Extraordinary use of language and rhyme. And mystery, too; there's an enigmatic-something to this one that I like. Excellent poetry; very impressive stuff.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thanks for reviewing, I'm glad you enjoyed this :)
For girls like Angel ... the world builds a beautiful chariot of vines ... flowers ... and fruits ... and pulls it along with the willing hands of people who believe in life ... beauty ... and in doing the right thing. A lovely poem.
I like your form :) short and sweet and old style
Lovely opening :) well done this for me was a really lovely angelic experience thanks for sharing and keep up the good work :)
Cupid bow lips of a light garnet red, how cool is that description! LOVE IT. This is magical and an amazing write.. Write more, you're hella talented.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thanks a lot! I read all the time so I get a lot if descriptions from books. Thanks for reviewing an.. read moreThanks a lot! I read all the time so I get a lot if descriptions from books. Thanks for reviewing and glad you like it!! :)
Beautiful photo and words. You create a mystical character with beauty and possibility to do many things.
I like the questions in the poem. Questions are good. Make the reader get involved in the thought process of the poem. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you for reviewing. We just finished a study on William Blake at school, he was a poet who talk.. read moreThank you for reviewing. We just finished a study on William Blake at school, he was a poet who talked about seeing angels a lot. Glad you enjoyed :)
My name is Imogen, most call me Immy. I'm twelve years old and I live in England. I have one older sister who is fifteen and she means the world to me, I'd never wish for a another sister or b.. more..