![]() Chapter 34 - Flying on BroomsticksA Chapter by emma-Skye- “Everyone, get on your
broomsticks,” Ms. Everly instructed us. Everyone listened. I threw
my leg over the thin wood and then sat, letting the stick catch my weight. I
watched as Dean did the same right next to me. “Now, in alphabtetical order
I want you to fly across the field and back. I’ll be marking you on how
straight you can fly.” The class grumbled to
themselves, but Ms. Everly plowed on. “George Abramms.” George took off and flew
nice and straight across the field. Everyone watched Ms. Everly write in her
blue coil-bound notebook, the one she wrote all of her notes about classes in. “Hannah Caden,” she
continued when George landed. The process continued, and
Dean and I chitchatted while everyone took his or her turn. I tried to keep my
mind from Andrea, but it kept circling back. What if she wasn’t home yet? What
if she was hurt? Or worse, dead? Ms. Everly called my name
and I snapped back into attention. I planted my feet firmly, then pushed off.
This was always my favourite class: you got to fly around in the air and I
always felt free. I think I did a pretty straight fly, but I can’t be sure. Ms.
Everly made a note in her book when I landed, then moved onto the next student.
When we all finished, the
teacher gave us all a congratulatory clap. “Well done, all of you. Now we can
play a game.” I loved games with
broomsticks. This may sound like it’s beginning to take a turn into the realm
of Harry Potter, but its not. We play tag, not Quidditch. A girl named Mina was
the first “it” and we all mounted our broomsticks and took off. Now, this may seem like a
fun little game that our awesome teacher let us do for no reason. But if you
thought that, you’re wrong. We get graded on our performance in these broom
games we play. We get marked on how much control we can have over our sticks,
how fast we can go, if we can balance enough to lean over and tag someone and
if we can escape getting caught by making intricate and snappy moves. So when Mina decided I would
be a great target, I booked it and took off in the opposite direction. She
didn’t chase me for long before she got tired of being too far behind and
started going after someone else. The nice thing about broomsticks was that you
weren’t really getting any exercise, so you didn’t get out of breath. It felt
like I was breaking the rules of moving fast. I saw Dean start to approach
me out of the corner of my eye. I spun my broom around before he could tag me.
He threw up his hands in a sort of surrender and I let him approach. “Chill, Blue,” he said,
smiling. “I’m still on your side.” “Oh, are you?” I asked. He grinned. “Of course.” I saw Mina start speeding
towards Dean and I. I decided it’d be funny to wait until the last second to
move out of the way to mess up Dean, and it was. When Mina was less than a
meter away, I dashed to the right, leaving Dean confused and an easy target.
Mina tagged him effortlessly, and I laughed as he narrowed his eyes and started
chasing after me. We played a sort of team
tag, so when “it” caught someone, they were both now “it.” Dean chased me
around the field until I was the fourth last person left not it. By that time,
there were only fifteen more minutes of class. Ms. Everly called us all down to
put away our broomsticks. “Now, next class we’ll be
inside in my classroom and I’ll be teaching you how to make nose-dives, and how
to not smash into the ground while doing them,” she announced. I smiled. I’ve been wanting
to learn how to do nose-dives for a while now. Class was dismissed, and we all
headed inside to our rooms to get ready for dinner. “Meet you in thirty,” Dean
said and started jogging to the guy’s dorms. I walked nonchalantly up to
my dorm, and pulled out my phone. No messages. That could be good or bad. Maybe
Andrea got home after all, or maybe she didn’t. I called Pricilla, but there
was no answer. After two more tries, I gave up and chucked my phone back in my
bag. When I pushed open the door
to my dorm room, Penelope was on the computer. “Hey, Skye! Check this out!”
she called. I sighed and walked over to
the laptop she had on her desk. “What?” “Look at this cat! Look at
it! Just look at it!” I had always found it
interesting how easily amused Penelope was with stupid cat videos. She was like
a six-year-old. In this video, there was a cat “playing the piano.” It was
completely obvious someone was moving the cat to make it look like it was
playing, but it wasn’t. “Penelope, this is so fake.
Why do you like it so much?” I asked her, but I silently saw the fun in
watching the poor cat. “It’s adorable. You just
have no heart.” I laughed and dumped my bag
onto my bed. Then I wandered into the bathroom to fix my hair; it usually got
pretty messed up from flying really fast in the air. Half an hour later, Penelope
and I went downstairs for dinner. Dean was sitting at our usual table with
Carlos, and they waved when they saw us. I didn’t like Carlos much, but Dean
and him were roommates, so I had to pretend to be his friend. Mostly just
during mealtimes. Dean didn’t like Carlos too much either, and was working on
covertly switching roommates with someone. Apparently it wasn’t going well. “Hey, guys,” Penelope
greeted. She hated Carlos. He tried hitting on her every other day, and it
pissed her off and made her feel uncomfortable. But she did a spectacular job hiding
her hatred. “Hi,” Carlos said, his mouth
full of food. Dean smiled. “Hey.” I sat down beside him,
forcing Penelope to sit beside Carlos. But then she saw Kimberly--her best
friend--from across the cafeteria, and waved to her. “Oh, sorry, Kimberly is
calling me. I gotta go,” she said and rushed away. We all sat in awkward
silence for a few minutes until Carlos finished eating and excused himself,
using the excuse that he had to study. I slid over to the other side of the
table so I was facing Dean. “Please tell me you’re
working on switching roommates so we can stop pretending to be his friend,” I
said. “It’s obvious he doesn’t even like us, either. I think he’s ever getting
tired of Penelope.” Dean smiled. “I’m working on
it. It’s a slow process, though.” We made small talk for a few
minutes before I started talking about Andrea. “Her grandma didn’t call,
and I’m worried. I was thinking we should go to her house again tonight,” I
suggested. Dean made a face that
clearly implied that he did not like that idea. “Skye, I don’t think I should.” “Why not?” “Everyone hates me. Chase
and Nate kept giving me dirty looks, and I guess I understand. I don’t even
know Andrea, so its weird that I’m as dedicated as you are to finding her.” I crossed my arms over my
chest and leaned back in my chair. “Since when do you care what other people
think of you?” He shrugged. “I guess since
now.” I shook my head. “Don’t come
if you don’t want to, but it’d be nice to have company . . .” I knew I’d reel him in with
that. He sighed. “Well, I guess you’ll just have to go alone because I’m not
going.” “What?” He grinned. “You thought
you’d be able to suck me in that easily? You naïve girl.” I smiled, despite myself.
“Whatever, maybe Penelope will want to come.” “I doubt it. Has she ever
wanted to before?” I growled, “No.” I hate
being proven wrong. “Well, the stats show you’re
probably going alone, then.” Dean thought for a second, then added, “Or you
could just stay here.” “No! What if she’s not
okay?” “Even if she isn’t, what are
you going to do about it? Nothing. You might as well just leave it to her
grandmother for tonight. Maybe tomorrow will be better.” I eventually gave in and
decided he was right. So after I ate, I went back upstairs to my room. I didn’t
get a wink of sleep, though. Too many thoughts rolling around in my head, and
not one of them good. © 2012 emmaAuthor's Note
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Added on January 6, 2012Last Updated on January 6, 2012 Author![]() emmaCanadaAbouti'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..Writing
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