Chapter Five The Ridley's Gang

Chapter Five The Ridley's Gang

A Chapter by Ashdeep Kaur

Chapter Five
                                      The Ridley’s Gang
    I was trapped in my room. The minute my parents stepped out of the car last night, I was steered up the stairs and into my bedroom. My dad even installed a lock! I guess you could call it being grounded, but it was more than that. Much more. My parents were under the impression of thinking I was doing drugs. They think it’s the explanation of why I scream at night, and run away. However I don’t recall screaming at all. Just yelling at the thoughts for one night, and not doing it again. I even remember having a wonderful dream of finding Bruno. Why would I scream at that?
    Anyway, they still didn’t trust me so they locked me in here with Henry and Eli taking turns to guard the door. I felt like I was in a supreme jail cell for a mastermind criminal.
    My stomach growled. I remembered that the only meal I had yesterday was breakfast, and my mom put all my meals on my bedside desk. I looked to my right and stared at the untouched, cold food. Even though I was starving, I refused to eat any of it.
    My heart thumped dully in my chest. I looked over at my clock. Three o’clock PM. I sighed and shut my eyes.
    What are you doing?  
    I jumped and opened my eyes abruptly. ‘Is that you?’ I thought toward the voice. It was strange. I was getting used to this person in my head and everyday it seemed more and more like a real person.
    Yes. The voice replied slyly. So it wasn’t a dream. Everything that happened yesterday was one hundred percent real. The voice, the alley, and even the gangs. I remembered them so vividly they had to be true. My stomach jerked as I remembered the horrible experience of teleporting.
    ‘Who are you?’ I queried the voice.
    I cannot say.
    I grunted. ‘At least give me something I can call you.’ The voice was quiet for a moment before answering.
    Thorn. My eyes were wide with bewilderment. Thorn? What kind of name was that?
    ‘Did you make that up?’ I asked. No. The voice sounded truthful, but I still didn’t trust it.
    ‘So, Thorn.  .   .’
    ‘Why did you make me go to that place?’ I thought to Thorn angrily.
    What place? I frowned. ‘The place with gangs and where you deserted me!’ I accused. I do not recall of such a place. I heard my teeth clap together. ‘The place where you made me teleport!’ The voice was silent.
    Oh, that place. I was no longer scared of the fact that a strange voice and I were conversing in my head.
    I made you go there so that they would choose you.
    “Choose me for what?” I was speaking aloud now because neither Elizabeth nor Henry could hear me. You’ll figure it out today. I grimaced.
      “Figure what out?” I demanded. “And how can I figure anything out when I’m stuck here?” Thorn laughed lightly.
    That is why I am here, Austin. I didn’t know how Thorn knew my name, but I didn’t question it.
    “What are you going to do?” I had a bad feeling in my gut that this wouldn’t be good.
    Help you out of here. My mouth dropped open. Help me out of here? I barely understood how Thorn could control my body, but how could he get me out of here?
    “How? The doors are locked and even if you break them down, Eli or Henry will grab me.”
    Oh, I’m not going to use the door. Fear erupted inside of me.
    “You’re going to make me jump out the window!” I exclaimed. “You’re crazy!” I was on the second floor. How could Thorn do that without seriously injuring me?
    Thorn exploded with laughter. Of course not! I’m going to help you teleport again. Both my heart and lungs stopped working.
    “W-what?” I faltered. I could still hear the voice cackle deep in my head. Close your eyes. Now? I was going to teleport now, when I wasn’t even ready? My heart thumped violently as I shut my eyes and felt the horrible sensation in my stomach. Then, I was spinning again.
*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    
    You can open your eyes now.  My eyes cracked open like an eggshell. I was no longer in my room. I wasn’t in Central Park, either. I was in the alley again. The lump grew back in my throat. I was right next to the light that opened out toward the square. Go forward. I gulped.
    “Are they still there?” I said in a small voice. Thorn didn’t answer. Go forward. He ordered. I did as told and stepped out into the square full of people. Just as I feared, everyone was still there. They immediately fell silent as they saw me approach.
    The boy who spoke to me yesterday was at the very front of the crowd, facing me. ‘What do I do?’ I asked Thorn hopelessly.
    Nothing. I continued to stare at his funny brown colored eyes.
    “So it’s Alvin, right?” he asked. I shook my head.
    “Austin.” My voice was hoarse again. The boy nodded.
    “You can teleport?” I pondered over the question. It was really Thorn teleporting for me all along, so I couldn’t really answer.
    Say yes. I couldn’t speak so I nodded. The boy stared at me, not blinking at all. Don’t blink. Thorn ordered. I tried to stare back, but it was painful. The boy had very powerful eyes.
    That was when I noticed the girl standing next to him. She had dark purple hair and paper white skin. She looked about my age, and she wore pitch black lipstick and eye shadow. There were skulls all over her clothes and her eyes were a strange indigo color. She seemed to be whispering something to him.
    “You aren’t seriously considering to let this kid in, are you?” she asked in a sour voice. “I mean what is he, ten? He’s probably a sorcerer in training, and got lucky enough to get his hands on a teleportation spell.” The boy wasn’t listening to her, though. He was concentrating on me, still staring.

      Finally he looked away and smiled. “Congrats,” he said in a friendly way. He took a step forward and raised his arm. “You’re part of the club, Austin.” Shake. Thorn said as if I was a dog. I took the boy’s hand and shook it.
    “W-what! You can’t be serious!” The purple haired girl yelled.
    “Ignore her,” The boy said. “That’s Lila Johnson. Just a little jealous that you made it in and she didn’t.” I looked back at her. Lila was fuming. “Anyway, I’m Antonio Clevis.” he introduced. “You can call me Toni.” He smiled warmly at me.
    Ask him what his specialty is. Thorn seemed to whisper.
    “Uh, so what your, er, specialty?” I asked, confused. Toni beamed.
    “I can make things float.” he answered proudly. “Every one of us here has a specialty. Except for Lila of course,” His voice dropped lower.
    “I do so!” Lila almost screamed. “I can make things glow.” Toni chortled and the rest of the crowd joined in. He turned away from me walked back to his original spot next to Lila.
    “Yeah, we’ll see if that comes in handy, Rudolph.” He gave her pat on the head as if she was a preschooler. Lila glowered at me, her purple eyes furious. Toni turned back to me. “We’ll see you tomorrow so we can tell you the rules, ‘kay?”
    “Uhh,” Accept. Thorn told me. “’Kay.” I replied. Toni beamed again. I turned around and headed back toward the alley.
    The minute I was out of earshot, I said, “I want answers and I want them now!” I felt my jaw tighten. Thorn sighed. The voice didn’t seem to be in my head anymore. It seemed to echo through the walls of the lane.
    Fine. What do you want to know?
    “Who were they and what did they mean by specialties?” That seemed to be the most important question right now.
    Thorn sighed again. Those kids call themselves the Ridley’s Gang. They worship a man that lived many years ago, by the name of Jonathon Ridley. Jonathon was a man who studied and spent his whole life looking for mythical creatures and beings.
    “Mythical creatures and beings?” That didn’t seem to make any sense.
    Things like dragons, werewolves, vampires, half-animals, etc. He wanted so bad to become one of them that he wasted his whole life hunting them. He didn’t succeed.
    “What happened?”
    No one really knows. Some say a vampire sucked out all his blood, others think a dragon burned him to a crisp. Either way, he was gone. The Ridley’ s Gang believe in his efforts and all those children are also dedicating their lives to being legends. They believe that one day, Jonathon Ridley will be reborn and he will come to them to help. That’s also why they think they have their powers, or specialties.
    “But it’s not real is it?” I questioned eagerly. “All that stuff is fake, like some religion they believe, right?”
    I don’t know, Austin. Is it? Thorn’s voice frightened me. It was very serious and convincing. I rolled everything he told me over in my mind.
    “Okay,” I said. “But you said that they believe Ridley will be reborn and will come back. How would they know it’s him?” That question had to prove whether this was all real or not.

Because Ridley had a very unique, one of a kind power.
    “What was it?”
    Thorn’s voice echoed just above a whisper. Teleportation. I halted in the middle of the alley. My knees buckled and goose bumps rose over my arms.
    “What?” My voice was low and shaky. The lump in my throat swelled to the size of a balloon. “You don’t really mean-” I croaked.
    Yes, I do. There are things around here you humans can’t see. One of them are the powers of the Ridley’s Gang. My heart stopped beating for a few seconds and resumed at a faster pace. Now, it seems you can find your way home on your own. Farewell.
    “Wait! Don’t leave!” But it was too late. Thorn’s voice had faded and I was alone in the alley.
    “Shoot! He left me!” I stared ahead of me into the darkness. My legs felt as useless as spaghetti, and I felt the hair on the back of my neck prick. As my legs steadied, I decided to try and head home.
    It felt like hours before something interesting happened. Something metallic hit my ankle and sent me flying toward the ground when I was a little more than halfway through the lane.
    “Whoa!” I hollered as I tumbled onto the damp asphalt. I squinted my eyes in the darkness to see what hit me. It was bright red and had two wheels. My bike! I stood up and tried to grab the handlebars. I raised the bike up-and with the best night sight I had-I hopped on. There was only one problem. I couldn’t see well enough to pedal through the rest of the alley.

“Man,” I moaned. “I need a flashlight.” Suddenly, there was a sound as if plastic had just hit concrete. I squeezed my eyes in the dark and saw a yellow flashlight on the floor next to me.
    “Thanks,” I muttered as I picked it up and turned it on. The flashlight was powerful and the beam illuminated the alley all the way toward the entrance. Just as I got ready to pedal, I remembered Eli and Henry. What would they think if I was supposed to be locked up in my room and I showed up at the front door? It might actually show that I did jump out of my window to escape.
    “Thorn! Thorn!” I called. “You need to help me teleport back!” I heard the impatient sigh as if it came from right behind me.
    Fine, but this is the last time today! The throaty voice answered. I nodded as I shut my eyes. Teleporting didn’t seem so bad the third time. It was kind of relaxing. I tilted my head back until the whirling stopped and the blurriness in my eyes faded.
    “Thanks,” I said again. I found myself on my bed in my room. Next to me was my bike on the floor. The yellow flashlight was sitting right side up next to it. “Here’s your flashlight.” I said as I picked it up and raised it to the air. I figured it had to belong to Thorn if it had fallen out of midair in the alley like that.
    Keep it, Thorn said. I shrugged as I set it on my bedside desk, next to the cold food and my alarm clock. Then I bowed my head gently on the pillow. The door opened and I saw Henry walk in with a plateful of snacks.
    “How are you feeling?” he said. I didn’t know how to respond. I felt happy that I was out of the dark alley, but I was also confused about the Ridley’s Gang. At the same time, Bruno’s disappearance still left a hole in my heart. I chose the best
casual answer I could think of.
    “Fine,” I replied, taking a cookie from the tray. However, fine was the farthest from the truth.


© 2008 Ashdeep Kaur

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Added on December 24, 2008


Ashdeep Kaur
Ashdeep Kaur


I love to read, write, play guitar, and listen to music. I really want to become a great author and even get a movie made about one of my books. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Ashdeep Kaur