Chapter 15 - Ah, Saturday

Chapter 15 - Ah, Saturday

A Chapter by emma

Ah, Saturday. The day where every teenager sighs in relief when they don’t have to set an alarm, where they don’t need to think or move or do anything, where they can stay in their pajamas all day and lounge about. I love Saturdays.


The rest of the week had gone fine. Nate didn’t try and talk to me, and I wasn’t sure if I was happy or sad about that. Wilson left me alone, and I caught up on all my homework. I almost forgot all about Chase’s little love proclamation the other day. Almost.


The first thing I thought of when I woke up that fine Saturday morning (okay, it was afternoon. Give me a break. It was Saturday!) was Skye. She was going for her coffee date with Chase today. I groped my bedside table for my phone, knocking over my alarm clock, my lip-chap and my old, dog-eared copy of Jane Eyre in the process. When I finally found it, I punched in Skye’s cell number, praying she’d answer.


“Hey,” she said cheerily.


“Oh, Skye, hey--”


“I’m not available at the moment, so leave a message at the beep! Beep! No not that beep, the next one! Thanks for calling!”


I shook my head. Skye’s answering machine was über-embarrassing. And her phone was off. What if she was already on the date? I checked the time. It was already one thirty!


I threw off the covers and searched my drawers for clean clothes. I slipped on my black skinny jeans, along with my purple “Free Hugs” t-shirt, and my strikingly red sweater. So what if my outfit clashed? I wasn’t auditioning for America’s Top Model.


I raced down the stairs and right out the front door. I was already half way down the driveway when logic seeped into my still-sleeping brain. I didn’t know where I was going. Skye hadn’t told me where they were going, and there were, like, six cafés Chase could’ve taken her to.


Like an idiot, I walked back into my house, head drooping with shame. I was so stupid!


“Back so soon?” my grandmother called from the living room. I hadn’t even noticed her there.


“I didn’t know where I was going.” I admitted and stomped back upstairs.


I half expected my mother to barge out of her room and scream at me. She always hated it when I stomped around. She claimed it made the whole house shake. But wait! She was in rehab! She was getting healthy again!


I smiled and hopped up the rest of the stairs. I pulled out my phone and stared at it for a few minutes before trying Skye again. There was her dorky answering machine. I groaned and forced myself to type in Chase’s number, just in case he wasn’t nice enough to turn it off.


“Hello.” An automated voice said. There was a long pause before it spoke again. “Chase is not here to take your call. Try again later.” Then the beep.


Great. Wonderful. Awesome. He probably didn’t want to be bothered while he was busy tearing out Skye’s heart all over again. I lowered my face into my hands and sighed. The worst part of the whole thing was that I was just as guilty as he was. I’d kissed him back. And for at least a minute, I had enjoyed it. Chase would make sure to tell Skye every detail, leaving me no room to try and regain her friendship. She was going to hate me.


For three hours, I paced the length of my bedroom, every few minutes trying Skye’s phone, then Chase’s, but they never answered. So I was stuck keeping myself busy by jumping on my bed, playing catch with rolled up socks, singing into my hairbrush to pop icons like Beyoncé and texting random people I barely ever talked to. I’d left Skye about twenty voicemails, but none for Chase. I wasn’t going to give him that kind of power over me.


Then, out of the blue, my cell started ringing. I was a bundle of nerves as I answered with, “Hello!”


“Uh, hi, is Bailey there?” a voice I didn’t recognize said.


“Who?” I asked.


“Bailey. Bailey Wallwin?”


I sighed internally. “I think you must have the wrong number. There are no Bailey Wallwins here.”


“Oh. Okay, thanks.” The other person hung up.


“Why won’t you call?” I yelled at my phone, willing Skye’s number to appear, along with the words, Incoming Call.


But that didn’t happen. My stomach gurgled, and I realized I hadn’t eaten anything yet. So I went downstairs, fixed myself a sandwich and ate it. Still nothing from Skye. I watched an hour of T.V. Still nothing from Skye. I played a game of checkers with my grandma, then a game of Go Fish, then a game of Cribbage, and still nothing from Skye. It was almost seven o’clock by the time I went back upstairs.


I decided I might as well make use of my time and read a hundred or so pages of The Possess of A Ghombie, the stupid book that wasn’t useful at all when it came to defending yourself against that specific type of supernatural. But on page 507, chapter 54, Part 3, I stumbled across something useful!



Ghombie possessions are quite common, but not well known. Most people choose to ignore them. At supernatural schools all across the world, teachers are teaching their students that ghombies are nonexistent. This is because they do not believe that ghombies are any real threat to anyone besides a Life Donor, and it would be pointless to scare all of the students.



So that’s why Annabelle didn’t think ghombies were real. And I hadn’t known that the real term for ghombie whisperer was Life Donor. I guess it fit. I was about to continue on to the next paragraph, finally intruiged by the contents of the book, when my phone rang.


“Hello?” I answered. I had completely forgotten I was waiting for Skye to call.


“Andrea, it’s Skye. I got all your messages . . . meet me in our graveyard?”


“Oh, Skye! Hey, yeah okay. I’ll be there.”


“Great. Bye.” She hung up.


She didn’t sound too mad or heartbroken, but Chase had to have told her. Why wouldn’t he? I checked the time: it was almost eight thirty.


I loped down the stairs and asked my grandma sweetly if I could go out and meet Skye.


“Behave.” Was her only comment.




The chill of the night slapped my cheeks as I made my way to the graveyard. My ears were freezing off, and I was glad I’d taken out the little diamond earrings I usually wore. I hated wearing earrings in the winter because they made my ears even colder, but today my ears were freezing anyways. I should’ve worn a hat. And not to mention my fingers. They were so cold that when I touched my ears, they felt warm in comparison. I was so going to get frostbitten.


My feet crunched branches and sticks as I made my way through the graveyard. I spotted Skye sitting on the bench, her hair twirling in the wind. She seemed to be glowing, giving off a feeble light that illuminated the things around her just enough to be visible.


“Hey, Skye!” I called to her, my voice cracking. I was so nervous.


She looked up and smiled. She waved me over, then when I didn’t walk any faster, stood up and rushed to me. The odd light went with her. When she hugged me, heat erupted through my skin. Oh, she was using a heat spell. Clever.


“Oh my God, you’re freezing,” she said.


I didn’t reply--just kept on hugging her warm body to my frozen one. After a few minutes of that, we made our way back over to the bench and sat down. She made the heat spell bigger and included me in it so I stayed nice and toasty. I felt much better.


“So, how was your coffee date with Chase?” I asked eagerly, hoping she couldn’t tell I was incredibly nervous.


She grinned. “It was great! He said he wanted to get to know each other again as friends, like before we dated.” She shrugged. “We’re not getting back together, but it’s a start!”


I smiled. “That’s great, Skye. Did he say anything about me?”


I held my breath as she said, “Yeah. He said to say hi to you for him.”


I exhaled. “Oh. Cool.”


“Yeah. He suggested we go out tomorrow. Just the three of us.”


“Where?” I started panicking again.


“The mall. He said it would be fun. We could all go looking for our Halloween costumes!”


Oh, right. Halloween was coming up. “I’m not going trick-or-treating, Skye. I refuse.”


“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “Will you come shopping then?”


I didn’t have an excuse not to, so I agreed.


She hugged me again. “Yay! It’ll be just like it was before . . . maybe soon we’ll be a couple again!”


“Yeah,” I said lamely. “Maybe.” 

© 2011 emma

Author's Note

this chapter is actually pretty long. i'm proud of myself! thanks for reading and reviewing, and i hope you enjoy! :)

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Ahhhh poor Skye! Bad Chase, bad! ...This is such a great book :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

sorry but I just REALLY REALLY LOVE THIS BOOK!!! *reads next chapter*
~jasmine Thousand~

Posted 13 Years Ago

why do I think maybe Andrea is being a little too cautious and Skye is being a little too trusting?

Posted 13 Years Ago

I feel bad for Skye, it seems like she doesn't know what happened, and Andrea didn't tell her! She's gonna be so broken Y_Y Or she might not.

Posted 13 Years Ago

*winces* What is Chase planning? I like how you included little details about what she knocked off the nightstand. It shows things about her in passing. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

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Wunderbar! Can't wait to read what happens next. Very well written; excellent job! :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

It is a BAD thing that Nate's not talking to her. There, I made her decision.

Posted 13 Years Ago

i love it... cant wait to see whats happens at the mall...great characters by the way, you go into such depth with who they are...its amazing

Posted 13 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 26, 2011
Last Updated on November 26, 2011

Ghombie Whisperer




i'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..

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