When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process?? #6  By Prestome Ungyobrock.

When Can We Evolve From The Modern Election Process?? #6 By Prestome Ungyobrock.

A Story by Professor prestome UngYoBrock

This is the 6th article in the series and it reflects upon actions that are going on right now in politics due to elections. The idea of the series is too toss out the idea of evolving from elections.


In this 6th article I/prestome will talk about some of the problems regarding elections and the people who are causing problems for society in a negative fashion in 2017CE. Elections should-become an outdated form of politics in the future. Give a group of people too much power only causes a wide range of issues from racism towards greedy self profit. I talk about a wide range of problem in my history book series: Impulsive People Lead Everyone To Get Involved In War. Both are of course available on Amazon. Book 1 + TEA is located here: amazon.com/Impulsive-People-Everyone-involved-Example-ebook/dp/B06Y4F6YX5/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8


Part 2/book 2 + EGGS is located at this link:  amazon.com/Impulsive-People-Lead-Everyone-Involved-ebook/dp/B073GBMCG4/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8



Without further ado, there is a guy who works for the government who was picked by the election winner: Thomas P. Bossert… Tom, Is en-charge of the new American technology corporation. He is one of many who leads and encourages the destruction of the modern and past internet freedoms. He wants to continue to destroy privacy and increase censorship to a point where the government controls everything on the internet.. Just like how the government controls everything on the TV. Where people have to pay to watch pre-programed schedules. Perhaps that schedule will be as bad as cartoon Network where only 4-5 different TV shows are available 24/7.. Tom Bossert is that sort of guys who works with the big name companies like Verizon Wireless, a company that wants to limit all forms of entertainment in-order to increase their own personal profits.


"Much of Eric Dreiband’s career is fighting for companies accused of discrimination rather than on behalf of those discriminated against." (Washington Times). Corrupt Racist Lawyer Eric Dreiband has experience working with the worst part of the USA Bush administration, along with experience turning one religious organization against another. He discriminates against the muslim people, the same group of people the Trump administration is trying to continue war with until world war 3 wipes US all out.


Regarding the Mainstream news the rough idea regarding politics is this: “Lendsey Gram lies about being mad at Trump for saying one dumb thing after another, since Lendsey Gram is happy to help Trump put what he wants together regarding any bill.” (MSNBC-Morning Joe). Along with an interview with Bernie Sanders in 2017; Bernie Sanders has this to say regarding the politics in the USA, “That we find ourselves in a frightening place, where people of this country-USA are scratching their heads. That people are extremely worried about the temperament of this country-president, the policies that are being proposed in this country are the most destructive in our lifetimes. This legislation of health-care alone, throws 23 Million Americans off health-care insurance. The Result being, thousands of them dying.” (MSNBC-Morning Joe). That again comes from an interview with a presidential candidate: you can’t really mess up an interview being mainstream news or not. Bottom line is the tax credits-regarding self medicare, don’t help regular people pay for medicine: a medical bill is never anything less then $200 dollars. What people might gain from a tax credit, might be $50 bucks. So When it comes to extreme surgery or life death situations that might cost a human $200,000 dollars or more, that money will never get paid. The doctors won’t get paid. The reason for cutting health care is that the government doesn’t want to be responsible for paying the doctors wages… The minimum wage doesn’t come close too covering the expenses that are required too keep people alive. This is the battle of the health-care system in America. Working a job outside of health-care rarely even pays for its self in regards to keeping you alive. “Personal, Health Savings Accounts, are self serving bank accounts that the government expect the citizens to create on their own for when they are sick. This benefits those living paycheck to paycheck, because go f**k yourself. That’s the other piece of logic. How can the U.S. Government/senators even say that with a straight face knowing that? In this economy people don’t even have savings accounts. Its already been proven that over 60% of Americans would be whipped out in a 100 dollar emergency. The health savings account doesn’t account for children at all. Working a job doesn’t pay for it-no mater how many hours you put into the job” (Jimmy Dore Show). All senators who support the IPAB which is a group who want to cut treatment to seniors/all older people, because they as older people aren’t ‘cost effective’. This is being seen by various senators and their partners who refer too crowds of voters as children. False-leaders want to see all the people of America judged by a death panel at the age of 65. The murder-senators are in a large scale number in 2017. Senators cant even follow the very rigorous army field manual on its own citizens: All funding towards these Senators needs to be cut off.. “The Trump-Care Law is based on the Blocking of medical assistance for tens of millions of poor, disabled and elderly citizens. Those numbers represent only a fraction of those whose health is improved or whose lives are saved by the former Obama Care.” (Joe Conason).

     There’s a live senate video called: Mike Pence Has To Break Tie On Senate Vote To Defend Planned Parenthood. Where the Trump administration/Mike Pence supports controlling the bodies of females because they wear suits… The video shows how women are losing the ability to get help when accidents occur regarding child birth. I said something sort of harsh as a comment in response towards a guy named Joe who supports removing the freedom for women to decide the outcome of their own lives since being a mother is a full time job that many women are not ready for. Joe complained about disliking the idea of paying for a women to get an abortion because it wasn’t his responsibility to pay for a girls birth control… This was my comment/response: So Joe. You would rather pay for the birth of a kid when a mom doesn't want it. Let's say that girl got raped by some jackass and then is forced to give birth to a jackass kid. A kid that will probably grow up and rape a girl just like his father. A bunch of guys in suits shouldn't control what a chick does with her body… Ultimately defunding the planned parenthood organization that helps mothers/students/females through the birth process-a process that men will never really understand regarding pain and commitment. Yet it is men like Trump and Mike Pence who want to control female organs when they themselves should-have nothing to do with the birth of humans. Ultimately removing money from Planned Parenthood just helps their own wallets regarding the escape from commitment to the female sex. Of course Planned Parenthood can also be considered a form of health care which is of course being removed by the corrupt Trump administration of the USA. When these kids are born, the USA administration wants nothing to do with them..


When watching recorded presentations of congressmen being asked questions, about there bills/laws/actions the result is this: 160,000 kids in the state of Alabama are being forgotten about regarding their personal health care. Most of the senators have a difficult time understanding the bills that they are approving, such as Bradley Byrne who approves the health care that leaves over 160,000 kids without medical care. The EPA is also cut by 31% regarding the protection of water, Bradley Byrne’s supports the dumping of toxins into drinking water, by removing the funding of EPA.. The 31% cutback most likely is just moved to the military which will cause that much more pollution/toxins. Nothing is suggested that will replace the EPA regarding better-protection of water in 2017…. “Before 1972, there was nothing stopping the dumping of pollution and toxins into oceans, lakes, and ponds. Pollution dumping became so bad that a lake in Iowa actually caught fire… However, over the last 18 years a few complex/corrupt court cases have tangled up the Environmental Protection Agency’s power to clean water: making it unclear what waters are covered by the clean water act. It becomes especially difficult when looking at small streams, lakes, wetlands, and ponds. There’s been a lot of confusion over what water areas should-be protected.” (Chief of Staff Arvin Ganesen-EPA). For example if a lake is in the property of a business that wants to dump toxic chemicals, the business is going to dump toxic chemicals into their owned lake. That pollution dumping is getting worse in 2017 with the new government administration=more pollution/toxic water/contaminated earth. The human toxins are killing all types of sea life. There is a debate on who owns the water and even the fish inside of it, the public is left out of this debate, and the debate is really just between the government and big private industries.. The government companies are The National Marine Fishing Service and NOWA that try and keep fish alive… Bradley Byrne lives near a lake and he desires to fish when he wants too, he wants too cut the funding of the government programs that help keep track of how many fish are alive. Ultimately, all people are failing too keep track of how many animals/fish are killed by pollution.


Of course there is the racist wall being upgraded, and a raise act that discriminates on those who can’t speak English because Mexican schools don’t typically teach English as a second language. This will also cause issues for American travelers because most American’s cant speak espanol because American schools don’t allow espanol/Spanish to really even be a second language. The discrimination and removal of a language is horrible for everyone. Ultimately the USA is trying to alienate Mexico as an area that isn’t apart of an alliance with America/USA although Mexico has been an ally of the USA for hundreds of years. The USA government/various senators discriminate on many areas and encourage the use of military force to harm humans. Military spending/murder encouraging is at all time highs in 2017, and of course this funding isn’t going down. The TTP is being destroyed and the taxes are getting worse even on Americans/USA individuals and over all life is becoming worse thanks to government involvement/discrimination/racism/war.


     I want to clarify that: A wall and the increased difficulty to get into America is one in the same. The wall and security armed with highly dangerous weapons that kill unwanted humans is what these recent policies in America are about. If they give out less green cards the more humans they can kill. "Immigration Nation: The Trump administration is proposing changes to the 1965 Immigration Act that critics say could make the country less diverse. Trump also wants to hire 500 more border control guys." (Atlantic daily). The less humans that are needed too care about. That is the whole thing. So yes senator, Stephen Miller: the wall and the green card are one in the same. Stephen Miller is one of the people who support the idea of continuing to have America be a racist area. These politicians I have mentioned in this paper need to learn from the fall of the Berlin Wall. The fall of the Berlin wall is a point I make in, The Impulse People Lead Everyone To Get Involved in war books I have created this year. It is also a point that is brought up meetings such as NATO and the Belt N Road Meeting of 2017. The Raise Act is a combined effort to increase border control and make the availability of green cards to exclusive individuals. Where traveling continues to be banned between areas, and the Raise Act-Via Trump Administration’s goal is to make it more difficult for a human to travel by increasing taxing, language berriors, and discrimination. The policy seems pretty much regular.. However there are problems regarding learning English in Mexico. Its very difficult to tell and call the act racist since it is well thought out and reflects upon the same sort of laws that Russia uses to limit immigration. Also wouldn't the same apply for USA citizens going to Mexico? Like if you can't speak espanol/spanish you can't go to Mexico? That would stop USA citizens from freely traveling different areas… A wall has two side nobody is free: again reference the success of the fall of the Berlin wall.

     As a conclusion to the 6th when can we evolve from the modern election process article series: people haven't even fixed the problems from 70 years ago. I’m told it's called kicking the can down the road. Problems aren't fixed by impulsive actions like blowing up Iraq/Russia/Mexico/Korea/china. You will die too.







- Christina Miller is Killing Cartoon Network. Athemocracy. Video. 2017.

- Trump choice to lead DOJ’s civil rights division draws ire of liberals. Washington times News. Article. 2017.

- Unintended Consequences. Atlantic daily. 2017. Article.

- Donald Trump’s Death Pannel. Joe Conason. Article. 2017.

- Senator Tom Cotton Gets BOOED/Rejected for defending Trump’s Corrupt Taxes. Politics. 2017. Video.

- Congressman Bradley Byrne Defends Vote on Trumpcare. Glynn Wilson. 2017. Video.

- Congressman Bradley Byrne Visits Brewton Town-Hour Meeting. Bradley Byrne. 2017. Video.

- Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne faces Tough Questions, at Town Hall Marathon. CBS. 2017. Video.

- EPA White Board: Clean Water Act Rule Proposal Explained. Chief of Staff Arvin Ganesen-EPA. 2014. Video.

- Mike Pence Has To Break Tie On Senate Vote To Defend Planned Parenthood.

POTUS Trump MAGA. 2017. Video.

- White House Press Briefing August 2, 2017 Press Sec. Sarah Sanders, Stephen Miller speech. 2017. Video.

- Tom Cotton on New Immigration ban, health care reform, wiretapping, claims-interview… Bernie Sanders says, “Donald Trump has to be exposed for the fraud he is.” MSNBC-Morning Joe. 2017. Videos.

- Impulsive People Lead Everyone To Get Involved In War. Professor prestome Ungyobrock. 2017. 2 books (TEA+EGGS).

- Senator Jeff Flake intros Resolution Honoring War Hero Joseph Leaon George. Video. 2017.

- S.Res.243-A resolution expressing the sense of the senate that Joseph Leaon George should be honored for heroism at pearl harbor. Jeff Flake. 2017-2018 Congress Bill. Article.

- Senator Jeff Flake votes with Trump 93.5% of the time+Doesn’t read what he votes on. FiveThirtyEight. 2017. Article.

- Your Last Term! Chanted at Iowa Senator Town Hall. Jimmy Dore Show. Video. 2017.  

- Republican has meltdown at town hall after making bogus ACA Death Panel Claim. Ring of Fire Show.Video. 2017.

- Bill Nye Destroys Climate Change Denying Trump Adviser William Happer. Politics Video Channel. Video. 2017

© 2020 Professor prestome UngYoBrock

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Professor prestome UngYoBrock
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Impulsive People History Book 1 + TEA is located here: https://www.amazon.com/Impulsive-People-Everyone-involved-Example-ebook/dp/B06Y4F6YX5/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

Impulse people Part 2/book 2 + EGGS is located at this link: https://www.amazon.com/Impulsive-People-Lead-Everyone-Involved-ebook/dp/B073GBMCG4/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

Posted 5 Years Ago

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Professor prestome UngYoBrock
Professor prestome UngYoBrock

I am Professor prestome. I can be found at imortalone.weebly.com imortalone.wordpress.com youtube.com/user/imortalones more..


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