![]() Chapter 42 - The End of Me, The End of YouA Chapter by emma-Camille- There was a lot of
screaming. Names being shouted into the air, for all of our ears to hear. I
recognized Andrea screaming for that ghombie girl, Jolie. And a male voice had
called Andrea. Then that girl who had been leaning over the boy still on my lap
had screamed for Dean. My head hurt. I didn’t move from my spot in my cell,
certain that White would contain everyone soon and I didn’t want to be caught
in the middle of an attempted escape. I’d made peace with the fact that I was
destined to be just like Jolie. And when White froze that boy (Dean, the girl
had called him) I knew my greatest fear had become a reality. He could control
more than just ghombies. Tears tumbled down my cheeks but I still didn’t move. I watched as White walked
right past the blonde girl hovering around the boy. He was still frozen. Then,
all of a sudden, he seemed to jerk back to life, and the blonde threw herself
into his arms. “Jolie!” I heard Andrea
screech from down the hall. The boy in my lap--Nate--stirred. The girl and Dean looked up
and I watched their confused expressions. They couldn’t see White and what he
must’ve been doing to Andrea. But then of all things, oh God, the girl-ghombie
Jolie rushed into view, and her body tangled with White’s. They went right
through the girl and boy and fell to the ground. They wrestled and I stared in
awe. Jolie seemed to even be winning.
No. Way. “W-what--?” I started to
mumble but White’s sharp scream cut me off. Jolie had bitten into his
neck. For some reason, she chose that moment to look up at me. “Run,” she said.
White layed splayed out on
the floor underneath Jolie. His neck was oozing black, and he seemed unable to
move. I didn’t understand what was happening. At all. So I just sat and stared.
Jolie seemed to understand that I wasn’t going to move, and gave me a serious
look. “Go. Don’t be like me, okay?
Save yourself.” And something in her eyes
jolted me into a standing position. In doing so, I accidentally threw Nate off
my lap. I looked down at him. He wasn’t bleeding anymore, but there was crusted
blood all over his face and hair. But I could still see the attractive in him.
I wondered what would happen if I left him here. I also wondered what would
happen if I took him. I looked up. The girl and
Dean were gone. Nate wasn’t my problem. But I couldn’t seem to make myself just
leave him . . . White shifted slightly under
Jolie, and I made my decision. “Tell Andrea her boyfriend
is here when she comes by, Jolie. I must go,” I said and stepped out the door. Then I ran through the halls
and passed by room after room, closed door after closed door, until finally,
mercifully, there was the exit and it was just within reach-- And Anthony stepped out of
the shadows and grabbed me. Two other ghombies also helped pin me down to the
ground. I screamed and kicked and cried and struggled against the cold of their
skin, but it was no use. They’d caught me. -Jolie- Camille left the bloody boy
on the floor. I understood, of course. I’d have done the same if I were her.
She couldn’t escape if she had to worry about an unconscious person, too. White
writhed underneath me again, but I tried to hold it together. His skin was
burning me, but it wasn’t a normal burn, it was a freezing burn. Ghombies can feel each others cold. Again, a little
shift from White. My breathing became panicky and my throat clogged up. My
chest tightened, and butterflies flew faster in my gut. I didn’t know what would
happen if he fully regained conciousness. I think I must’ve knocked him out
when I bit into him, but he’ll be waking eventually. He’s already practically crawling
away. What if I can’t hold him off a second time? What if he kills me? What
if-- “ANDREA!” someone shouted,
cutting off my thoughts. I turned. It was that blonde
girl, who was now kneeling over the girl--Andrea?--that I was supposed to
posses earlier, but didn’t. The girl that called out for me when I was locking
myself away. The girl that screamed my name when she was in peril. The girl who
was now passed out on the floor. I’d only come out to save
her. I could hear from her voice something bad was happening, and I didn’t want
her to turn out to be like me. So I opened the door and attacked White. To save
her. And she’s not safe yet. “Andrea!” The blonde
screamed again. The two boys who were there
also said her name in a panicky fashion. I hated listening to it. I closed my
eyes and remembered Ellie, my friend here. She and I had shared a cell, and one
day, she tried to escape. I warned her, and did everything I could to stop her,
but she didn’t listen. White caught her, and killed her. I watched. All that he
did was hold her firmly enough, and stared directly at her for a minute and she
collapsed. She was the only friend or family I had left and she was killed in
an instant. The world is a cruel place. Just then, White jerked
underneath me and I looked down right into his dead, white eyes. He was awake.
He kicked me off him, and I went flying. He chased me down the hall before I
even landed. I hit my head on the wall, and stars appeared everywhere. Then he
was in front of me, looking directly into my eyes, and reaching down for my
arm. I tried to move away, but he fastened his hand to my wrist. And when I looked
back up, he was grinning. And that was the last thing I saw before there was a gargantuan
throbbing pain right in the middle of my head and I felt my eyes close. Then
there was nothing. © 2012 emmaAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on March 22, 2012 Last Updated on March 22, 2012 Author![]() emmaCanadaAbouti'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..Writing