It has been a year since Egyptian nation , followed by Libya , Syria & Yemen to blown up with revolutionary beams which was started by
a Tunas ion spark.
This poem was a celebration of what we must do , foretelling all sequence of events which had taken place whole through
2011 , starting from ending an era in 11,02,2011 racing fast rush
of happenings that made a true Ara bin spring.
Hope the energy which God has given us as a sward to kill all
evil , resentful , corrupted, filthy creatures from our lives
preventing them from spreading their black wings to haunt
our middle eastern world with darkness, so as
to complete and fulfil our task of missinary quest.
Thank you strange-girl & Raven
for both your reviews
I guess you both assumed that it's a dark poem
on the contrary I'm addressing the Arab people who are still
waiting for some other force or big countries supervision
in order to take action against all the
abuse we take from our Leaders & from foriegn contries ,
this poem was to start on the campaign to cease negative attitude
thats a very very dark poem Iman,i've read it about 5 times now and i GUESS that what you saying in your poem is that arabs should let go of what they call ''honor'' ?sorry if i messunderstood it
I,m 44 years old , Egyptian woman , writes scince 1995.
Come from an artistict family ,my father is a musician , my brother also writes plays .
like nature, sea shores, children and cats.
Wish.. more..