Chapter 6 - Still Heart-Broken

Chapter 6 - Still Heart-Broken

A Chapter by emma

I pulled Skye aside as we were all making our way to the barn for hot chocolate.


“Skye, I have a question for you.”




“Are they teaching you ghombies aren’t real at your witch school?”


Her eyes darkened. “Yeah. It’s really weird. They all get these nervous looks whenever someone brings it up, and when I tried to explain that I have a friend who is a ghombie whisperer, I got a detention.”


I was shocked. Why tell everyone about witches and demons and shape-shifters, but not about ghombies? It made absolutely no sense.


“Oh, and I have a question for you,” Skye said. “What were you and Chase talking about? It wasn’t me, right?”


I sighed. The poor girl was still smitten. “No, we were talking about the ghombies-are-fake-situation.”


“Oh.” Skye sounded heartbroken.


I hugged her. “It’ll get better, Skye. Soon you won’t even remember that you guys used to date.”


She sniffled. “That’s a lie and you know it.”


Damn. Caught red-handed. I didn’t say anything in my moment of panic, and Skye knew me well enough that that meant she had caught me. She began to cry into my shoulder, so bad that she was shaking. I held her tighter and said the only thing that would possibly make her feel better.


“Want me to tell you about my completely mortifying experience in the corn field?”


Her crying paused. “Okay.”

After explaining the entire event, Doug came out of the barn, a worried look on his face. It was the most emotion I’d seen him have all day.


He spotted us and jogged over. “Skye? Are you okay?”


She curled into me. “No. Go back to school.”


Oh, dear. My story hadn’t helped. She was now onto her grouchy phase. She got like this whenever she was upset. She had four stages. One: cry and be helpless. Two: get grouchy. Three: get happy and hyper and feel great. Four: go back to stage one.


And now poor Doug was paying the price. The look of hurt on his face was devastating. He looked like he wanted to begin crying.


“What?” he whimpered, his eyes getting all big and pouty. He was like a puppy! An incredibly tanned, muscular puppy . . .


“Go. Back. To. School.”




“Because I don’t want you here!” Skye had impeccable timing. Just as she was screaming this at Doug, Annabelle and Chase wandered out of the barn.


I could see the panic on Skye’s face. I thought she was going to cry again and run away, but no. She did the stupidest thing possible. She broke out if my arms and lunged for Doug. She pressed her lips to his and threw her arms around his neck. I couldn’t help myself. I did a face-palm.


I yanked her back out of Doug’s arms and dragged her behind the barn. The whole time she was laughing and waving flirtatiously to Doug, but I knew she was eyeing Chase as well. He looked pretty bored, considering he’d just seen Skye transfer from Stage Two to Three in a blink. I sat down on the grass behind the barn, and pulled Skye down with me.


“What are you doing, Skye?” I yelled.


And back into Stage One we went.


She collapsed into my lap. “I don’t even know anymore, Andrea. I just couldn’t let Chase see me mad at Doug. Doug was supposed to make Chase jealous!”


I stroked her hair. “Honey, I hate to say it, but I think Chase has moved on. No matter how many other guys you kiss, Chase isn’t going to care.”


“I know . . . but I have to try.”


“No, Skye, you don’t.” I was suddenly really mad, but sad, too. “You don’t have to throw yourself at other guys to make one other guy pay attention, because that’s just pathetic. I’m sorry, but it’s true. Skye, you’re better than that! You could get any guy you wanted, and they’d all be so lucky to have you. But you have to want them, too, because it’s just going to make you sad and them sad if it’s all for show.”


“Why do you always have to be right?” she murmured.


“It’s a gift. What can I say?”


She giggled, but it died out fast. “Can I stay at your place tonight? I really don’t want to have to go back with Doug.”


“Sure. As long as you don’t mind putting up with my drunk mother and anxious grandma.”


“What happened?” She sounded genuinely worried.


As I explained, I began to cry. Our roles reversed and Skye was the one comforting me. It was a nice change. A half and hour must’ve passed by the time I’d calmed down. Chase and Annabelle were still in the barn when we came in, but Doug was no where to be found.


“Where were you guys?” Chase asked when he spotted us. He sounded mad.


“We were having a heart-to-heart about some very personal matters, Mr. Armstead.” I mocked a serious tone and smirked at Chase, and he rolled his eyes.




Annabelle piped up from behind Chase. “Are you guys okay?”


“Yeah,” I replied before Skye could pounce. “Thanks for asking.”


She smiled weakly. I could see that it hurt that she wasn’t really part of our circle, and that Skye and I didn’t have heart-to-hearts with her. I wanted to say that next time we’d invite her to cry with us, but Skye would be crying about Chase and that’d be just so awkward. So I stayed silent.


“Well, Annie and I have to go,” Chase said.


I had a better idea.


“Wait. How about you guys stay over at my place tonight? Skye is.” I looked at Chase. “It’ll be like old times.”


Chase looked torn. To go or not to go? Then Annabelle spoke again.


“That sounds fun. I’d love to get to know you guys better.”


Chase smiled. “It’s official. We’re coming.”




Skye stepped on my toe as hard as she could with Annabelle and Chase watching. I understood what she meant: she didn’t think tonight would be so awesome. But I just pretended to be oblivious.


“To my house we go.” 

© 2011 emma

Author's Note

oh, the drama! why won't Skye just accept that Chase has moved on? Or has he . . . ? predictions? what do you think will happen next? thanks again for all the reviews! you guys are awesome:)!

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Prediction? Chase and Skye will get back together. So OTHER supernaturals aren't taught that ghombies are real? hmmm...odd LOL
~Jasmine Thousand~

Posted 13 Years Ago

Skye is messed up but i love reading her! And the stages, ohhhh, the stages. It's really late now but "book is better than sleep!" So I'm going to continue pouring shameless flattery over your book, mkay?
What's with these teachers though! geez!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I think maybe she should think twice before inviting new girl to a sleep over with drunk mom, just sayin. I do kinda like Annabelle though, and Skye being like this is only a little sad, and her anger provides for comic relief. though, it matters weather or not skye moves on or not too, and that maters a lot upon a lot of factors.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Face. Palm FTW

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love it.It is so intersting i don't want to stop reading.

Posted 13 Years Ago

There is definitely something brewing in the "love "department. I love inticate romance within this intriguing story. Keep up the great work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I kinda hope that SKye stays this way, but then I hope that she and Chase get together. But then again, I can somehow see Chase and Andrea getting together, but then again, I can't see that. Too many scenarios that could happen!

Posted 13 Years Ago

i kinda hope that Chase and Skye get together...i don't know why also i'm loving this there going to be anymore of Nate ???? hehehe awesome book

Posted 13 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 9, 2011
Last Updated on November 9, 2011

Ghombie Whisperer




i'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..

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