![]() When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process #10 - imortaloneA Story by Professor prestome UngYoBrock![]() Want to thank the site- Writerscafe -for keeping my Evolve From Election series online. This is the 10th article and its focus is more towards the concept of the series. PS Delay/Stop WWIII.![]() When Can We (As People) Evolve From The Modern Election Process. #10 By Professor Prestome Ungyobrock - Imortalone 2020.
Annoys me when nearly every stranger you meet is like yo politics.. Politic discussion isn’t a bonding experience and its annoying when its always in your face.. Why’s it so tough to just say/be like “I don’t give a sh7t about politics.” (korn)? If your someone not-voting then your looked at like a lazy or informed homeless bum’ who doesn’t care if something important becomes legal. In my opinion politic leaders don’t care and its annoying that presidents are actually dictators instead of presidents. Using wars to extend president terms are the same as failing leaders who want to be an honorless dictator. Kings for life reflect the age of medieval kings of the European dark ages around 1000 years ago. Are people/surfs and their dictating leaders of today really that stupid, greedy, and impulsive; to be compared to those who lived 1000 years ago? You know people who didn’t know there was more then a total of 5 books on the entire earth.. People who wanted every broom to be a aircraft/rocket.. You know, the people who thought having a piece of gold on your head, made that gold wearing king/person an immortal being.. I'd like to think people are smarter now then ever, and politics hasn't updated with the people.
Anyways we supposed to live in the present day with technology. But here we are with Politic advertising and lack of rights is in your face instead. Its so annoying when useless politic advertising is always in your face. Yet if someone else has an opinion on something; that person cant post that opinion on ever other street corner like the failing politicians are doing. It isn’t even educating propaganda its just trash that says votes yes on some random number: with no details even disclosed on the what supposed to be an advertisement…. I’ve seen graffiti from children that has more thought put into it then these political approved signs that litter the streets.. The constant Politic’ influence also ruins video games, music, movies, and sports.. Like can’t people just be able to focus on something besides the failing political society, still on going wwiii situations, and economy status? Yeah it all needs to be fixed and this is just fact beyond my opinion.
Discussions on Politics, isn’t a bonding experience. It isn’t bonding, for those working in the field of politics and it isn’t bonding for strangers to engage in the topic. When strangers engage in these discussions with eachother your not gaining anything. And there isn’t any sort of political change occurring when you discuss politics with your friends, family, strangers etc.. I suppose you can perhaps eventually agree on voting on the same person but that’s basically the end of the discussion.. And as things are/have been in the political world; that end of the discussion should be the end of it. Politics are and have been just a waste of time, to a point where politic leaders seem to be trying to get everyone annoyed at politics to the point of not caring. People should care about politics, but people cant do anything about politics, so why care. Politics relating to the masses educated opinions is something that doesn’t exist.
Yeah you get a supposed vote but its not like that does much.. Your not really voting on topics like stop bombing Iraq or stop threatening and trying to ensalve china.. Your just voting on a person who can do whatever they want, and you really don’t know what they will do.. In politics promises are often lies so there’s that factor too. Part of it is contradictions and the fact that election, electorates, talk about soo much, often just guessing or following scripts written by someone else, so they as a candidate can try to appeal to as many people as possible: are actions that reflect badly on laws.. So candidates gain your vote by lying, saying what someone else wanted them to say, attacking other candidates, denying or forgetting what they talked about, ignoring historical laws relating to the foundation of politics, and letting local people suffer to a point where they cant even vote. I don’t eve want to go into the topics of: fake votes, buying votes, a failing mail system, electronic hacks, and people who can’t count. The month of November is supposed to be when the elections are over, people don’t supposed to be trying to collect more votes in the month after. It also seems that president elects don’t really get to look at the votes that are placed by people. Considering how much effort and financial funds a president elect puts towards winning, they should at least be able to look at the votes and even talk to those who are doing the counting of votes. None of that happens and its just kinda sketch. Year after year in USA there’s been people crying about fraud. I think the issue goes beyond the concept of a sore loser; the electoral committees and military have a higher power in deciding who is the president in comparison to the citizens.
The idea of talking about what ifs president who-ever, did this or didn’t do that, with random people; is almost the ultimate discussion of pointlessness. I suppose you can have a gambling bet on your guess too see if your guessed person wins. I suppose that can be slightly entertaining; placing bets between you and others on the election outcome.. But ultimately elections should be more serious then that. There’s so much information that has been hidden and catches behind props/laws that you ‘vote’ for; that aren’t disclosed during elections.. Conditions that you don’t see and laws that people are forced to obey need to be told to the people. By failing to tell people new laws and taxes that are collected; more folks are thrown into jails without even knowing whats going on: these ideas are unethical. Additionally Laws are passed that weren’t voted on after elections; and people are powerless after elections.
I’m not voting because I don’t approve of how the elections are done. I don’t approve of the current candidates. Nor do I enjoy how law propositions are proposed and voted on. I’d like to vote to legalize 420 and that was number 207 for some unknown reason, but that’s it the end of what I wanted to vote on. Like its difficult to vote on just 1 topic, I’ve shown my support towards that product. However I don’t enjoy the idea of having to cast a vote towards many propositions when I only wanted to vote on 1 thing. I don’t like how the ballets are organized on the computers at the voting areas, and the idea of them getting hacked... I put some thought into this and well not voting is sort of a freedom and that thought lead me to uploading this article… I’d be sort of curious to see what would happen if no one voted… Its not like citizen votes do much and many citizens who are voting don’t know what they are voting for because they’ve been tricked by media biases, false advertising, and failing to disclose all the information on the law propositions.. I’m saying sort of curious because I’m sure that even if zero humans voted; its highly unlikely politic leaders would get the clue that they aren’t doing something right. So called leaders would just continue to do whatever they want.. I suppose you’d just end up have a monarchy situation, if no one voted. But honestly that situation isn’t far off from where we are now. Not much difference.
Thanks for reading. Prove me wrong?
... As for references; there aren't really any. I'd like to thank the band Korn, and other rock bands for inspiration. I suppose there's a video called: Why I didn't vote for Trump, by Toby Turner, Uploaded on Nov 4th 2020. The video by tobuscus/toby turner was a great upload. I didn't reference it but he really gives a good opinion and tells it how it is because it is what it is.
© 2020 Professor prestome UngYoBrockAuthor's Note
Added on December 27, 2020 Last Updated on December 27, 2020 Tags: WhenCanWeEvolveFromTheModernElec, professorprestomeungyobrock, 2020, 2021, politics, wwiii, honorless, dictatororpresident, not-voting, korn, tobyturner, imortalone, committees, military Author![]() Professor prestome UngYoBrockAboutI am Professor prestome. I can be found at imortalone.weebly.com imortalone.wordpress.com youtube.com/user/imortalones more..Writing |