Elysium and the Dominion's Prophesy

Elysium and the Dominion's Prophesy

A Chapter by Michelle Ross

This is the prologue to the first book in the trilogy I am writing. Happy Reading!



Slate entered the forest, his black cloak billowing behind him as he moved swiftly and
silently through the trees. The moon, hidden by clouds, made it easier for him to make it to his destination unseen. The mission, he thought, was easy enough; especially for a dark sorcerer of his power. However, it was not without its risks. Slate was to execute his part of the plan at the entrance to Elysium which was closest to Gehenna. It was well guarded, which was why Slate was chosen to carry out his part of the plan there. Sometimes, he thought, being one of the most powerful sorcerers in Gehenna has its drawbacks.

He was getting nervous, but was determined to carry out his master's orders. To do
otherwise would be suicide and Slate intended to stay alive a while longer. If all went
according to plan he would be rewarded, well beyond what any mortal could imagine.
That would stop Zacharias from mocking his powers. The thought of seeing his rival's
face when their master rewarded him strengthened Slate's resolve to execute his
part of the plan perfectly. As Slate neared his destination, he could hear voices; he slowed his pace and silently crept closer so he could hear what was being said.

Unable to hide his excitement a moment longer Demetrius blurt out, "He'll be here in two days from what I've heard."

"You heard correctly, which means you've been eavesdropping at the Elder's door
again," Adrian said with a hint of disapproval.

"I know I shouldn't have, but I had to know when the boy would be here."

"Sometimes, knowledge is dangerous. You would do well to remember that from this
point forward. Especially when referring to the boy. You never know who may be listening."

"Oh, quit worrying so much. There isn't anyone out here but the two of us right now."

"You can never be too sure," Adrian said.

Demetrius chose to ignore that comment and continued talking excitedly about all he
would teach the boy. He talked of swords, javelins, spears, archery, and hand-to-hand
combat skills that would be vital to the boy's education. Adrian rolled his eyes, praying
for the patience he would need to continue listening to Demetrius' seemingly endless

A few minutes passed with Demetrius rambling on about all he would teach the boy
when a movement in the forest caught Adrian's attention. Trying hard to concentrate
on what was there, and ignore Demetrius at the same time was not easy and Adrian finally lost his patience.

"Be quiet for one blessed minute!" he hissed. "Can't you see I'm trying to concentrate?"

Demetrius stood quiet for a moment, letting the aura of the forest flow around him. The aura of life from the trees, grass, birds, and other living things was steady and strong, but he sensed the aura of something else. Something that sent a shiver down his spine. The unmistakable aura of something evil. Adrian had already sensed it.

"There's something out there Demetrius," Adrian whispered.

"I feel it too. Any idea on what it could be?"

"No, but it's evil whatever it is. Be ready for anything."

The Guardians were on alert to some evil presence, which Slate knew could only be him. This was not how the plan was suppose to go. The Guardians were not supposed to be aware of anything until it was too late. Slate cursed his poor judgment of moving close enough that they could sense his presence. If they found him there, he was as good as dead. Fortunately for him it was time to execute the plan.

Slate thrust his hand into the leather pouch tied around his waist and pulled out a small glass vial. It was filled with a black liquid. He whispered an incantation as he poured the liquid onto the ground, saving just enough for his own transformation. He tilted the bottle back and swallowed the last of the liquid. It was vile and nearly made him vomit but the effect it had on his body was immediate.

He no longer had legs, arms, or a body. In fact, the only thing left unchanged were his eyes. The liquid had transformed him into the same dense fog that was now rapidly spreading through the forest. The potion had worked and made Slate suddenly felt invincible. He headed straight for Adrian, the bigger of the two Guardians.

Adrian watched as a dense fog suddenly formed and began creeping toward them. He
did not like the looks of the fog on little bit. There was something sinister about it and he could have sworn he saw a pair of yellow eyes glaring at him from within it. However, when he looked again the eyes were gone. Whatever evil that fog held he was not about to let it enter Elysium.

"Demetrius, do you remember how to seal the entrance?"

Demetrius looked at Adrian, eyes wide with shock. "Yes, I remember. Don't you think
that's a bit rash?"

"I don't know what's in that fog but it isn't good. I will not have it entering Elysium. Just
promise me that you will seal the entrance if I give the order."

Demetrius did not like the way Adrian was talking and he didn't want to make a promise he couldn't keep. Adrian was his partner, his superior, but also his brother. How could he promise to seal the entrance if Adrian was in trouble? How could he let something evil enter Elysium? He didn't like the thought of either, but he knew he had to give an answer. They were trained to protect Elysium at all costs, even their own lives. Reluctantly, Demetrius agreed to seal the entrance if ordered to do so. He then sent up a silent prayer that such drastic measures would not have to be taken.

While Demetrius was praying, Adrian was frantically searching the dense fog for any sign of the evil being that was lurking inside. If he could only find those blasted eyes again he would be able to attack but…..

The attack came suddenly. Adrian was knocked to the ground, his arms and legs pinned
down by something in the fog. He struggled to get free and nearly managed it but Slate
quickly repositioned himself so that Adrian would not be able to move. Then Slate started concentrating on the incantation he felt would inflict the most pain.

Demetrius was running toward Adrian, ready to jump into the fog, when the first
laceration appeared on Adrian's chest. The scream that came from him was one that
was heard from miles away. It made Demetrius' heart beat frantically and his stomach
clench in fear. Adrian saw Demetrius racing toward him with sword drawn, ready to
attack their unseen foe.

"Stop!" Adrian yelled. "You must go back and seal the entrance!"

Demetrius stopped but did not turn back. He was torn between his duty to protect
Elysium and his need to save his only brother. Another laceration appeared on Adrian's chest, a deeper cut than the last one. Demetrius began forward again, determined to save his brother from whatever was hurting him.

Adrian could feel himself getting weaker and knew it was only a matter of time before his attacker turned their attention to Demetrius and Elysium. He had to stop Demetrius from coming any closer.

"Go back!" he pleaded. "You must go back and seal the entrance. All of Elysium is
depending on you. Seal the entrance before it's too late."

"I can't leave you here to fight this thing alone!"

"You must leave now Demetrius! I can't hold on much longer. Go, now!"

Hearing his brother's voice become weaker Demetrius said, "Hold on just a little longer.
I will return with help."

Demetrius turned and ran for Elysium. He prayed that he would get back with
reinforcements in time to save his brother's life. Demetrius quickened his pace
and at last entered Elysium.

Running toward him was Elder Jonas, white robes flying behind him. When he reached
Demetrius he was nearly frantic.

"Where is Adrian?" he asked. "Elysium is under attack at every entrance!"

"Every entrance? Can we not fight it sir? Does no one know what it is?"

The Elder shook his head, "Sadly, we do not and we can't fight it. Already we have lost
two Guardians and I do not wish to lose more. Tell me where Adrian is."

"I need reinforcements. Adrian is out there fighting alone."

Demetrius turned to go back and help his brother and yelled, "Send the reinforcements
out as quickly as possible!"

However, before Demetrius could get through the entrance, Elder Jonas grabbed him by the arm.

"I'm sorry Demetrius. I can't let you go back out there."

"But my brother-"

"Your brother would want Elysium to be safe. He would also want you to be safe."

"I can't leave him to fight alone!" Demetrius protested.

"And I can't let you go out there after him! I will not lose more Guardians this night
than I already have! Now help me with the seal before it's too late for us all."

Demetrius did not argue further; he knew it wouldn't do any good. Sorrow and pain
welled up inside him as he helped seal the entrance. It felt as though he were sealing
his brother's tomb.

Adrian continued to struggle with his attacker. He was weak but he was not going to give up until he knew Elysium was safe. Twisting and turning he tried to get loose but only succeeded in suffering more lacerations. When Adrian heard the entrance being sealed he gave up his fight knowing that at least his brother, and Elysium were safe.
Just as Slate was about to finish Adrian off a bright light flashed all around them. The fog was burned off revealing to Adrian who his attacker was.

"Slate!" Adrian spat the name out as though it were something vile on the tongue.

"Time for me to go," Slate said, and then disappeared in a flash of whirling robes.

The anger Adrian felt built so suddenly he could not contain it. Rolling over he released a ball of light from his palm, hitting the nearest tree and reducing it to nothing more than a pile of sawdust. The release of energy drained him of his remaining strength. The last thing he saw before passing out was a young woman standing over him.

She whispered, "You are safe now. I'm here to help you."

© 2008 Michelle Ross

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me gusta !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Im liking this story but where's the rest?!?

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 19, 2008
Last Updated on April 19, 2008


Michelle Ross
Michelle Ross

Fayetteville, AR

I am a 33 year old stay at home mother of three beautiful children. I have been writing since I was fourteen and have had several poems published. I am now working on a fantasy/fiction trilogy aimed t.. more..
