![]() When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process (Article Part 8) Updated 2018A Story by Professor prestome UngYoBrock![]() A free article series that relates towards my books: Impulsive People Lead Everyone To Get Involved In War.![]() Okay So this article here is again apart of a series called: When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process. #8 is another long article, so cook up some eggs and have some tea before reading..Since the political process has a direct relationships towards (everyone) getting involved in war.. By saying that you should be able to see how my/Prestome UngyoBrock’s books: impulsive people lead everyone to get involved in war: reflect upon this article series and so on and so forth. This article is in the color Purple/Violet just for fun. Also will be a bit of review of the previous articles since its been awhile. Knocking others down to gain an advantage is supposed to be a fruitless endeavor. In Japanese it is said: Hito Wo Kenasu Koto De Jibum Ga Agaro U Da Nante Munashii Yo. We live in times of relative peace as I said in my second When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process article. Its also been about 7 months since I posted up an article, have been working on my 3rd history book. But really not much has changed in that time regarding the political atmosphere. Hillary Clinton still isn’t in jail for war crimes, ignoring people, and stealing money. People are always trying to sue Donald Trump, who of course has been fighting the Hillary Clinton Isis organization to a point where every civilian of Iraq is an ‘enemy’ and that just isn’t correct. In my opinion both of these parties have shown quite a lot of racism towards different areas. Many Clinton employees end up having their work contracts moved under the Trump administration. So warmongers from the Clinton era are still around, wanting to cause the same issues they were causing before.. The election process doesn’t look at who’s working behind the curtains. When really many of the regular political non-temps are the problem. The modern election process only gives you one temporary member of government, and even that’s a stretch. The corruption really is in the grasp of thos who are regulars in government positions. People who often aren’t shown on regular TV regarding what they are actually doing… That is a problem regarding actual citizen and political balance which isn’t a thing. Even with the ‘lies’ aside there are still lots of wholes in the ‘public’ stories. What I’m saying when I constantly talk about how the political people spoke about solving issues instead of causing them. And how the class warfare is worrying the world.. The political people are separate from the regular people.. Trump had some credible business decisions from my understanding, yet now in the political role he has become a sort of joke/insult to the people. I feel trump has nearly completely-ruined his credibility in 2017CE, once positive-credibility, something he has worked his whole like to achieve, drastically disappearing.. Many people want to impeach him, and it has barley even been 100 days.. Alot of people have been protesting for over 100 days regarding how the election its self was purchased by big companies instead of by actual voters. Many people have been saying Quia-Quo-Pro. Yet, the financial middle class has been joining the poor regarding financial stability equality. That isn’t Quai Quo Pro, just because more people are suffering. The middle class have been losing their financial equality in political elections, businesses are spending money to change politics.. Regardless of what the poor people want.. This is the definition of class-warfare. The middle class is often seen in-between the poor and the rich.. In the Middle East, there’s a difference between rich and poor. The USA haven’t been there to give more power to citizens in Iraq and Afghanistan. The USA hasn’t been adding more American culture to the Iraq and Afghanistan People. Influcing an area to be more American, or to be more civilized; is something that can’t be achieved with bombs etc. The USA invasion into the middle east doesn’t have a goal. Infact there are many similarities that have already existed between the USA and the Middle East. In the Middle East, Kings have the majority of the wealth. In American the rich have become far richer then the middle class combined together, as times have changed, USA has become more like the Middle East.. The 1% of the Americans who control the money in the USA ultimately want to obtain the money that the rich in the Middle East have. It goes beyond just natural resources like Coal, Oil, Gold, and Nuclear Energy. The USA rich and their military don’t want the Middle East using Nuclear Power to retaliate against them for the crimes they have committed. Crimes that the USA citizens aren’t responsible for supporting. The idea of voting to cause war, was a vote that never occurred in the USA. I think its a sad joke that the USA military/deep-state/CIA tells USA citizens to engage in war so that the Middle Eastern states like Iraq can have the privilege to vote. The USA isn’t fighting Middle Eastern Kings so that citizens living in Iraq/Afghanistan/Iran can have political freedom.. A military that doesn’t allow that to occur in their own home territory, is a military that wont allow freedom in other countries either.. Politics around the world supposed to debate what to do about these problems, as a sort of united group.. The USA politicians aren’t really representing USA citizens. USA politicians and their military use labor from citizens to bomb the citizens of the rest of world: solving the problem.. This doesn’t solve the problem of class-warfare, nor does bombing solve the problems in other countries.. March 27th 2017 Donald Trump lies saying “Will make a deal on healthcare as soon as Obama care folds-not long. Do not worry, we are in very good shape” (Donald Trump). However when adding the idea of War Mongering into the equation, what kind of shape are we talking about here? Because there less people actually able to be considered living in good shape. I understand the idea of keeping up moral during an economic recession, because that's economically important to keep money flowing. However, when all the money is just stuck in the health care industry, that money isn’t flowing naturally. Everyone regardless of financial status has their income stuck in the financial medicine market, the closer someone gets to their death, the more money that everyone is spending on the medical market. On May 5th 2018 Trump celebrated the deaths of more people due to the lack of health care due to his failure to improve/replace Obama Care.. When I do feel that Health Care may not need to be the Governments responsibility entirely because a few selected people can’t carry everyone on their backs forever. When someone takes care of someone; they themselves are using their time alive to do that. It is important for people to not rely on the government and do things themselves. However, when the individual’s health training is very limited due to the failing school programs to teach healthier medicine practices earlier on.. The individuals’ ability to continue successful solo health upkeep is drastically decreased because the individual has been restricted to how much health practice they can learn. The financial market keeps people from obtaining greater health care both in hospitals and in their own home as individuals. Health care in the home of most Americans is very minimum due to the Medical industry keeping most of their healing remedies/formulas a secret. Even when Patents/recipe’s expire; the public don’t get access to grow/create/recreate medicines that are/have been only sold exclusively in pharmacies and hospitals. There isn’t any sort of extra income to support living longer for regular people, like in many cases the cost to keep people alive outweigh that persons life long earning potential in the job market.. That really isn’t just a Trump or Obama problem. And most jobs such as small businesses can’t afford people’s health-care either, because even large scale companies/monopolies don’t typically actually provide full health care for their employees.. Medicine is expensive and you need a lot of training before you can even get into a medicine related job so those people need to be paid for their hard and dirty work… It’s very difficult for an individual to get into a local market for medicine creation. Restricting people from creating their own medicine based on nearly ancient medicine practices that have proven to work: is a government failure. There are many idiotic practices in current non-working bills/laws that over ride/ignore original constitutional laws. It’s really bad when the USA Government can’t even care for their soldiers. An example is the USA Army Veteran health care.. Many former soldiers die waiting to see the doctors.. From mental issues unsolved to physical issues mostly ignored.. To ultimately prepare people for war, and to increase the number of deaths caused by war.. War that the USA government is directly responsible for, and doesn’t want to fund/keep people alive.. David Cay talks about how Trump doesn’t really have that much money, and how Trump battles the banking system and avoids ‘unreasonable’ government taxes often totaling over 900 Million. When people are complaining about President’s Trump’s inability to cover everyone's health care in the world: the people get mad/upset. Trump’s response to kids dying from the lack of health care available to them is, what else can be done? When people in congress positions who have just as much power as the president, are a group of people most people know little about.. Congress people supposed to work on behalf of the citizens yet there is a large separation between congress and the actual citizen connection… And the Presidents supposed to work with those congress people who most citizens know little about.. To be American is to temporarily view people with authority for only a certain time to stop those people from abusing that power yet many people in congress don’t have those limits. March 2017CE, when Ivanka Trump, did better then her dad, when she was having a discussion with business owners in Washington. During March 16th2017CE the groups Ivanka was meeting with successfully was related to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; the meeting was a complete success.. If Donald Trump was having the meeting with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, he/Donald probably would of said something racist, and regarding situations like that she probably would have been a better president then her dad has been. Ivanka understands that, “the government should be run like a great American company. To achieve success and deficiencies for our customers, who are the citizens.” (USA Trump Organization/Kushner)..These are much better statements then many of the famous trump statements, that are little more then a bunch of meme statements: such as people trying to count Trumps Racist remarks… When I feel people should-be counting the lies/racist statements made by the USA Military, cause those are the ones going unnoticed. I think its also worth considering that even Trump’s make America Really Great Again idea.. Is really a Steve Jobs altered quote who always talked about how we can make Apple really great. Steve Jobs used these words to increase HYPE. When comparing the two people Steve Jobs was copied. Steve Jobs is a much smarter and honest guy then the current president. He is a man who created way more jobs and is a man who believed in teamwork. That success is ideas not hierarchy: Teamwork over racism.. Which is also that shared idea that Trump had on the Apprentice: the show featured people of all nationalities and ethnicities. Skilled business operators and managers met with Trump looking for job opportunities. Trump had the opportunities to review all candidates for his business. Yet most people in large scale government permanent positions are unknown to the public, which is dangerous. Example in the show The Apprentice you could watch and see how the business teams were doing, and when they messed up. Trump had the power to fire those people. In most cases the Firings were typically very reasonable. The question should also really be where is the footage of the congressmen and police officers who fail their jobs? The USA system represents/supports a large degree of hierarchy: this isn’t supposed to be the case. So by ‘American’ many think copying is American? A debate I am not really going into, besides just saying that sharing ideas that work is logical: when sharing ideas that don’t help people fix problems caused by bad-ideas is collision because of collaboration between different governments on a business level? In my 2016, 4th When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process. I started quote regarding the Armageddon in Nature idea regarding the USA being in war with Russia. Well in 2018, things may have gotten as little better, like were not nuked yet, so that's a positive. If anything things regarding North and South Korea has gotten perhaps better with the world Olympics. In that same 4th article of, When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process. It focused on how recent political actions were/can-still try to invoke the anger of the combined forces of the USA military by enlisting those who believe in religious ideals and hate against different cultures. To note of a recent change, there is an 2018 article that is literally called; Trump’s national security advisers warned him not to congratulate Putin. He did it anyway. The article includes the video of Trump USA talking about working with Putin of Russia. This is a positive political action, and one that should-be respected. I find it odd that many of the USA advisers advise against actual collaboration between the USA and Russia. I do understand that learning new languages is tough, but that isn’t a reason to blow up anyone. Trying to stop the Iraq War/Genocide is from my understanding a smart move. So for those who are all about hating on Trump for congratulating Putin for winning aren’t really helping things because encouraging a healthy relationship with the USA and Russia should-technically be as easy as the agreement with South and North Korea. Should it not? That would-be a logical solution to use actual politics to fix a problem. I’ve thought about this a lot and ultimately, and the Apocalyptic life style is too much work for me personally. I want to start this paragraph with the band P***y riot and Putin video listed in the sources, I highly suggest watching it. Its about the ideas of where Putin struggles with punk ideas caused by the band. Where many Russian Citizens have considered Putin’s Jail Sentence for the Group, ‘P***y Riot’ was too-Harsh. When Putin gets lost because the band is too harsh and even the bands name is rude. The interviewer of Putin being English even hard a hard time just saying their band name… The very hardcore punk band talks about how Putin isn’t a president and is more like a dictator: the band has also been jailed for protesting extremely in public places as well as online. Again many of the citizens agree with the messages that bands like P***y Riot were talking about because a lot of the messages were true not because the band is forcing you to watch them.. Even Putin talks about how the bands messages have been true, a rough quote is this: “The Soviet State in its early stage, was very cruel to religious authorities. Many of the Russia Churches were completely destroyed, and Russian Traditional Religious groups suffered massively, due to military conquest, where the Russian Government failed to protect its people. As for the Russian courts decision regarding the band P***y Riot a fair and justified sentence? Since the band didn’t really cause any physical harm to anyone… Does the quantum of the penalty reflect the harm allegedly caused? Its not the presidents call to say what the outcome should-be. These women have lawyers who represent their interests in court: Jurisprudential Matter.” (Putin). Its the people’s choice to watch them, but people should know about them, also think its great that people in Russia have a right to a fair trial.. Okay so now going to relate that riot protesting band issue towards how, Putin locking up his election competition. “As NPR has previously reported, Navalny(Putin’s Competition for the 2018 Russian election) has been arrested multiple times for organizing and participating in large protests against Putin's government… Navalny. tried to gain support by talking about how people's private lives are nobody else's business.. While a Moscow political analyst named Alexei Makarkin, says the last politician who ran the same kind of grassroots campaign and evoked the same enthusiasm was Boris Yeltsin: Russia's first president 25 years ago. However, the chances of the Kremlin letting Navalny run as a presidential candidate are close to zero.” (Camila Domonoske). The 2018 Russian unequal election, being something I don’t agree with entirely, but I suppose Putin compared his Election ‘competition’ with the extreme punk bands of Russia, because Russia’s election competition was protesting extremely regarding many topics. This protesting extremely idea being a reason for jail time is also is in America, as well as Russia because a lot of extreme protesting often results in rioting and the breaking of random people’s property. People who are often not involved in politics often get involved because of their property damage… I think this comparison between articles also reminds people that punk music isn’t a large cause for rioting, because people can riot without music just as well. Something that has been the same since years past, so you can’t like blame punk music for free expression. The military from my understanding in both areas doesn’t allow extreme city riots. I think that rule is relatively reasonable, like people should-be more educated then rioting in the streets. But at the same time I must point out that political leaders in both the USA and Russia haven’t evolved either because the political leaders can’t get along due to their lack of conducting logical business. Something that is missing still today in 2018. Also even after the election there is the most recent case where, “Media Reports said that the number of protesters in May 5th 2018 was near 1,500 people. Marching again with Aleksei Navalny who marched under the slogan of Putin is not Russia’s Tsar and Aleksei Navalny was arrested again by ‘President’ Putin on the 7th day of the month of May..” (Radio Free Europe). People have been protesting all around the world. Going to conclude with, the basic idea of, when you really think about the USA, and Russia’s culture: they aren’t-really-different. In the 5th article of When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process. I brought up the pope of France’s opinion on unification of religions, and how he/pope has different ideas then Donald Trump.. The Pope also traveled down there to Iraq to rant before he met with trump and talked about how the religious-pope doesn’t want to be stopping the freedom to worship in 2017 which is a positive because otherwise the Church starts to become the same as the military… Pope understands that there are both Christians/Muslims religious groups in places like Syria/Palestine... Also I don’t support the goal of the typical/violent pope which is to try and forcefully/psychologically try to convert people, since I’m not religious.. But I’ve studied world religions and they/religions are basically all the same/very similar anyways… The exchanging of religious information between communities is also a smarter move then the recent military government actions.. Since rich religious organizations are attempting to do something about the Egypt and the Iraq wars in 2018CE? The same sort of problem the world was having during 1160 CE where Crusaders of France/Germany/Italy battled against united Eastern European states of Egypt/Damascus/Mosul and other regions. Millions of people were killed by the encouragement of Pope Urban II who wanted control of Syria, Palestine, Antioch, Mosul, and even Constantinople, in the 11th Century. Crusading Western European Christian/Catholic-Jihad Wars would last over 300 years. That is the sort of legacy the people of 2020 are also leaving behind.. A trail of genocide and stupidity by failing to communicate politically. Since in 2018 CE the American and Europeans have destroyed cities in Syria, Palestine, and Mosul. The idea of visiting and traveling the historical sites is in many cases impossible due to the destruction of bombs. Within that 7 months of skipping out on this article series I learned my mom wrote an assignment for one of her college classes long ago. I supposes I am doing the same, although not for a class but for who ever reads this.. But I guess her article was on the positives of non-president-Trump about 10 years ago. She respected a man who was a business success: Trump. She had watched all of his shows and even studied his business tactics. Yet here I am writing about how Trump has pulled a (regon second term). Where issues and hypocrisy are typically known to the public and what is positive becomes subjective to people who weren’t at the government meetings... The mother sees the corruption on the t.v. news like everyone else. One of her idols crashing like a tower? To a point of genocide and murder with only the TV News showing the events approved for public..? Which doesn’t help the historical community when there are ‘Lies’ in the media. Besides the possible lacking facts and so many people are left not knowing how to earn money besides suing each-other and lying on TV.. It took until recently for me to understand the point of the current presidents former TV show The Apprentice fan base.. Where those enjoying the show were often people who oddly only liked the show to watch people/so called business men/women step on eachother and ruin the chances of the other at any cost.. It was odd that a lot of the fans of the show didn’t watch it for the actual business but for the drama… Many people on the show would toss eachother under a moving vehicle/golf cart/horrible critic etc to attempt to get an edge… Where the end of the show regardless of the season ended with some person arguing with another person over who did the best work. Trumps presidency represents his normal business tactics where people are thrown down so he can stand on top of them and make money… However that is also the same sort of thing that every king and religious figure like the Pope has ever done to the citizens/serfs. I want to remind whoever that collaboration with places like Russia is a-positive thing. Its also important to not rely on one person to conduct ‘friendly policies’ or to rely on for all your body needs...
© 2020 Professor prestome UngYoBrockAuthor's Note
Added on May 9, 2018 Last Updated on February 11, 2020 Tags: USA and Russia Collaboration, HealthCare, Ethnicities, Bombs, Poor Vs Rich, Evolve From Election Process, Professor Prestome Ungyobrock, Current Events, Crusades, The Apprentice, Kremlin, Pussy Riot Author![]() Professor prestome UngYoBrockAboutI am Professor prestome. I can be found at imortalone.weebly.com imortalone.wordpress.com youtube.com/user/imortalones more..Writing |