the lepers of society
thrown into the wilderness--
the jungle in the night.
wander the hidden trails by moonlight.
Sole companion, true accomplice
given a mandate to live their life.
Undead, nonliving,
an eternity spent searching
the moon their only compass,
the stars their only map.
Immortality isn't as tempting
when it's lived day through night,
searching for the eternal fountain of experation.
To die is to dream.
Zombies devour mortal flesh,
human organs become their own.
Draining the life from the living
out of pure envy.
Vampires desire the fluid
that brings nourishment to our veins.
Gathering our death to save another life,
it's not as grotesque as it seems.
Twisted visions of reality
when you notice the human corpses.
Lost desire to live, too weak to die.
Give up trying, and now,
waiting for the world to stop spinning.
Jessie Orahood
January 23, 2008