Chapter 21 - Detention and Nate

Chapter 21 - Detention and Nate

A Chapter by emma

There were at least five pieces of gum stuck to the bottom of the desk. I warily placed my homework on the scratched and carved up wood and waited for the teacher to come in and begin our detention. A few very creative markings were etched into the desk, such as “Skol is dum,”, “This sux,” and, my favourite, “F.U.!” I know, these people were so literate. Nate was in the seat next to me, and seemed to be examining his desk as well. I poked him.


“What’s your desk say?” I asked, not bothering with a whisper.


He smiled. “Well, one says “I got swag.” And the one beneath that says, “No you don’t.””


I laughed.


Nate smiled at me again, dazzlingly, and I felt my stomach flip flop. I hate, hate, hated it. I didn’t want to get nervous around him . . . I didn’t want to become some crush-obsessed girl who is too idiotic to do anything more than flirt. God, I hated those girls.


I’m a hypocrite. That’s me. I’m a crush-obsessed girl who is--


A ruler crackled on the surface of the teacher’s desk at the front of the room, snapping me out of my own thoughts. I hadn’t even noticed the teacher come in. It was Mr. Andrews, a teacher I’d had last year for history. He was quite possibly the strictest, meanest, most ruthless teacher I’d even had. And he seemed pretty damn content with his job of scaring his detention prisoners.


“Okay, Rule-Breakers,” he began in that nasally voice of his. “I’m in charge here, and there shall be absolutely no talking.”


I rolled my eyes. Duh, Mr. Andrews. If we could talk, it’d just be a social hangout.


“And, of course, you cannot leave until two hours is up.”


I groaned. Loudly. I hadn’t meant for it to be loud, it just slipped out. I had thought detention was only an hour at the most . . . but two hours? That was just too much time sitting in a gummed-up, carved up desk. Plus the seat was cracked, so every time I shifted my weight, it sounded like I was farting.


Mr. Andrews glared at me so harshly that I thought he was going to pop a vein. Guess what? He didn’t.


“Sorry. It slipped out,” I squeaked.


He snapped the ruler on the desk. “No. Talking!”


I nodded and slumped back into my chair, making a fart noise. Obviously, Mr. Andrews was dense enough to think I had done it on purpose. So he waltzed on over to me and grabbed my shirt.


I was shocked. “Hey, you can’t--”


He leaned down way too close to my ear than I was comfortable with. “I can do whatever I want.”


His grip on the ruler tightened and I thought he was going to hit me or something. But instead, he threw me back into my seat and stomped back to the front.


“Now,” he said. “Detention begins.”


Stunned and a little scared, I pulled out my homework like a good detentionee. To my utter surprise, detention flew by. Mr. Andrews let us out, and I’d completed all of my homework. Yay!


My happiness evaporated when I saw who was waiting outside the classroom door. One Mr. Chase Armstead. I swallowed hard and approached.


“What are you doing here, Chase?” I asked.


He smiled half-heartedly. “I needed to talk to you.”


“So talk.”


Chase opened his mouth to say something, then snapped it shut. His eyes narrowed into slits, but he didn’t seem to be looking at me. He must be looking past me. So I swiveled around and, sure enough, Nate was a mere three feet away, watching Chase and I closely.


I sighed and made my way over to him. “Nate, what are you doing?”


He eyes flickered to mine, and I swear I choked on my breath. He had the most dazzling eyes ever.


“Who’s that guy? I saw you with him at the mall.” Nate sounded panicky. I smiled triumphantly.


“A friend.”


“Just a friend?”


“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” I was loving being so in control.


He paled. “It just is.”


“No, I don’t think so.” I paused and turned to look at Chase. He offered me a hesitant smile, and I turned back to Nate. “I have to go now.”


To my utmost glee and shock, he grabbed my hand to stop me. “Wait, please.”


Cue rapidly beating heart. I just stared at our connected hands like an idiot for a few seconds before I realized it was protocol that I spoke. “Why?”


“I need to talk to you.”


I was so popular. Everyone needed to talk to me.




Nate glanced over at Chase. “Private stuff.”


“Chase knows I’m a ghombie whisperer,” I told him, wondering if that was what he wanted to talk about.


But he shook his head. “That’s not what its about.”


I didn’t think it was possible, but my heart began speeding even faster. “I suppose we can talk. Just gimme a second.”


I slid my hand out of Nate’s and rushed back over to Chase. “Wait a minute, okay, Chase? This guy needs to talk to me.”


“What about?” Jeez, Chase was just as nosey as me.


I shrugged. “I don’t know yet.”


Chase touched my arm. “Hurry, okay?”


I nodded and shook off his touch. “Okay.”


He gave me a stern look, one that told me he’d prefer it if I just didn’t even give Nate the chance to speak to me. But I left anyways, giddy with what he could want to talk about.


Nate led me down the hall where no one else would overhear us.


He took a deep breath before he began. “Okay, this is going to sound stupid, but I’m going to say it anyways.”


Oh. My. God. Did he like me, too?


“Listen . . .”


His hesitation was killing me. I needed to know what he was going to say!


“Is that guy your boyfriend?” Nate glanced up and nodded at Chase, who was leaning against a locker. Even from way down the hall I could tell he was tense.


I shook my head. “God, no.” I thought about our kiss and shivered. “He’s one of my best friends.”


Nate seemed to relax. “Oh. So he really is dating your friend Skye?”


No way. Nate was interested in Skye? No! No, no, no, no, no, no! But, being the idiot I am, decided to tell him the truth.


“No, she was lying.” I clamped my mouth shut.


Nate’s gray eyes lit up. “Really? Why?”


Might as well tell the whole truth, right? I sighed. “Those two used to date. Skye wants them to get back together, which is why she told you guys they were dating.” I didn’t mention the fact that she needed an excuse to turn down Wilson.


A frown crept onto Nate’s lips. “So she’s not interested in a new relationship?”


My frustration slithered out of my mouth. “Why do you care? Are you looking to be in a relationship with her?”


Nate looked surprised I’d gathered all that. “What? No!” He paused and smiled at me. “I’ve got my eye on someone else.”


I blushed, even though I wasn’t sure if he was talking about me or someone else. I just assumed I was the girl he wanted. I mean, that smile had to mean something, right?


“Then why’d you care is she and Chase were dating?” I asked.


Nate shook his head and chuckled. “Wilson. He’s interested in Skye.”


My jaw dropped. “Really? I never would’ve guessed.”


Nate laughed. “Unbelievable, huh?”




I itched to ask who he had his eye on, just to clarify if it was really me or not. But I couldn’t bring myself to say it. I just couldn’t. Chase cleared his throat from down the hall, and I turned around. He pushed off the lockers and started walking my way, a steeled look in his eyes. I’d always loved Chase’s eyes, but they weren’t even close to the perfection that were Nate’s gray beauties. When he reached me, he grabbed my arm.


“We have to go, Drey.” I was a bit annoyed that he used my nickname at that particular time. Poor Nate must feel left out.


I yanked my arm out of his grip. “Why?”


He gave me an unhappy look that clearly stated he was not in the mood for my stubbornness.


I looked at Nate. “Gotta go. See you soon?” I think there was a bit too much hope in my voice.


“Yeah, sure.” Then he walked away. I was majorly offended.


But I didn’t let Chase see. So I pretended everything was all fine and dandy as Chase and I walked back to his car. He told me he couldn’t tell me anything until we were in his car, since it was such a private conversation. I went along with it. 

© 2011 emma

Author's Note

new chapter, yay! next oneshould be posted before Monday, hopefully. thanks to everyone who has been reading/reviewing every single chapter of this darn book. you people are the BEST!

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OOO im exicted to keep reading. Ive been dying to keep reading but I I couldnt get on. But thankfully I found some time cause I NEED TO KNOW WHA HAPPENS

Posted 13 Years Ago

what is so important to Chase??? and who is Nate eyeballing ??? cant wait for next chapter.... I LOVE THIS ONE !!!!!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I LOVED IT! :D So funny/awkward. Want to know what Chase is going to say. *excited*

Posted 13 Years Ago

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WHO HAS NATE PUT HIS EYEBALL ON?!?!? lol I must know!! Awesome chapter, I can't wait for the next one!! :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

When Nate and Andrea first started talking, I almost freaked out. I just assumed, like Andrea, that Nate actually liked Skye for a moment. But okay, Wilson likes Skye, I'm okay with that. I love how you had Chase and Nate both in this one!

Posted 13 Years Ago

stayed up with tired eyes to read this! this is quite lovely, Em. May I call you Em? short for Emma? *shrug* alright. Quite lovely chapter, i love the testosterone filled competition. 'Tis sexaiii ;D

Posted 13 Years Ago

i saw the name....HAD TO READ IT.

Posted 13 Years Ago

oh..... nice nice nice!!!!! i wannna know this private conversation!!!! cant wait until next chapter!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 10, 2011
Last Updated on December 10, 2011

Ghombie Whisperer




i'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..

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