I am a book

I am a book

A Poem by Paul

My most previous piece of writing. I am making an anology of myself to the book, author and publisher.


I am a book ,the author and the publisher

Some people will not be able to understand me, others will.
Some people like me and others dislike me.
I am the author of this book, and I record every event since the very start of the story.
Some people will stop reading me in the middle of the story and others will read on.
They will judge the book, myself.
When the book is over, it will stand on its own.
I am the author, and what i've written with ink will not be able to be erased by others, nor myself, for the memory lives on.
What has been written in these pages are done, I can only keep writing until I run out of pages to write on.
My life is exclusive in these pages.
I am the one and only being with experiences that are written down on these pages, I am the author with a book entitled with my name.
My book will be exclusive and it shall stand on its own.

© 2010 Paul

Author's Note

There is most likely some grammar errors, etc.

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Added on August 3, 2010
Last Updated on August 4, 2010
Tags: publisher, author, book, me



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