![]() When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process. #9 - Professor Prestome Ungyobrock -imortaloneA Story by Professor prestome UngYoBrock![]() This is the 9th election process article. Share the article with those in the know. Its almost 20 pages. I gain nothing regarding profit from this article series. Check out my books impulsive people![]() When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process. #9 -Professor Prestome M. Ungyobrock.
Okay So this article here is again apart of a series called: When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process; this is #9 of this series.. There has been quite a delay, about 2 years since the recent article posted on this topic. 2 years is also when I released the impulsive people lead everyone to get involved in war books; and since those are history books I think they get better with age.. This free article post, When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process #9,; is another long article, so have that old cake sitting in your kitchen fridge to go along with the reading.. This Article took a very long time to compose and I put alot of thought into it. I’m starting this article off, being straight up, with whats up, because its the 9th article post..
The Election Process relates directly to Donald Trump and he has done plenty of Horrible actions, but has done some even more important Honorable actions. I was saying Donald Trump was a potential dictator 4 years ago and actions then related to a dictator style leadership that relates to the horrible actions. Starting with encouraging racism with Mexico relating to a border wall, the racism can be seen by all. The border wall construction has been delayed in part because of a lot of hate towards that project. Enhancing racism towards Mexico Citizens and American Mexicans: are actions that don’t encourage people to embrace diverse American ideas.. Continuing war with the middle east, although in 2017-2019 there were some examples of trying to reduce the 20 year war; isn’t honorable.. Reducing the war would help relations with Arabic speaking people, if that’s even possible at this point. Continuing the middle eastern war’s a terrible action in my opinion, a war that doesn’t leave an enticing afterimage for the USA.. Actions disturbing NATO are horrible, such as hurting the relationship with Germany while important meetings occur. While also breaking the Paris Peace Agreement, ultimately hurting France/Britain. Hurting USA allies is nothing but horrible stupidity.. USA and had peace going on with France/Britain for hundreds of years, despite their differences of Britain keeping it’s monarchy dictatorship going. While Germany has been an area trying to adapt to USA ideals, but American Policies/Politics aren’t setting enough of an evolving example that other areas are wanting to follow.. “So many people, just have s**t lives, and it breaks my heart. You just look at things and alot of it just makes you want to kill yourself. Like animals/people are constantly grinded into s**t. Its not completely about what tastes good, feels good, looks good. People need to be better people and focus on what they want.” (Bring Me The Horizon). Political war instead of food production is a failure. Knocking others down to gain an advantage is supposed to be a fruitless endeavor. In Japanese roughly said: Hito Wo Kenasu Koto De Jibum Ga Agaro U Da Nante Munashii Yo.
March 27th 2017CE Donald Trump lies saying “Will make a deal on healthcare as soon as ‘Obama Care’ folds-not long from now. Do not worry, we are in very good shape”.. However, The people in America aren’t in good shape. Trump himself has complimented other areas like Canada about their health care, which is better then Obama-Care.. Its probably fair to compare Trumps’ failing public health programs with 1970’s Nixon’s health programs.. DemocracyNow talked about these ideas in 2017.. It’s interesting cause in 2019CE Donald Trump continues to get compared to Richard Nixon regarding both Presidents getting to deal with Impeachment by share many historical parallels.. Many people wanted to impeach Trump, after only 100 days after he became President.. Alot of people have been protesting for over 100 days regarding how the election its self was purchased by big companies instead of by actual voters. While others were hating on other areas like Russia, China, and discriminating on different cultured voters. Hating on different areas and cultures hasn’t helped successful diplomacy either. The similarity I see with most USA Presidents is that they fail to secure global economic security. Nixon and Trump both failed to secure peace with Russia; and the military leaders of both areas didn’t help secure a lasting stability between Russia and USA.. In 2017CE, author Graham Vyse, writes to clarify a few points to those who refuse to accept that there are comparisons between Nixon and Trump. Some who are refusing to look into similarities are those who don’t know that history needs to be applied to the most recent of events.. These comparisons between less then optimum Presidential success leaders, is something that upsets some people, due to real ‘success’ not being defined.. As it turns out, Trump even met with Nixon on a few occasions starting, “In September 1983CE, when someone happened to leak a story to the press/news that Nixon and his wife were moving in to Trump’s Tower in Manhattan, where President Nixon enjoyed private dinners with experts on national and international affairs.. Trump also exchanged letters with Former President Nixon who approved of Trump’s future as a President. Trump’s admiration towards Nixon has continued to now. Trump seems perfectly comfortable with the comparisons; even with the bad parallels being made between the paranoia and corruption of Nixon’s presidency, and the conduct of his own.” (Sam Stein). In 2019CE the public court cases against Trump began due to claims against Trump ‘abusing’ his power; fact is Trump learned from former President Nixon. Even mainstream news like CBS starts comparing the 1974CE Nixon impeachment court cases, with the Trump 2019CE impeachment trials.. Everyone’s talking about impeachment now in 2020CE; there seems to plenty of online polls about Trump election success that helps stop impeachment, there petitions, video streamers talking although not really involved, mainstream news outlets who are censoring themselves, and lots of opinion articles: all trying to play their particular sides of the impeachment progress/process.. Despite all that I feel that I’m lacking information to be able to properly cite the 2020CE impeachment trials because of the removed cameras, the lack of access to private meeting areas for the press, Senators refusing to talk to press/news because the senators/court officials don’t have answers to questions.. The failure to modernize the public political court process isn’t American.. I haven’t an opinion on the rather ‘Trump needs to be impeached or not’ topic. Trump has done plenty of crimes, but has done some even more important Honorable actions… I think the impeachment trials on Trump occurred too late. Additionally since Trump has been won the impeachment trials, that reflects that he’s smarter then most people in; Congress, the Washington court system, and deep state/CIA/Military… The way this paragraph started was with healthcare and that’s something that both Trump and the previous USA administrations have failed at. Supporting successful health care in USA hasn’t existed, yet.. Ultimately, the Donald Trump health care is even worse then Obama Care.. Something that is worse for everyone shouldn't be allowed and needs to be fixed… Of course: people just paying private businesses monthly so that private business can try and help cover some of the expenses of those people; is a practice that isn’t an improving health care system.. Back in March 2017CE Donald Trump talks about how ObamaCare is a disaster and how 2017 would be the worst year yet when looking at the cost… Since Trump care’s only goal is giving less free coverage for people: I don’t see that anything has changed.. Thus people die and rich save money.. “How can we call our selves progressive and enlightened; when our financial and modern medical system, decides the life of a human who has a disease that isn’t worth the financial cost to cure. The way many medical professionals decide to use science to confront/fix a disorder/disease is by looking at the amount of incidents occurring. When more people are infected, the doctors profit off more, and maybe try to fix that sickness/problem.. In the broken medical system, doctors don’t gain much reward by finding a new cure, when there isn’t many who need to buy that cure: regardless of the number of infected, progress is made and there should be a profit for that innovation success. People can’t just keep pretending that there isn’t an advance in medical/science innovation; when progress has been made. In this medical system, there is opportunity for doctors to purposely keep people sick, so that the doctors can continue to profit: medical sustained cash flow.. Extending life science, is only for the small group of extremely rich. The real wealth gap, is the ultimate logical conclusion of that wealth that directs/controls the medical/science industry’ progress. Though technology and with the most advanced private health care, people can live longer. However, the majority of people don’t even get a sample of the best health care, and have to pay fees that medical professionals know the poor can’t pay. The medical industry supports the death panel because statics show that must people contribute less to society after age 65. Obama Care, helped support wealth disparity by ‘allowing’ people to pick the best health care, that they as poor people can pay for. The medical industry has a lot of power in deciding who lives and who dies. The rich 1% are able to brag because they can access what they need medically, while they know everyone else can’t.” (TruthStream Media-Aaron and Melissa Dykes). In 2017 people were dying from bad health care and people joke about it. People aren’t voting to be laughed at by the medical industry, people aren’t voting on these horrible health care policies that just trick people into thinking that hospitals don’t hate them because of their lack of money.. Back in 2017CE a comedy talk show guy named Seth Meyers, who makes jokes about current president(s) politics seen today vs back in the much older days of American Presidents. Anyways, Seth Meyers talks about how senate bills are being posted in less than 24 hours in 2017, the idea of quantity instead of quality is what the USA is currently supporting. This is an idiotic practice and it leaves people with too many non-working bills/laws. The 2017 Trump-health care bill, destroyed the horrible Obama-health care bill in terms of uselessness. “The speakers office also took issue with our claim that the trump-health care bill literally gives to the rich by cutting taxes on the wealthy. While simultaneously cutting $880 billion from Medicaid-Obama medicare. Thus freeing the 1-10% of the richest people from paying taxes. Ultimately the idea of paying taxes for health care doesn’t work that when compared to other countries such as Australia which as universal single-payer health care that insures everyone for a fraction of the cost” (Seth Meyers). On May 5th 2017 Trump celebrated the deaths of more people due to the lack of health care.. By now in 2020, the amount of American deaths due to non-obtainable health care is nearly infinite, after all the number 1 USA loan and credit loss is people trying to pay for health care/doctor bills, ultimately people just trying to stay alive. From my understanding there isn’t a USA candidate in 2020CE who wants to try and actually extend the lives of regular citizens to a maximum degree possible; regarding the best public medical care…
Another example of a failing President and failing Government officials is seen by attacking human rights by creating half fast biased laws.. The Donald Trump/USA Government legislative signings in 2017-2018 were over 32 different proposals/laws with every single one of them being success or total fail, and no one can do anything about it… My When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process #7, reflected on a bunch of petitions that were signed, often against ridiculous new laws that infringed upon USAmerican basic rights relating towards freedom. That is the power of voting, and how voting proves to be useless, and reflects upon how the modern election process still needs improving. Most of the bills/laws/signed proposals to encourage action of new rules that people didn’t vote on; reflects a quality failure by all members of congress. Because most of the Donald Trump new laws increased rich people’s power to what they want, ultimately leaving the majority of citizens behind and lacking in individual power. There should be zero bills being passed when regular people don’t even know what they/rich are passing.. These types of half fast, and non voted upon laws continued in 2019CE and continue in 2020CE. Many of the new 2020CE USA Government laws are attacking: citizen self defense, citizen gun power, the freedom to smoke, and the ability to write online. It seems Donald Trump isn’t entirely responsible for these new USA Government laws, but ultimately people didn’t vote on these laws being restricted and that’s how the Modern Election Process is/has been failing… The Deep State/CIA shouldn’t be able to just randomly start passing new laws. Additionally, the currently suggested leaders in top positions to be the potential 2020CE President; are all candidates who seem to share in Trumps ideas regarding the creation of more half fast laws that attack regular human rights. I’m not a fan of the 2020 elections, and I want to see change, ASAP.
I don’t like any of the 4 news favored nominated politicians that started running for the presidential position in 2019-2020CE. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, and Amy Klobuchar. All 4 of these candidates are certainly war mongers. At this point the American Elections are a complete failure. Donald Trump hasn’t been able to give speeches with these other 4 nominations, and ironically Corrupt Hillary Clinton remains to make mainstream news headlines despite not being there at the primary election speech events. There’s an unfair bias that’s been going on. However, apparently this month in Feb 2020, these corrupt 4 seem to have been delayed from making any new progress in the election primary. There were apparently 3 other candidates that want/wanted to participate in Feb 2020CE, but these other 3 seem to be eliminated without votes back in Dec 2019; when there was a stage in LA to discuss who out of the 7 wanted to attack Donald Trump the most.. Instead of trying to attack the Current President, people should be discussing how to stop the fighting/tension in the world conflicts. The Election Process has completely failed at this point in time. Candidates don’t talk about what they want and are forced to answer irrelevant questions on topics that people cant vote for… To conclude this paragraph on something that surprised me regarding the 7 candidates; is that Oprah Winfrey isn’t one of them. I suppose its good that Oprah isn’t running as a presidential candidate in 2020CE, although there was a ton of mainstream media hype about her participating around 2017-2018CE.. I don’t understand why Oprah Winfrey isn’t participating in the 2020CE Election, I suppose she just didn’t have any political ideas to contribute.. Though people are trying to participate without having a political goal.. There are so many people who are participating in the 2020CE elections, honestly, there hasn’t been this many participants in USA History…
I think Bernie Sanders’ time to contest should be over, since he already lost in 2016CE, and that’s when he did the best he could. Bernie Sanders hasn’t changed his ideals to support the people, his failures in 2016CE are still his failures in 2020CE. Additionally Bernie Sander’s 2020CE success seem weak in comparison to his 2016CE successes.. I also think Bernie Sanders’ is a bit too old to continue another 2-4 years in a very busy job position, that might involve visiting areas of conflict. A man at that age can’t handle: flying in fast speed jet planes, conducting long potentially 2 hour speeches to the public, and exchanging important communications with foreign leaders located out of USA… Those ideas alone show that Bernie Sanders isn’t a good President for 2020CE, so he’s the 1st candidate out of the 7 that I think should be removed as an option… On basically ever level possible, Elizabeth Warren is far worse then Bernie Sanders. That statement is proven by the fact that “Elizabeth Warren stole Bernie Sanders Campaign ideas. Elizabeth Warren is Really just a bad person who lies about Bernie Sanders.. Elizabeth Warren’s uniquely tyrannical: proposes ignoring 1st amendment entirely…” (Styxhexenhammer666). I’m pretty sure its impossible to figure out how many ideas she has stolen, and from who her ideas are stolen from: perhaps that’s apart of why she wants to ignore peoples freedom to talk. People need to elect individual ideas. Its clear that Elizabeth Warren’s biggest idea on ‘free college’ in 2019CE, is an idea stolen from Bernie Sanders who tried to push for free college in 2015CE. Additionally, Elizabeth Warren, is a racist on many levels; there are many videos about Elizabeth Warren hating on people from India. Elizabeth Warren is someone who didn’t even know she wasn’t related to Native Americans. That racist idea shows Elizabeth Warren is a liar, who also falsely promised Native Americans more money, and freedom. Yet Elizabeth Warren hasn’t ever contributed anything to the Native American communities, before trying to gain their support by lying. I feel that Elizabeth Warren hasn’t anything to actually offer society, and I have zero clue on why she is even a contestant in a Presidential Election. When ever someone wants to remove someone else’s freedom to talk, that person desiring to silence others, is a person who should stop talking all together first. I think Elizabeth Warren should be impeached before the Elections continue any longer; due to her/Elizabeth Warren’s lies, strong connections to Hillary Clinton, and immediate failure to represent the constitution..
Joe Biden seems to have bought out most the mainstream media press, without really doing anything else. Gaining favoritism with money, and using his personal police/security related job past to gain military sympathy/support. Joe Biden seems to be famous for failing to convey a real message without trying to confuse people/cover stuff up. Joe Biden seems to be racist and has long standing connections with supporting the corrupt Clinton family. “There’s a lot of questionable ‘other stuff’ in his/Biden’s introduction speeches during Dec 2019; like apparently liking younger kids to rub his ‘blonde hairy legs’ in a pool while he was working as a life guard. That he likes random kids jumping in his lap, and likes ‘roaches’. Its difficult to actually figure out what he’s really talking about; despite him being completely scripted. In the greater context of his speech it doesn’t make since, his introduction speech is just weird. Yet he looks to be one of the better choices in the Democratic Nomination Party. Joe Biden wants to be in the White house again, he was 1 step away from participating in the 2016 Elections, but he got beat by Hillary Clinton because she has blood contracts with most of the Democratic Party. Joe Biden worked closely with President Obama before the 2016 Elections. Joe Biden is also very old he is 76 years old, and seems to be getting early stages of Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease.” (Styxhexenhammer666). So far Joe Biden hasn’t even tried to talk about politics and instead announces random off the wall information. I think Joe Biden should retire, and shouldn’t participate in the 2020 Election… The 4th media favored candidate; Senator Amy Klobuchar has also already shown large amounts of controversy, without even having any own goals of her own. Amy Klobuchar has basically only talked about attacking Donald Trump, while showing that she hasn’t any plans to try and improve things. Amy Klobuchar is known for creating tons of new laws that citizens didn’t vote on. Being the number 1 senator for reducing freedom isn’t a good characteristic to have as a President… Since Amy Klob is in such a high position, I don’t see anything that she wants to do, that she hasn’t done already… She is certainly apart of the Deep State and that’s all I want to say about her… I think the USA presidential debate in 2020CE, needs to start completely over, without these 4 candidates-Biden, Klob, Warren, Sanders... There’s a bit more information to talk about regarding the 2020 election potential, but I think those 4 candidates all need to be removed before anything serious continues.
As for corrupt Hillary Clinton and some of her serious supporters, they should of been in jail in 2017-2018CE; and I don’t like her friend Nancy Pelosi either. There are already petitions gong around to prevent and or start impeaching Nancy Pelosi, and these petitions exist for a few various reasons relating to lies and fraud. I find it very ironic that a Nancy Pelosi has already given up on trying to stop Trump’s campaign for 2020CE. Nancy Pelosi is a document destroyer and isn’t someone I want to see in a position where document keeping is extremely important. It would certainly be better if someone with a better record regarding constitutional support was tying to stop Trump, but that apparently doesn’t exist in 2020CE. I think typing/talking about the Clinton family seems to be a waste of everyone’s time in 2020CE, however most of this paragraph will be about the Clinton family because the news just loves how corrupt the Clinton family is. I don’t understand why the news likes to continue to support a bad former president and his corrupt wife.. Even if the FBI/Military/Deep State is changing the Clinton Families ‘crimes’ into ‘scandals’; I think having over 22 huge scandals is enough to remove all credibility despite how much money they have. “1, Clinton’s turn IRS into Nazi Gestapo. 2, Hillary Clinton politically attacking other girls who were allegedly raped/abused by Former President Bill Clinton. 3, Looking/Stealing over $190k from the White House. 4, Bill and Hillary Clinton using FBI files to gain political advantages before 2001, and FBI files helped Hillary Clinton cheat during the 2016 election. 5, Bill and Hilary’s Isis Endorsement/Muslim Brotherhood Deals. The Muslim Brotherhood Al Qaida’ goals were to destroy the USA civilization. Hillary Clinton constantly contacted an Islamic Monarchy Prince named Huma Abedin located in Saudi Arabia who needed weapons to cause large scale terror. 6, Email gate; when Hillary Clinton privately emailed people around the world; making deals that congress, and citizens didn’t approve of. The emails contained information about putting USA citizens endanger.” (WND). That author lists 22 scandals that reflect Clinton Family such as: destroying the environment and endangering animals like cows, deleting/shredding important legal documents, Thousands of lies about middle eastern deals including Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan, Cover ups of nearly endless murders, starting wars without congress approval, Unethical actions that put USA people in jail without giving them a fair trial, supporting rapists and ignoring DNA trials, and corrupting the stock market/wall street. When you start adding up all the scandals together, they equal crimes against humanity. Even if I was ignoring Bill/Hillary Clinton’s huge crime record(s), and failures to support USA governmental positions.. The Clinton family shouldn’t be able to participate in elections due to the potential of creating a king style dynasty. Bill Clinton was already a USA President and did his time regarding the 2 Term Limit. If anything that should make his/Bill Clinton’s closest family members unable to become a President. The term ‘presidency’ supposed to reflect anti-imperialism. Despite that/ignoring the constitution again, Hillary Clinton also already lost the Election in 2016CE. By running she would have had Bill Clinton in a position of power once again, thus a 3rd term; these types of loop holes and direct breaking of the USA constitution need to be understood/recognized and stopped by congress/military.. Additionally, Hillary Clinton was and still is a far worse candidate on soo many levels in comparison to Bernie Sanders. There isn’t anything I think they will do this time around that they didn’t try to do the first time.. If corrupt Hillary Clinton was in a presidential position in 2016CE, things would have been far worse then anything President Donald Trump has done.. I wouldn’t-enjoy Hillary gaining any sort of political power. There isn’t a reason to try to make the USA a monarchy that has ties back to Bill Clinton Era; The Clinton family has been in power for far too long in my opinion.. If Former Bad President Bill Clinton was honest, then he would of stopped/left his corrupt wife long ago, because Bill Clinton promised, “The era of big government is over, in the 1990’s… That philosophy was similar to Former President Ronald Reagan who announced that ‘government isn’t the solution to our problem; big government is the problem.’” (Max Brooks). That small quote reflect another lie by Bill Clinton, since he loved for his wife to continue the corruption that he himself didn’t finish. PS the children of Bill and Hillary Clinton also shouldn’t gain a political position even near a Presidential position due to their direct connection to their parents; regardless if the parents are together or divorced. The Clinton Family shouldn’t be allowed to participate in anything political anymore.
After reflecting on all of that, there logically seems to be only 3 candidates left for President. Since in 2019CE there were 7 people announced. The 4 candidate people mentioned already in this article should be removed; and mainstream news should make that adjustment... The 3 candidates that remain out of the original 7, are named; Andrew Yang, Tom Steyer, and Mayor Pete B…. Tom Steyer seems to be the weakest and oldest of these 3 left over candidates. Tom Steyer is also the most hypocritical person of these 3 left over candidates. Tom Steyer wants to attack big businesses although he is a big business guy with lots of money. Tom Steyer seems to only care about attacking Trump… Tom Steyer is very similar to Nancy Pelosi and these two are working together to Impeach Trump. By having his own election campaign while trying to impeach his competition; is enough of a reason Tom Steyer shouldn’t be elected. Tom Steyer is manipulating/corrupting both the impeachment process and the election process by participating in both. Hes trying to create the best favorable outcome possible, for his own selfish gains. That’s all I have to say about Tom Steyer, and I think he should be next in line to be removed as an election candidate… After that is said, there’s 2 candidates out of the initial 7, who I think are actually eligible to be real candidates for USA President: the other 5 are logically ineligible for the reasons mentioned…
I’m gong to talk about the only 2 Eligible Candidates: Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Andrew Yang. It’s important to bring this up ASAP, because the 2020CE elections are getting even more complicated, because they are adding more people. After reaching the 5 page mark in this essay. I suppose its clear there needs to be more candidates, because everyone else so far has basically eliminated themselves, the news just hasn’t caught up.. The 2 Eligible candidates: Mayor Pete, and Andrew Yang should be credited for being the best out of the 7 initial candidates; who were picked to combat Trump.. Mayor Pete Buttigieg, is a former soldier from Afghanistan, and I would assume that he would want to continue war with the middle east. The Mainstream news loves to continue the combat between the USA and Iraq/Afghanistan… I would personally like to see people come to the realization that the war in the middle east is a pointless war full of impulsive people. Mayor Pete was a soldier, he’s probably a warmonger that would love to continue bombing/fighting with everyone… But perhaps the fact that he/Pete likes to be home instead of at war, might reduce the warmongers desire for more war.. On a side note that cant be ignored, and a topic was brought up by CBS news is that: Mayor Pete Buttigieg likes the male butt of his husband. And that reflects some honesty on his part, honesty that hasn’t been seen so far. Mayor Pete Buttigieg certainly looks to a better candidate then everyone listed so far…. Andrew Yang actually has a goal/purpose that he wants to achieve. What Andrew Yang wants to do, enact universal income, is something that needs to be done. People are dying all the time because the rich have all the cash that is supposed to be flowing. Universal income would actually give the peasant people in America some food money. Technology innovation has made so much money, and progress reducing work; making it to where competition between people should be less important. Large amounts of food is produced a lot easier then ever before, thanks to technology. Its normal for people to need to work less to obtain basic food, yet the price of food hasn’t gone down at all. Food Stamp related programs have helped certain people obtain food, universal income is just like that but should apply to all peasants/citizens. This isn’t a new idea, and Andrew Yang isn’t taking credit for trying to create Universal Income, that’s just his goal on what he wants to help achieve. The best parts of Communism wanted to enact the sharing of resources, however Communism wanted to take away individual private ownership. Universal income would allow people to keep their rewards/property/products but with more income flowing the economy would be a bit better. Some universal income would help keep the poor from starving to death in a society of a rich 1% of people that doesn’t really care about them. Universal Income is something that should just happen regardless of who win in the election. Universal Income is something people should vote on and make happen. When regular people have more money, the economy improves. When people have at least some sort of basic stability income; people spend more of that money. When their is some universal income for regular people, the rich get even richer, cause the rich are still those collecting that money. When people want even more money beyond just a minimum universal income, then they can add to their income by working for rich business people etc… As for Andrew Yang, he's only recently started doing things politically. Recently found his audiobook, where Andrew Yang talks about wanting to stop rich people from bribing presidents/politicians. Andrew Yang wants to improve the number of medical doctors, and reduce unfair prices on medical costs.. After all AI Robot Technology is going to improve the medical field and reduce costs; politicians just need to update... Andrew Yang, supports universal income; ideas that are originally from Thomas Spence, a relative of Thomas Paine who helped support the USA constitution.. I don’t know if just supporting Universal Income and being Asian is enough to be a president; although the Asian factor might help USA’s relationship with China/etc. In an ironic retro spec, I suppose Andrew Yang and Mayor Pete defeated those other 4-5 invalid candidates by hardly saying anything. The polls in Iowa, this month in 2020CE, also reflect its a time for change, and that the same old candidates should retire. To conclude, I don’t know why politic debates usually forget that politics is about who has the best goals/political agenda.
Also have to talk about the Former President Obama’s influence on the 2020CE election because that influence exists. “Because apparently behind closed doors, Obama has said he would try to stop Bernie Sanders from winning.. Bernie Sander fans feel that the democratic political party is stopping/invalidating their vote for Bernie. However fact is the courts are stopping anything that looks like better living for citizens. That the democratic party seems to be stacking the courts against any attempt at conservatism. That the courts refuse to accept votes against their agendas such as: warmongering policies, removing individual gun safety, keeping education expensive, and stopping health care improvements… PS the ACA insurance companies are unconstitutional, as Trump as said.” (Styxhexenhammer666). In April 2017CE, Former-President Obama returned to the public stage at the University of Chicago. If Obama kept education cheaper, he could of spoke to even more students, yet that never occurred to him. Anyways he/Obama talks about how he is old at the age of 55(58 by the time I’m posting this article). I think this is important to remember since 55-60 is an old age. People need health coverage to keep them on living and politicians have been using the idea of one size fits all when it comes to health care: everyone is far from the same. Picking and choosing what surgeries to cover, is in reality killing people.. If people don’t want to live, that is one thing, but those who do want to live yet can’t get the care to keep living, is a result of political jokes, scandals, and failing health care.. I also want to say that giving positions that demand a ton of activity is often done by those who are younger, and should be for people who have more modern thinking regarding actual plans for potential success. I think this is important because after Obama’s presidency, even older candidates are participating.. People who have done a worse job according to approval ratings on particular policy goals, are those who shouldn’t continue to have presidential/congress related jobs. Horrible statistics, crimes records, culture hate, and personal popularity decline; are good indications of unfit… Quality standards are different, in different areas. Failing freedom protecting standards, seen in a particular area; reflects that specific area’s ideals are outdated. It’s wise to update by sharing smart people with other areas, so that area can learn of new ideals. Perhaps not the best example, but USA President Obama was constantly working and sharing important information with those in the government of France. There were even some petitions on people trying to elect Obama as a president of France, he has continued to visit and network with France even when his/Obama’s presidency has been over.. President Obama had a few good innovations regarding improving politics, such as amplifying the importance of social networking technology. USA President Obama really tried to get closer to the public though the internet, and that’s something other politicians should learn about. Obama educated many on some important information relating to politics and war events. However, people never voted to engage in war, nor voted to support the failing Obama Care health programs. Perhaps if USA politicians like the Republicans actually supported citizen health, the health programs would have been more of a success. Failing to care for actual health success reflects a failing nation, despite location. When people dying of what doctors/nurses could of declared as easily curable; because of financial instability, is a clear governmental failure. An even remotely strong government should be able to get at least the basics for its people. There are many reasons why Medicaid, Obamacare, and other collective health care programs are failing. The most basic fact is that people come in to hospitals for help, and the people/patients are refused help; ultimately because of the ancient financial system that has everyone trapped until death. A lot of technology that can extend people’s lives, is technology that can be 3D printed. It isn’t as if there’s only 1% of health improving technology available, although that percentage is the only people who can afford it. Medicine to improve health is an old age concept, none of it is new. The political leaders desire to die later then the rest of the population. It’s fine if you as a person choose to die and personally reject technology that extends your life… But when that advanced technology isn’t an option for those who want it; that’s the advanced issue. I agree that all people shouldn’t be forced to live a; cyberpunk, or immortal vampire goth life style: people should be able to choose. Being able to access the best, should be possible for many who want it; yet there’s a pay wall that hardly any can go beyond. Keeping people away from obtaining advanced treatment, shouldn’t be the goal of policy makers; yet that isn’t what they are doing… At this point in political history, the very minimum and most basic medicine, is refused to people. Keeping people who want just some basic health care so they aren’t sick all the time should be reasonable for a government.. People dying from easily preventable causes is a failure for population stability/strength. ‘Knocking others down to gain an advantage is supposed to be a fruitless endeavor’, that’s what you learn at some point in every-school, yet the hospitals keep people down by refusing treatment. People are taught that you supposed to work with others, of course you are supposed to be tested on your own individual skills too… Additionally students aren’t typically grouping up to kick and break the teacher’s arms so the students themselves can get a better score on a test.. A former President shouldn’t be able to stop a logical policy from taking action. That behavior of violence for personal benefit, is what most police forces use around the world, to get their objectives achieved. Getting others to fight your battles is unfair fighting conditions, and that is of course irrational, and impulsive. Students who fight unfairly are typically punished for their behavior, yet military get off the hook of punishment: hypocrisy.. Obama is important to bring up because he remains to be a decent politician and remains to constantly influence all types of media even today. Although its really the rich who highly influence society, regardless if they are a politician. As Aaron and Melissa Dykes have pointed out, rich people can move around millions and billions of dollars without having their personal wealth drop at all. Rich folk in the 1% of society are able to sort of skip the voting process by just funding the money needed to achieve a goal/finish a project such as increasing video surveillance around the world or making sure regular people cant get basic health care. Yet the rich and military are able to avoid the surveillance; creating an unfair balance. Ultimately, embracing the public media/press is the only logical conclusion regarding future politics. Obama is a huge influence on society, even after the Presidency ended, but again he’s only a decent politician, he isn’t some ultimate figurehead. ObamaCare isn’t Obama’s only failing action. Obama has enforced war in the middle east after all.. And don’t forget that the soldiers don’t get successful health care after they are wounded. And to show that Obama continues to highly influence society now in 2020, can simply be seen because the Obama Care is still being debated in congress today. The insurance agencies like the ACA are trying to enforce Obama Care because they profit off of medically discriminating on people, by using labels such as ‘preexisting conditions’ to stop people from getting medical help. The ACA insurance companies profited off of ObamaCare policies, because the government failed to provide even basic health care. Thus private insurance companies profited off of the government failures. The ACA/private medical insurance companies, are trying to fight against Trump who’s been trying to remove Obama Care for something better… Obama, the Clinton's, and other deep state officials get offended by the facts and try to censor information; thus failing their role as legit leaders…
Ultimately, what i am saying when I constantly talk about how the political people spoke about solving issues instead of causing them. And how the class warfare of financial wealth is worrying the world.. The political people are separate from the regular people.. Trump had some credible business decisions from my understanding, and is best known for his ‘Unpredictability’ that was seen by the current presidents former TV show The Apprentice, where people competed by showing their abilities in: management, customer relations, innovation etc. However, a lot of what people actually liked about the show was oddly not the business side.. People liked to watch so called business men step on eachother and ruin the chances of the other at any cost.. Many people would toss eachother under a moving vehicle/golf cart/horrible critic etc to attempt to get an edge… Ultimately what I am saying here is that Trumps presidency represents his normal business tactics where people are thrown down so he can stand on top of them and make money… I talk about a lot of these ideas more in my 2nd impulsive people lead everyone to get involved in war book… The idea of unpredictability being a horrible trait to have as a law maker is also a reasonable idea to make. The Warning, by an Anonymous Senior Trump Administration official, is a book that reflects on how a Presidency isn’t a comedy TV show.. Many people feel that the political role has become a sort of joke/insult to the people, however that insulting of the people by use of politics didn’t start with Trump. Many people have been saying Quia-Quo-Pro. Since businesses are spending money to change politics.. Regardless of what the poor people want.. This is the definition of class-warfare. The middle class is often seen Inbetween the poor and the rich.. However, in today's society the rich have become far richer then the middle class. That 1% of the people have control of the most successful companies and businesses.. Politics around the world debate what to do about these problems.. Some politicians would like to use their money to bomb the citizens of the world: solving the problem: this doesn’t solve the problem of class-warfare, nor does bombing solve the problems in other countries.. Politics shouldn’t be a theater, full of actors who are joking about world issues.. Although I’d still rather have a real guy who is funny then most of the other criminal candidate officials… On a sort of side note started watching the 3rd season of The Cartoon President, that has featured topics of how Trump rather either eat cake/drink diet coke or use nukes against some random area. The cartoon reflects on the Trump Tower Hotel attempts to be built in both Moscow and Pyongyang. Comedy moments like an Airplane upside down in a KFC, News folks talking with USA Washington leaders, and jokes about the Trump Impeachment trails… Ultimately though; The Cartoon President, by showtime/CBS news; is something that’s once again reminded me that I’m glad Donald Trump won the rich argumentive style election against the corrupt loser Hillary Clinton in 2016CE.. The 2016CE election could have been better if they discussed individual policies. Fact remains, that the Presidential debates haven’t improved much since the 1800’s.. The election process is still about pick 1 guy and get no benefits from the 2nd guy… People get stuck with the 1st/most popular pick; through all the bad events, and the good events… Ultimately, suffering though what, the majority of citizens probably would understand as a bad policy, if they had a choice on individual decisions before a bad policy was created. Suffering though what only 1 candidate has to offer, is a failing election process. Lol America wants the best.
I’m going to expand on other candidates that were sort of announced, super recently.. Basically all the mainstream news outlets have been talking about how its crazy that there have been so many approved late entries into the Presidential debate. The people who seem to stand out who are new contestants are: Governor Deval Patrick, and Mayor Wayne Messam… Mayor Wayne Messam wants to: reduce the issues on the USA and middle east conflict, reduce Marijuana crimes, and hates that you have to check a box/satisfy a condition to receive a medical/ benefit.. Mayor Wayne Messam seems quite calm in his interviews; but there isn’t enough information about him at this time regarding his election, and achievements as a Mayor… Governor Deval Patrick wants to: ensure the governments strength/size regarding security/military power, wants to continue marriage freedom with privacy in the home, and make sure school communities stay successful in teaching/student understanding even in poverty areas.. Governor Deval Patrick, was a large supporter of Obama during his re-election and Deval seems to have a lot of energy. With these 2 new additions to the 2020 election campaign, the logical eligible candidate are Governor Deval Patrick, Andrew Yang, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Mayor Wayne Messam: these 4 contestants seem to be the best to combat Donald Trump... There are many mainstream news outlets like CBS that are trying to push 18 total people as contestants, and that's honestly too many. Adding more people to choose from, I guess helps the election process, but the fact is people aren’t voting on specific policies. By having so many people, votes become to scattered. The ineligible/corrupt people I’ve mentioned though out this article should be removed; and that brings the total of candidates down by a lot. That 18 count of contestants is also far behind because many have already dropped out. Some girl candidates named Marianne Williamson and Kamala Harris have already dropped out, so I guess it's pointless to even bring those candidates up since they didn’t do anything… There are a few more people who have been mentioned like Bullock, Booker, and Sestak but I think they are dropping out too. So at this point I guess I’ve eliminated 18 candidates to only 4 remaining. The 4 who remain are Governor Deval Patrick, Mayor Wayne Messam, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Andrew Yang.
I guess I’m glad that there are more candidates being added to the presidential position election in 2020CE, because just having Donald Trump, Mayor Pete Butigieg, and Andrew Yang probably isn’t enough. Donald Trump has gained a pretty ‘unpredictable’ reputation and perhaps to resolve that his daughter could run as a presidential candidate instead of him. This isn’t my idea, but I think it would be a good option right now. A lot of people have been desiring a girl to win, and if Ivanka Trump needed help with a topic, her father Donald could help her out with some stuff. I personally think, Ivanka Trump could win the presidential position for 2020CE, and I’d like that better then Donald Trump winning again. That result of Ivanka winning would indirectly keep Donald Trump near important positions, while also giving his daughter more time to speak. The result would sort of reduce the amount of Donald Trump haters, while satisfying the obsessive Donald Trump fans. Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner could also help her out, because he/Jared already has been gaining support from Middle Eastern provenances.. Ivanka wants to improve manufacturing industries. She realizes that there are millions of empty manufacturing jobs, and that people need to get the training/while earning to fill those jobs. She realizes that tax reforms have hurt private businesses and those taxes have hurt the employees too. She wants more women to work and earn wages without having their independent earnings taken away by taxes. I’m sure she would support some universal income to citizens, if she knew about it too. Universal income would be better then the Trump child policy that she was trying to get Donald Trump to pass.. Perhaps the universal income was what they were perhaps trying to do but couldn’t pull off successfully. After all I’m sure the Trump family would want both males and females to be able to purchase some basic necessities. Expecting jobs to keep employees who aren’t able to work, is a tough thing for a government to try and do. Just giving a basic government income to citizens would help mothers take care of kids, perhaps so that the mother doesn’t have to work as much. There’s even a sort of joke/conversation in The Cartoon President show, about how Ivanka Trump would be the best candidate out of the Trump family, to take on a future presidential/business role: after Donald Trump… Ivanka has some experience regarding making good business deals; ; a new example that I recently found.. A video that I didn’t notice earlier probably because its only a minute video; occurred in January 2020CE, when Ivanka Trump, expanded on her dad’s ideas. “Donald Trump has said that it’s absolutely insane that the USA educates people of different nationalities from all around the world. Then the USA Military labels those educated USA people as immigrants. Then right before those immigrants can start a business, and become educated employers: the USA military throws the immigrants out of the country. It doesn’t make since. The USA Immigration system is totally flawed. The USA needs to recruit and retain the greatest talents of the world. The USA needs to invest in its workers and business creators regardless if they were immigrants. The USA needs to reach over the sidelines/borders to recruit and equip them with the skills they need to survive.“ (Ivanka Trump). These are much better statements then the majority of the presidential candidates listed here. I think Ivanka Trump would be more serious then Donald Trump if she was the next president. Reducing the amount of memes and jokes: would probably help stabilize the Government.
I understand that Donald Trump wasn’t impeached, and that he can do another term as a President. However, I’m also sure alot of people will be mad about Donald Trump remaining in office after many issues. Issues that started occuring in 2015CE when people were calling him/Donald Trump and the entire USA government establishment RACIST. That is a failure, and shows a good point that Donald Trump should perhaps step down and let his Daughter take more control. I’m sure Ivanka Trump helped stabilize the Government and helped out her dad during crucial moments in his presidency. Many were thinking that another civil war could occur in the states if the racism started underminding constitutional laws of freedom. The USA border walls isn’t a simple topic to undertake but many were using those ideas to encourage racism in the establishment, because the border walls were excluding entire races from the ability to travel. However, fact is the USA borders were technically mostly there before the Donald Trump Presidency even occurred. So Donald Trump isn’t entirely to blame for the Border Wall conflicts.. Donald Trump does have many redemption qualities such as his constantly successful meetings with areas that many people thought were areas that weren’t going to negotiate. Donald Trump proved all those people wrong when he proved that many positive relationships could grow between the USA and entirely different areas. Donald Trump has met with China, Both Leaders of Korea, Russia, Germany, Middle Eastern Kings, and has even met with other UK related areas/leaders. These meetings are a redemption regarding improving the starting point of this article series. At the end of the day I think Donald Trump surprised me by doing more non-racist things, then actual racist things. I’m sure Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka, helped keep Donald Trump and the entire USA organized. Again, I am certain Donald Trump did a thousand times better then Hillary Clinton or anyone else from 2016CE until now. Again PS Throw the Clinton’s in jail.
I talked about Trump being a potential dictator, and I think that is still a possibility. By having Ivanka take over, Donald Trumps desire for power would lesson to at least a small degree. I think it would be great if someone else besides Donald Trump won the next election… However I would still much rather have Donald Trump continue to win instead of the many corrupt candidates such as; Corrupt Klob, Corrupt Warren, Corrupt Pelosi, Meh Biden, Meh Sanders, Corrupt Clinton, and Corrupt Steyer… Any of those corrupt people would be a huge mistake for anyone living in USAmerica and elsewhere.. A useless rich corrupt person needs to stay far away from having any sort of power.. A king is someone who can’t be stopped; and having mentally weak competition in comparison, is a failed election process.. Kings/dictators of monarchy’s are often people who undue freedoms and destroy people’s voting powers, this is seen in history and kings rising to power are actions that reflect cities collapsing. If Donald Trump was the last USA president that definition is the same as Donald Trump becoming a potential dictator. “Right now is a great time to talk about the comparisons of Ingersoll Lockwood’s 1900’s writing/predictions with the current Donald Trump Presidency, because of the Trump impeachment trials. During the impeachment trails the idea of Trump attempting a 3rd Presidential Term was brought up. However, The 22nd USA Constitutional Amendment supposed to forbid a President prolonging their stay in the governmental position/office. A person lasting a 3rd term as a President is an attack on the Federal Republic and on the Supposed Representative Democracy citizens supposed to have.” (ReallyGraceful). The ideas on Donald Trump being a potential dictator is apart of what started this/my article series 5 years ago, but writing from the 1900’s really takes the cake for oddly predictive writing.. These ideas of larger government power grabs aren’t new ideas, nor are power grabs by a select few individuals the path to freedom.. There also isn’t any sort of indication that those; who print money, and make the rules of society: will give more power to the people. So I ask when will people evolve from the modern election process..? Unevolving reflects reverting from the modern election process to more kingship style reign.. Evolving from the modern election process, reflects more personal freedom for individuals instead of puppet life style under a governmental society. New laws should be voted on by average people, instead of laws decided by a few leaders..
Impulsive People Lead Everyone To Get Involved in War book # 3, should be out this year… It will be the longest thing I’ve posted up. Perhaps it will be the longest writing collection I’ll ever complete.
Some of My Available Links, Relating to History: - Impulsive People Lead Everyone to get involved in war, Book#2. amazon.com/Impulsive-People-Lead-Everyone-involved/dp/1548467529/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= - When Can We Evolve From the Modern Election Process #’ 1-8.. Prestome UngyoBrock. Updated 2017. Articles. imortalone.wordpress.com/writing/pasthistory/ - Can buy some articles i've created for cheap located here. teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Professor-Prestome-Ungyobrock - Some articles you can download for free. dropbox.com/sh/cbbbfcvctienua7/AAAfGbfXcO25jCcCpXic-O-3a?dl=0
- Ivanka Trump: USA should recruit, retain immigrants. CES-Consumer Technology Association. Video. 2020. - The Apprentice. Donald Trump. Videos. 2004. - Campaign Finance Reform and the citizens United Supreme Court Decision. Keith Hughes. Video. 2013. -Here they are: Hillary’s 22 Biggest Scandals Ever. WND. Article. 2015. - Obama Warned Trump about Flynn. Late Night with Seth Meyers. Video. 2017. - Trump Just Received Jaw-Dropping Positive News About his Re-Election Fund for 2020. The Next News Network. 2017. Video. - Jared Kushner: “Government Should be Run Like a Great American Company….Republicans pull Trump-Healthcare Bill After Failing to Muster Enough Votes. DemocracyNow. Articles. 2017. - Former-President Obama returns to the public stage at the University of Chicago. YahooNews. 2017. Video. - Former President Obama debate in Germany. Gaudy Channel. Video. 2017. - Bernie Sanders Emotional Speech on the Immorality of Income Inequality. Liberty University. Videos. 2017. - College For All and Cancel All Student Loans/Debt: We say to our young people that we want you to get the best education that you can, regardless of the income of your family. BernieSanders.com. Article. 2016-2020. - Is Trump a New Nixon? Historians Cant Agree. Graham Vyse. Article. 2017. - The time Richard Nixon told Trump he’d be a star. Sam Stein. Article. 2018. - 3 Reason the USA Health Care System is the Worst. Olga Khazan. Article. 2018. - The Long, Boring Trump Impeachment… Impeachment is a clear attempt to nullify the 2016 election… Elizabeth Warren uniquely tyrannical: proposes ignoring 1st amendment entirely… Elizabeth Warren is Really just a bad person who lies about Bernie Sanders… Bernie Sanders Poll Analysis: hard peak before or after Iowa… Bernie Sanders is a relic of the 1970’s and a snake oil salesman… More people recognize Sanders then Biden.. Oppose Raising the Smoking Age to 21, that’s unconstitutional and meaningless…. Trump Wins if Sanders is Nominated.. Bernie Sanders doubles down on Half True Biden Social Security Attack…Joe Biden is literally demented and is losing his marbles each and every day… Nancy Pelosi admits defeat/refuses to participate in the Senate.… Marianne Williamson drops out of the 2020 Dem primaries… Dirty Dems Use Prison Labor to make Campaign Calls… Obama tries to save the democrats, by stopping Bernie Sanders.. Obamacare Mandate Ruled Unconstitutional… Tulsi Gabbard sues Hillary Clinton for Defamation.. Corrupt Virginia Governor Declares Emergency to attack gun owners… Canada Muses Eliminating free expression.. Styxhexenhammer666. Videos. 2019-2020. - Now We're Being Told We Have to Accept Literal Vampirism!.. Technocracy: I never voted for this, did you?… Where does it end? New Monarch Brain Device approved for ADHD.. Putting a chip in your brain will not make you a superhero.. The Eugenics Record Office Is for Sale… Do We Have "Cognitive Liberty"? Conference Probes "Human Rights of the Mind"....Are We Still Lost in the Cave?...The Future of Fake News in Digital Matrix… The Real Wealth Gap, an Immortal Elite.. They actually admitted there’s no money in curing people.. TruthStream Media-Aaron and Melissa Dykes. Videos. 2016-2020. - Who is Amy Klobuchar? The New York Times. Video. 2019. - 5 things Californians should know about Tom Steyer. Alyssa Hodenfield. Video. 2020. - Is Trump The Last President?.. The Lies they told us about Syria.. ReallyGraceful. Videos. 2019-2020. - Reporters are being shut out in London as well as Washington, access denied.. Donald Trump just got the best polling news of his presidency.. CNN Poll of Polls; Biden and Sanders Lead Natinal democratic primary after Trump… Bill Clinton endorses Trump’s Impeachment.. Impeachment trial of president trump will most certainly vote to acquit trump… The impact of press restrictions during impeachment result in new reporters being unable to do their job.. Andrew Yang Explains the success of his 2020 Campaign.. Trump’s tweeted that, ‘he will keep running’ when he was acquitted from impeachment trials.. CNN News. Articles/Videos. 2020. - How the Trump and Nixon impeachment inquiries compare… Democratic Candidates prepare debate strategies 2019… Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Joins 2020 Presidential Race… Mayor Pete… Wayne Messam accused of mistreating/failing to pay staff… CBS News. Videos. 2019-2020. - Conversation with the Candidate Wayne Messam. WMUR-TV. Video. 2019. -Pete Buttigieg says his Campaign is ‘absolutely electrified’ after Iowa Results… Buttigieg, Sanders, Klobuchar react to Iowa Caucus Results.. Andrew Yang’s movement has ‘shocked’ the political world… Elizabeth Warren’s Big Idea of free College… NBC News. Videos. 2020. -Biden investigation begin after GOP Senators acquit President Trump… Pete Buttigieg officially wins Iowa defeating Bernie Sanders… H A Goodman. Videos. 2020. - Governor Deval Patrick; Obama’s election of a lifetime. PBS. Video. 2012. - Ivanka Trump reacts to impeachment inquiry… Ivanka Trump goes one on one with Steve Hilton… Fox News. Video. 2019. - First Netflix film from Barack and Michelle Obama looks at life in a USA Factory under New Chinese Bosses. Agence France Presse. Article. 2019. - A Warning, by an Anonymous Senior Trump Administration official. Karen White. Audiobook. 2020. - Go To. Bring Me The Horizon. Album. 2019. - Privatizing the USA Army was a Mistake. Max Brooks. Article. 2020. - Our Cartoon President. Stephen Colbert, CBS/Showtime. Cartoon. Updated 2020. - Iowa Caucuses: Democratic front runners speak as primary results delayed. Global News. Video. 2020. - The War on Normal People. Andrew Yang. Audiobook. 2020. © 2020 Professor prestome UngYoBrockAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on February 8, 2020 Last Updated on March 19, 2020 Tags: 2020Election, imortalone, impulsivepeople, evolve, Trump, Politics, Border, Obama, Clinton, BernieSanders, ElizabethWarren, JoeBiden, AmyKlob, Oprah, TomSteyer, Nancypelosi, Mayorpete, DevalPatrick, WayneMessam, AndrewY Author![]() Professor prestome UngYoBrockAboutI am Professor prestome. I can be found at imortalone.weebly.com imortalone.wordpress.com youtube.com/user/imortalones more..Writing |