Chapter 25 - Just Barely

Chapter 25 - Just Barely

A Chapter by emma

Nate let me into his truck, and then he got in on the other side. I took in my surroundings for the second time, trying to ignore the painfully fast pace my heart was beating at. Nate smiled at me, and I smiled at him. He started the vehicle and we began driving away. It was awkward, for some reason. I tapped my foot on the floor to no definite beat, feeling the tension in the air between us.


“So,” I mustered brilliantly.


Nate laughed. “So.”


I gave him a sideways look. “What’s so funny?”


“Nothing, I guess. I was just relieved I wasn’t the only one who felt awkward.”


I smiled. “Nope, you are definetly not alone there.”


After that, our conversations flowed easily. We talked about everything and anything. Except ghombies. Parties, pools, cell phones, candy, ice cream, penguins. It was rather random. When we were a few blocks away from the fast food restaurant, my phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket and answered.




“Andrea? It’s Max.”


I smiled into the phone. “Oh, hey, Max.”


Nate gave me a quick look. His grip tightened slightly on the steering wheel.


“Uh, can we meet up soon and work on our drama assignment?” He sounded nervous.


“Sorry, Max, I can’t.” I glanced and Nate and smiled shyly. “I’m kind of on a date.”


Nate shot me an amused look, and I stuck my tongue out at him in response. Max was silent.




No reply.


“Max, are you there?”




“Okay, well we’ll have to do the assignment some other time.”


“You’re on a date?” Max sounded astounded.


I shrugged. “I guess, yeah.” A blush spread across my cheeks.


“With who?”


“Why does that matter?” I asked.


“It just does.”


We pulled up at the restaurant. “I have to go, Max. Talk to you later.”


“No, wait--”


I hit ‘End’ and pulled open the truck door. Nate and I met up in front of his vehicle, and we made our way to the entrance of Burger King.


“Who was that?” Nate asked. I noticed we were walking close enough that our bodies brushed every so often.




“Who’s Max?”


“A kid in my drama class. We’re doing a project together.”


Nate accepted this and we made our way into Burger King. We ordered, then sat down with our food trays at a table near the back of the restaurant. Nate dug in and I picked daintily at my fries. After he’d scarfed half of his meal, I began talking.


“So. What happened with the ghombie?”


Nate sighed and closed his eyes. “It was a girl. She pounced on me as I was leaving my house . . . I have no clue why she was there. Anyways, she bit into me and the only thought in my head was pain. It was so painful, Andrea. Like she was ripping me apart and then stapling me back together.”


I nodded and reached across the table for his hand. He took it with ease.


“And then everything sort of turned white. I could see everything, but it was white. It was really weird.”


“That happens to everyone,” I told him. “It’s totally normal. Well, as normal as any of this gets.”


He plowed on, disregarding my comment. “Then I blacked out. When I woke up, I was looking at my body lying there on my front steps. I felt really cold. And, well, dead inside.”


I completely understood.


“Then it woke up. It stared at me, smiled, and ran away. I was stuck in a dead girl’s body for who knows how long. When it came back, the white tinted world came back. Next thing I knew, I was back in me, and the ghombie was gone.”


I squeezed his hand tight. “Are you okay?”


“Not really. I was scared.” His gray eyes met mine, and for one instant, I felt like I could see down to his core. I could see every piece of person that made him himself. And then he blinked and I was back to just staring at gorgeous, but normal eyes.


His fingers were warm in mine. I never wanted to let go, and I wondered if he felt the same. Actually, I wondered what he was thinking about as we looked at each other from across the greasy fast food table. What did he see in my eyes? My deepest secrets? Did he see my kiss with Chase? Did he see my one and only drink? Or did he see himself, since he was what occupied most of my thoughts? I didn’t know.


The door chimed from behind me and Nate’s eyes widened. I turned around, my grasp slipping from his. Clarissa Flory and Nadine Edwards were walking in, their long beautiful hair cascading all around them. Anger simmered in my stomach. Or maybe it was betrayal. Either way, when they saw Nate, they rushed on over. They pulled up two chairs and squished in next to Nate.


“Hi, Nate!” sang Clarissa.


“What’s up?” Nadine asked.


I scowled at the two girls, wondering who they thought they were. You can’t just pull up two chairs next to two people on a date . . . it’s just not done. I was actually furious. I was just going to be put off to the side.


Nate didn’t respond to either blondes. He just stared at me, as if I’d put a spell over him. I liked the attention. Clarissa poked him.


“Natey, are you okay?”


Natey? Okay, enough was enough.


I cleared my throat and both girls finally noticed me. “Excuse me, but I think you’re interrupting us.”


Clarissa shot me an annoyed look. “Whatever, loser.”


“Yeah, shut up,” Nadine chimed in.


I glared at Clarissa. “You’ve got a lot of nerve.”


“So do you.”


“I think you should leave us alone,” I said, addressing them both now.


Clarissa yawned and leaned into Nate so her head was on his shoulder. She clutched his arm to her chest like he was her lifeline. Oh. Hell. No. It didn’t even make me feel better that Nate scolded her and slid out of her grip. No, I was so pissed I could’ve punched her. So I did.


I jumped up, knocking my chair over, and pulled my fist back to get momentum. When my fist connected with her face, she screamed. And my knuckles cracked.


“Oh my God!” Nadine screeched, just as astonished as everyone else in the restaurant who had gathered around.


Clarissa was gushing blood now, her nose a swollen mess of the red liquid. I looked at my still clenched fist and noticed the little drops of blood. I brushed them away. All of a sudden, I felt hurt. I had to resort to violence because of two stupid girls who were throwing themselves at Nate. Tears in my eyes, I pushed out of the restaurant, not listening to the people screaming at me to come back.


The afternoon air was refreshing on my cheeks. I wiped my nose and eyes and started to walk away when someone grabbed my hand.


“Andrea,” breathed Nate.


I spun around. “What?”


“Are you okay?” He seemed to ask me that question a lot.


“No. But I’ll bet your girlfriend in there is a whole lot worse.” I jutted my chin out towards the restaurant. I could hear people yelling and such from inside.


Nate shrugged. “She’ll be fine.”


I looked at him, puzzled. Why was he with me when I’d just physically harmed someone?


He took my look as a question. “It’s not even as bad as my hit was.”


I laughed a little, remembering the way we met. He smiled at me.


“There you go, laugh it up. She’s not even worth crying over, Drey.”


Three things that are majorly important to me: one, he can tell I’m basically crying. Two, he acknowledged that I’m crying over Clarissa, and he’s telling me not to worry about her because he isn’t. And three, he called me Drey.


I sniffled and sucked it up. “Can you take me home, Nate?”


He sighed, but nodded. We got back into his truck and he drove me back to my house. Neither of us spoke the entire ride, but it wasn’t awkward. It was like he was letting me collect my thoughts.


When we pulled into my driveway, I expected him to just let me out and then drive away. But he actually got out and walked me to my door, as if this catastrophe really had been a date.


“Thanks for everything,” I told him. “Sorry I went crazy and punched someone. Kinda ruined the day.”


He laughed lightly. “I guess. But it was cool to see you so jealous of me.”

I put my hands on my hips. “I was not jealous. She was just pissing me off.”


“Yeah. Whatever.”


That’s when in happened. He leaned in close and put his arms around my waist. I let my arms coil themselves around his neck, and we rested our foreheads against each other’s. For a few seconds, we just stood there, staring into each other’s eyes, face to face. Then, finally, our lips just barely connected.


The door flew open, jolting us away from each other. I pulled my arms back, and he pulled back his. My grandma stood in the doorway, a rolling pin in her hand. She stared menacingly down at Nate and I.


“What’s up, kids?” she asked and I could tell she was trying incredibly hard not to laugh.




“Andrea, how about you introduce me to your little friend?”


“No, that’s okay, he has to go.”


I gave Nate a look that said to get the hell out. He recognized the look, and winked at me.


“Yes, I have to get going. Bye, Andrea. See you tomorrow.”


“Bye.” I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.


I watched Nate peel away, then drive off. Then I wheeled around and faced my grandmother.


“What. Was. That?”


She began laughing so hard that she was wheezing. I just glared at her.


“Oh, honey, since your mom and dad both can’t be the annoying over-protective guardian, I have to fill in!”


“You could’ve at least let me kiss him for a second or two longer,” I muttered under my breath. I hadn’t expected her to hear, and she didn’t.


“But, c’mon, that was pretty funny,” she tried to convince me.


“Nope. Not at all.”


I rushed upstairs, trying hard not to hear my grandma’s cackles. I lay on my bed, my whole body jittery. Had I imagined it, or had Nate and I just kissed?


I really hoped I hadn’t imagined it. 

© 2011 emma

Author's Note

FINALLY! ..and then grandma ruined it. oh well. this is my longest chapter so far, which i am proud of. i know, its kinda weird that their kiss came in the aftermath of her beating up Clarissa, but whatever. (to explain: he finally noticed she cared enough to get violent with another girl and made his "move") anyways, hope ya like it, and i'm glad i could get two chapters out today:)! enjoy...

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YES! And I'm suddenly liking her grandma :P

Posted 12 Years Ago

and also on the best friend chapter I am glad you didn't make it a typical friendship goes bad over some dude, that was cool

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ahhhhhh! So close to the big romantic kiss ive been wanting!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I so wish my grandma was like that!!!!! Nate, I love you! Clarissa, I hope your schnozz swells up like a balloon!!😄

Posted 13 Years Ago

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ACK! I LOVED IT!! XD Totally awesome chapter!! I think Max is gonna be pissed I like Mr. Nate. :) Great job! :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was so funny, I love the grandma. But still they kissed, I am so happy. They are so cute together, love it. Just another awesome chapter !

Posted 13 Years Ago

X3 I love her grandmother! I love that Andrea finally punched Clarrisa! I love that Nate and Andrea finally kissed! I just love this chapter!

Posted 13 Years Ago

i can't believe she punched that girl and then grandma! HAHA!

Posted 13 Years Ago

awwh so cute!! i loved it! but i feel kinda sorry for max!! like really?! but nates pretty nice. although him kind of cheating on his girlfriend is not cool...

Posted 13 Years Ago

Stupid gramma.
always ruining everything.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 16, 2011
Last Updated on December 16, 2011

Ghombie Whisperer




i'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..

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