you caught my attention

you caught my attention

A Poem by vampireprincess

                   YOU CAUGHT MY ATTENTION

                                        BY CHRISTINA PERCY

  You walked right down the hallway

   like some boy band memeber

  there could have been someone else

  i could have glanced at but...

  it had to be you

  you caught my attention as soon

   as you walked thorugh that door

    this has never happened before

   im weak in the knees

   my heart is pounding

   like a bass drum it is sounding.

    you caught my attention.


© 2009 vampireprincess

My Review

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I really like how the last line reprises the title and the theme that you're going for. The lines "There could have been someone else I could have glanced at had to be you." are really easy to relate to for most people, there's always that one person that your eyes follow like magnets, whether you like it or not. You brought across that idea really well. I really like this :) if you care, you misspelled 'member' in the second like but that's not too big a deal :P great poem overall!

Posted 15 Years Ago

i can relate to your poem
and i really love it

Posted 15 Years Ago

to lovey duby for me.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on January 20, 2009
Last Updated on February 1, 2009



south holland, IL

Hi i love to watch naruto and play video games espeicially guitar hero and i frankly watch any type of anime show and love comedy shows and movies and i love to write stories and i plan on being a wri.. more..

chapter 2 chapter 2

A Chapter by vampireprincess