![]() Chapter 47 - ReunitedA Chapter by emma-Andrea- The second I saw Nate’s
broken body lying in that hospital bed, I wanted to cry. Instead, I clung
harder to Skye’s arm. She walked me to his bedside, next to all the beeping
machines, and sat me down in a plastic chair. My throat was clenched shut, so I
couldn’t say anything to Skye as she turned on her heel and practically ran
from Nate’s room. All I could do was stare at him and listen to the machine
control his breathing. I could practically feel my heart breaking in two. I reached over and touched
his cheek. It was eerily cold, like he was already a corpse but they were still
going to try and save him. I pressed my hand harder against his face, wishing
my heat would maybe rub off onto him. I wanted to feel him stir underneath my
touch. I wanted to feel some life rush back into him, and maybe he’d even blush
upon waking to see me right at his bedside. I even went so far as to pray for
his eyes to pry themselves open, but tehey didn’t. At some point, I broke down.
My hand found his hand and I held it so tightly I’m sure he would’ve cried out
had he been able to do so. Tears started to spill over my eyes and down my
cheeks, then onto my stupid hospital gown. I tried to calm myself back down,
but I lost control. Sobs racked through me and sent shudders up my spine and I
was in physical pain and my head hurt and I was just broken. I needed Nate to
wake up. I felt responsible for what
happened to him, even though it wasn’t my fault. I got kidnapped, then he was
kidnapped. I had nothing to do with it. But the guilt still crept inside my
mind and I thought dark things. Terrible things, I thought. And his lack of
awakeness made everything worse. I just wanted him to wake up. In the middle of my
breakdown, I leaned over his bed and rested my head on his chest. I found myself
wondering about whether I would’ve ever rested my head on him like this a lot
sooner if we hadn’t been captured. Probably. But I’ll never know. Anyways, I
heard his heartbeat through the thin blankets and thin gown and thick skin. It
wasn’t very sturdy. Just a light tha-thump.
But it was comforting, nonetheless. He’s alive, I reminded myself. Not
dead. Just not awake. My face was getting sticky from my tears pooling up on
his blanket by then. So I sat up, wiped my eyes, and couldn’t squelch the urge
to touch his face again. So I leaned back over and
planted my lips upon his for just a second"a tiny second"before pulling back.
Then I forced myself to stand up, and started to slowly walk to the door. My
nurse was there, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was Romanian, and her
blonde curls were very messy from a long day of nursing the basically deathly
ill. She jolted out of it for a second when we made eye contact and
straightened up, then flopped back down into a slump. I felt tears prickle at
my own eyes again. She walked over and hugged me tightly, even though I barely
knew her. I didn’t mind. The touch was comforting. “I’m so sorry this has
happened to you, little girl,” she mumbled, her voice muffled by my hair, but I
could still make out the thick accent. “No little girl should have to go
through this.” I nodded in agreement. This
was horrible. My nurse"Amelia was her
name"brought me back to my room. I laid back down on my bed and stared back up
at the ceiling, that stupid bland ceiling. “Would you like me to stay,
little girl?” Amelia asked. I nodded again, grateful.
“Yes, please,” I managed. So Amelia sat down next to
my bed and stroked my hair and let me cry and after awhile joined in. When my
eyes finally dried, we talked. We talked about Nate, mostly. When he got in,
how he’s doing, if the doctors think he’ll ever wake up. That was where she
looked away sadly and mumbled her reply. She said none of the doctors thought
he would wake up. Two months in a coma? No response whatsoever? It was looking
pretty bleak. That’s when we switched
topics. Well, kind of. We talked about my relationship with Nate. She wanted
details, so I gave her details. I told her about how we met when my fist
bludgeoned his face, the Pizza Fiasco in which I made an utter idiot of myself
and when he found me after my ghombie attack. (I substituted ghombie for
mugger.) I told her about the time I saw him at the mall, and then running
around the school with him. (I left out the bit about chasing a ghombie.) I
recounted our day in detention and the ride home he gave me after I got kicked
out of Chase’s car. And with a blush on my cheeks, I told her about our first
“date” and the two-second kiss we shared. The only one before today. We were both sobbing
violently by the end of my story. Amelia threw her arms around me and told me
that she was, again, so sorry that all of this happened to me and my story was
one that would make even her rock-hard father cry. I was exhausted afterwards,
and I drifted off to sleep once Amelia left. The nightmares were so awful I
only got about two hours of actual sleep. It was pretty late when I woke up
screaming, but there was someone sitting beside me. It was my mother. She jolted awake and our
eyes met. Hers teared up. “Baby girl . . .” she
started. She looked better. Her eyes
were no longer sunken in, and her flesh not so ghoulish. Her gaze was
unwavering instead of glazed over. Her breath didn’t have any alcohol on it. “Mom . . . ?” She reached over and pulled
me close in a hug. She didn’t feel so weak anymore, but I knew that could be a
deceit. She used to be capable of beating me pretty bad, despite her “weak”
physique. I kind of just sat there dazed while she cried. “Baby, I missed you so
much,” she sobbed. “Mom . . . weren’t you in
rehab?” I strained, racking my brain for the memory. She smiled sadly. “I got
out, baby. A month ago. I’m all better now.” I hated myself for the crack
in my voice when I said, “You’re really better? No more drinking?” “No more drinking,” she
agreed. Then she teared up. “And no more hitting, either.” She broke down again before
she could continue on. The only thing I could really hear was her
scream/crying, “I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have done that please forgive me I’m
so so sorry baby forgive me please oh god I’m so sorry.” She seemed genuine, so I cried
along with her. I knew I forgived her in my heart, but my head kept on
screaming at me to pull away before the monster I knew lived in my mother
emerged. But no monstrous mother appeared. Only a broken one. I decided to stick with my
heart and hugged her back. Then I pushed her away, my head getting the best of
me. “Mom, I . . . this feels
weird.” She bit her lip. “I know. It’ll
take getting used to. I’m"I’m a terrible mother.” To this I said nothing and I
don’t think she expected me to. But after a few moments of god-awful silence
and stares, I did speak up. “Prove to me that you’re
not.” © 2012 emmaAuthor's Note
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Added on April 27, 2012Last Updated on April 27, 2012 Author![]() emmaCanadaAbouti'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..Writing