My tear drop was quite noisy as it dropped to the earth. The clouds cast an ominous look around me, threatening to rain. I tried my best to pay no attention to the nagging feeling of my conscious begging me to not go through with my mission. The wind blew hard, stinging my eyes. It blew into my hair, whipping it around my face. My faded blue dress thrashed violently around my body. My bare feet felt the rocky surface of the cliff’s edge. I didn’t dare look down, scared I’d chicken out. I held my arms out straight. The wind kept up, almost pushing me back. I squeezed my eyes shut, beginning to lean off the edge. I got on the balls of my feet and with a little hop, I felt my body become airborne. I couldn’t help but let out a scream. My mouth wouldn’t shut as I plummeted towards Earth. The wind pushed hard on me. I felt gravity kick in and I started dropping faster. I opened my eyes, regretting it as soon as it happened. My scream became louder as I couldn’t tear my eyes off of the black, eerie water. I slammed into it before I could stop screeching. It felt like being slammed into a rock, pushing the breath out of me. Shock took over my body, leaving me feeling paralyzed as I slowly sank into the depths of the ocean. But, shock didn’t last long before the pain entered my body. It felt like needles were pushed into every part of me. The angry waves pushed my lifeless body back and forth. I was tired, not caring if death was near. It felt as if I was on “happy gas” at the dentist’s office. I was slowly slipping from reality…but couldn’t make myself care. I was nodding off into unconsciousness. A yell was barely heard over the sound of the crashing waves. That was the last thing I heard before death slowly seeped into my body, followed by water, making me not able to breath.