Chapter 8 - Truth or Dare

Chapter 8 - Truth or Dare

A Chapter by emma

We watched three movies in total. First was the girl’s pick. We chose The Notebook. It was so sad, and all three of us were crying by the end. Chase had almost fallen asleep. Then Chase picked Zombieland. I wasn’t too optimistic about it at first, scared that it would make me think about ghombies. But it wasn’t too bad. I actually laughed. Then was the group vote. We chose The Ring. Don’t ask me why, we just did. After our movie marathon, it was only one o’clock. We simply could not go to bed that early, so Annabelle suggested Truth or Dare. Oh, jeez.


“Okay,” Annabelle said, eyeing the three of us. “Skye.”


Skye seemed to struggle to not say anything.


“Truth or Dare?”




Skye never went for Truth. It wasn’t her style.


“Okay. Um.” She seemed to struggle for an appropriate dare. “Uh.”


I leaned over and whispered, “Dare her to eat a pickle smothered in ketchup. She hates both.”


Annabelle grinned. “Eat a pickle smeared with ketchup. You have to at least swallow one whole bite.”


“Ew, no.”


“You have to, Skye! Or else we get to inflict the backup rule.”


Skye groaned.


“Wait, what’s the backup rule?” Annabelle wanted to know.


“Instead of doing one, really bad dare, you have to do two not as bad dares.”




“We made it up ourselves.”


Chase chimed in. “Works like a charm.”


“So what’ll it be, Skye? You really want to do two dares?”


Skye seemed to ponder this, then sighed. “Give me the damn pickle.”


“Yay,” I giggled.


The four of us began making our way up the stairs. Chase, Annabelle and I laughed the whole way up, poking fun at Skye, who was beet red and fuming. We turned into the kitchen. I pulled out the pickle jar and bottle of ketchup, and Chase grabbed a fork. I stabbed a big, fat pickle with the fork, smothered it in the red goop, and handed it over to Skye.


“Eat up.”


She plugged her nose, and bit into the pickle. Her face twisted with disgust, and she made a gagging noise. She spit the ketchup-pickle back out and into the sink. The three of us were howling and hooting.


“Glad you think this is so funny,” Skye said and eyed me. “’Cause you’re next! Truth or Dare, Drey?”


I stopped laughing long enough to answer. “Truth.”


Under her breath, I heard Skye murmur, “Damn.”


I smiled cockily at her. “What? You thought I was going to pick dare?”


Skye shrugged. “Whatever. Lemme think of a good Truth for you . . .”


We all had to wait a whole five minutes for her to decide what she wanted to ask.


“Okay, what’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?”


Oh, dear. She had to ask that?


I knew what she wanted me to say. My first kiss. It was our school dance in the eighth grade, and no one really had a date. We were all dancing awkwardly with our friends, until some other daring people branched out and slow-danced. For the record, it was really dark in the gym and the flashing lights blinded me. So when Kyle Langworth asked me to dance, I said yes without thinking. Before I knew it we were kissing in the middle of the dance floor, and I knew we were doing it wrong because our lips kept sliding off each other’s. Then someone started laughing, and I opened my eyes to see the pimply, greasy face of Kyle Langsworth. I yanked myself away, and turned to walk away, but everyone was watching me. The entire eighth grade population had watched me have my first kiss with some dork who I’d barely spoken two words to my whole life. It had been so mortifying. Even the teachers were staring! I mean, who makes out at an eighth grade dance, anyways? Apparently, me. And Kyle Langsworth.


Now it’s not like I hated Kyle, and I don’t mean to seem evil for ignoring him. But I just felt so . . . embarrassed. I didn’t want to revisit the mortification of those five minutes.


Skye and Chase had been there. We had all sworn to never speak of it again, but those rules could be broken in a game of Truth or Dare. I knew Skye wanted me to say it, but the memory was so horrid I shuddered. I could feel the imprint of his chapped lips against mine.


I took a deep breath. “Kyle Langsworth.”


Instantly, Chase and Skye began laughing. Hard enough that Chase doubled over and Skye was wiping tears from her eyes. I guess that was expected. I didn’t let them laugh when it happened in eighth grade, and after that we hadn’t spoken about it. So I just let them laugh it out as Annabelle shot me questioning looks. I ignored them.


When they finally calmed down, I continued. “In eighth grade I kissed Kyle Langsworth. In front of everyone. It was embarrassing.”


“Oh, c’mon, Andrea! Details!” Skye was smiling slyly at me.


I sighed. “Fine. It was at the eighth grade dance and everyone watched us.”


Annabelle giggled. “That’s pretty funny.”


“Whatever. Chase. Truth or Dare?”



It went on for a while. At around three, we were back to Annabelle for the nineteenth time.


“Chase, Truth or Dare?” she asked groggily.




She eyed Chase and I, sitting on the couch together.


“I dare you two to kiss!” She squealed.


We both froze. Then Annabelle laughed. Hard.


“As if you guys would! You’re both too chicken to--”


Before she could even finish the sentence, Chase grabbed my face with his hands and crushed his lips onto mine. It lasted maybe three seconds. Neither of us opened our mouths or did anything but let our lips stay connected, but it was still so awkward. When he pulled back, Skye and Annabelle were both slack-jawed. Chase smiled cockily.


“I hate to be challenged, Annie,” he said and winked.


She laughed, and I knew she really didn’t care. After all, she had dared him to, and he followed through. She knew he still loved her when he got up off the couch and laid down next to her on the floor. He kissed her cheek and hugged her quickly. Skye and I were still dazed.


“That was weird,” I finally said. “Annabelle, why would you--”


She cut me off. “I don’t know. I thought it’d be funny.”


Awkward would be a better word choice. I looked at Skye who looked like she wanted to crumble in on herself. I caught her eye and gave her a sympathetic look, but her lip still wobbled.


“Okay. I think that’s enough for tonight . . .” I said and yawned.


Everyone agreed. I went upstairs, grabbed the two sleeping bags and a couple blankets and a few pillows. I gave Annabelle and Chase the sleeping bags, and Skye and I got the blankets. We slept on the couch.

Even though I was tired, I couldn't sleep. I could still feel Chase's lips on mine, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad. Bad. Definitely bad. 

It was like the Kyle Langsworth situation all over again. 

© 2011 emma

Author's Note

cheesy and corny, i know, but i have to work all these different angles. i wanted Chase and Andrea to kiss once, just to make the story more awkward, and why not now? tell me what you think!

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Noooooooo she should only share a kiss with Nate! Chase has a girlfriend! Man, if I was annabelle I'd have punched chase into next week, even if I'd told him to do it!
And Kyle... oh jeez, I wonder how she let herself be kissed by that kid...

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow-awkward chapter! But I LOVE truth or dare, and I think it adds a real-world flair to this piece. Wonderful writing!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Lol i loved this;. I enjoyed the pickle part and what Syke was going thru

Posted 13 Years Ago

The. Pure. Awkwardness!
I was seriously spluttering at the pickle part. Blach. Can taste it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

no, it's pretty funny. gonna keep reading, i'll give better feedback next chapter.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love how your characters are developing... "Andrea" has a clever and funny personality that I can easily connect with... I love "all" the characters, actually...I say go for it (with the Chase situation),...I love awkward tension! Nice work! :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Kyle seems icky. And the truth or dare game was great!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I don't like Kyle already.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love it. I think that was so awsome of them two to kiss

Posted 13 Years Ago

HA!!!!! LOVE this. Love this. Love this.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 12, 2011
Last Updated on November 12, 2011

Ghombie Whisperer




i'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..

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