i guess...i dunno. feeling: hope. Andrea will get through this....she will. AND IF SHE DOESN'T I BLAME IT ON YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE WRITING THIS.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on May 1, 2012
Last Updated on May 1, 2012

Ghombie Whisperer




i'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..

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