Wow, this poem is kind of like those with the secret message within them. To me as I read, this poem speaks to those who rely on nothing but hatred and nurse it within their veins, this poem expresses it in a beautiful way saying, "Hey will you stop and smell the daisies?" Very nice read.
Okay now I think your at a point where you need to stop and really look at what youre writing. Do you feel challenged? Do you feel like you are challenging your readers? Short and to a point.
This was so good, it made me want to slap a baby in the face multiple times. You've managed to shove so much emotion and truth into 6 simple lines. This really got me thinking. :) You should check out some of my pieces!
Wow, this poem is kind of like those with the secret message within them. To me as I read, this poem speaks to those who rely on nothing but hatred and nurse it within their veins, this poem expresses it in a beautiful way saying, "Hey will you stop and smell the daisies?" Very nice read.
What should I say?
My girlfriend told me to join this site, so I decided to.
I am 17. Turning 18 in October.
I write poems. They aren't really good but whatever. So yeah..that's it... more..