Chapter 16 - I Hate The Mall

Chapter 16 - I Hate The Mall

A Chapter by emma

The mall was crowded when I got there. Skye had said that we would all meet at the water fountain on the first floor, and I had been sitting there for a few minutes already. No sign of either Chase or Skye. Maybe this was one of those pranks or something to get back at me. I can see it now:


“Oh my gosh, I need to get back at her,” Skye would say.


“I have the perfect idea!” Chase would reply.


“What?” Skye would ask.


“We’ll tell her we’ll meet her in the mall and then not go! She’ll look like a moron,” Chase would tell Skye.


Skye would answer, “Yeah! That’ll teach her!”


Just as I started to get up to leave, someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Skye.


“Hey, you’re late,” I said.


“I know, sorry. Traffic.”


“Oh. Okay.” I looked around, but couldn’t find Chase. “Where’s Chase?”


“He texted me and said he’d be about ten minutes late. So we can just chill here, right?”


“Yeah. Sounds good,” I said and smiled. It felt good to be hanging out with my best friend again.


And of course, just as I was getting all comfortable, Nate and Wilson walked into view, cups of some liquid in their hands, laughing like they didn’t have a care in the world. I groaned, and Skye heard it.


“What?” she asked nosily.


I had no choice but to tell her. “I know those two guys.”


Her face brightened. “Oh! Blondie’s cute!”


She was referring to Nate. I pushed away the urge to say I agreed with her statement.


“Yeah, that’s Nate. And the other is Wilson.”


“Invite ’em over here! It’ll be so cute!” Skye was perky and bouncing with excitement now.

“No thanks. Nate’s the guy I punched in the cornfield. And Wilson is the guy who hit on me just before I got ghombie-attacked.”


“What? When did Wilson ever hit on you? What ghombie attack?”


Oops. Guess I hadn’t remembered to tell her about that particular experience. So I explained the whole thing, (including my almost-kiss with Nate) and when I was done, Skye was literally pulling me towards Nate and Wilson, who had taken a seat in the little café that was near the fountain.


“Come on, Drey! Go say hi to Nate and Wilson!” She giggled.


I guess she’d said their names pretty loud, because they both turned around and saw us instantly. Both of their faces lit up when they saw me. Great.


Nate was the first one up and out of his chair. He rushed over, trying to act like he wasn’t rushing, and greeted me coolly.


“Hey, Andrea,” he said and gave me a sleek smile.


“Hi,” I said quietly.


Then appeared Wilson, but he wasn’t even looking at me. He was staring right at Skye.


“Name’s Wilson. And yours?” He raised an eyebrow at her, and I heard her suppressed giggle.




Wilson smiled. “What a nice name.”


“Thanks, but you can cool it on the compliments, because I have a boyfriend.” Skye raised an eyebrow of her own, as if daring Wilson to try and hit on her again.


Wilson instantly deflated and backed off. Now why hadn’t I thought of that excuse on my own when I’d been the victim of his flirting?


Nate looked at me, a smile playing on his lips. “What are you doing here?”


“I could ask you the same question.” I tried to say that as unflirtatiously as I could, but judging by Skye’s little nudge with her elbow, I hadn’t done a great job.


“Wilson and I were looking for presents for his little sister. Her birthday is tomorrow and he hasn’t gotten her anything yet.”


Wilson’s cheeks coloured a little. I pretended not to notice and spared his man-pride.


“Oh. Well we’re waiting for her--” I pointed to Skye. “--boyfriend to get here so we can all go shopping.”


“Cool. What are you shopping for?” Nate asked and gave me a small smile.


“No clue. That’s the fun part.” I was actually proud of myself for handling the situation so well.


Nate and I just smiled at each other for a minute before Wilson tapped Nate’s shoulder.


“Dude, there’s Nadine and Clarissa!”


I turned around (more like whipped around lightning-fast) to see Nadine Edwards and Clarissa Flory, two of the most popular girls at school. Nadine and Clarissa were both busty blondes, and what else could a guy ever want? I didn’t know either of them, and I wasn’t very sad about that.


They were both waving at Wilson and Nate, looking way too perky if you ask me.


“Come on, Nate, let’s go talk with them,” Wilson said. Then turned back to Skye and I. “See you guys later.”


There was a split second where Nate hesitated, a panicked look on his face, but then he waved goodbye to me and parted with Wilson. Skye and I watched as Nadine and Clarissa welcomed them, giving them each a hug, and then a kiss on each cheek.


I gritted my teeth, an unexpected sense of jealousy gripping me. I tried to shake it off. It was no big deal. Nate had a life, too.


“I’m sorry, Drey,” Skye said and touched my arm. “He seemed like he liked you.”


I whirled around. “Well obviously he doesn’t, and that’s just fine with me! Because I don’t like him! He’s stupid, worthless and a huge jerk!” I curled my fingers into a fist and dug my nails into my hand.


Skye patted my back. “Whatever you say, hon.”


“Skye, I’m serious. He was never even an option in my mind. As if I’d fall for him. Ever.” I was talking so fast, because I was nervous. Which was a dead giveaway to Skye that I was lying.


Unexpectedly, she just shook it off and said, “Okay. As long as you’re sure.”


“I’m sure.”


We went back to sitting at the fountain. I couldn’t help but hear Nadine and Clarissa’s giggles as Wilson and Nate worked their magic on them. A few minutes later, the four of them walked by again, heading deeper into the mall. Nate turned once in my direction, his eyes an unreadable mystery, then hastily turned back to attend to Clarissa. I tried to shake off the hurt feeling that was pooling in my gut, but it just got worse every time I tried. 

© 2011 emma

Author's Note

in case you're wondering, the next chapter will have Chase in! i'm so suprised i got two chapters out today, and thanks for much for all the positive feedback. enjoy;)!

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Why are boys such idiots? Jeez~

Posted 12 Years Ago

Nate is evil those blonde girls seem *ahem* stupid! Maybe it's just me...but...LOL
~jasmine thousand~

Posted 13 Years Ago

Nate must die for betraying the non-relationship they have! But he can't die, I like his character! Nadine and Clarissa.... sounds like some preps >:( Wilson can have them!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Nate's a jerk.
Drey is a sucky liar and i love every minute of her and Skye's friendship.
I already don't like Nadine and Clarissa! B**B STUFFERS!! BOITTLE BLONDES!!!! DREY'S BETTER *****!!!! XDD

Posted 13 Years Ago

...I have a bad feeling about Skye...

Posted 13 Years Ago

Lol love it!!! Really good can't wait to see what'll happen next.... I thinkNate definatly likes Andrea

Posted 13 Years Ago

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Skye's a flirt, lol. AHG I can't wait to read more!!!!! XD

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh Skye. *groan*. Still really nervous about this Chase thing. :S

Posted 13 Years Ago

kk your probably sick of it but i have nothing to say but " I LOVE THIS BOOK "...cant wait to read more

Posted 13 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 27, 2011
Last Updated on November 27, 2011

Ghombie Whisperer




i'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..

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