

A Story by Escape My Fate

As a baby, inside of him they consealed a monster, a monster made of sand. But doing this they had to kill the sister of Yashamaru.


Gaara grew up with Yashamaru. She was his teacher and he loved her. She was his best friend. His Only friend. Everyone in Gaaras village hated him because of what was inside of him. He didnt have a choice. He didnt want the monster put inside of him. But he had no choice.


One day Gaara was sitting alone on the swings at his schools playground. He was alone with his teddy bear. Some kids were playing soccer near by. They kicked the ball somewere high were they couldnt get it. They were about go home but Gaara used his ability to move sand and got the ball for them. But instead of thanking him, all of them ran away. Gaara reached out for them trying to tell them not to be afraid that he was only trying to help but his sand accidently followed grabbing ahold of two childeren. He tried to stop his sad but he couldnt. The sand was about to hurt the little boy, more than he already was for he had been dragged by the sand, when Yashamaru stepped in front and let the sand injure her instead.


Gaaras sand was like a protective barrier. Nothing could injure him. Gaara went and bought some cream for wounds. He was running happily to the little boys house, the one he had dragged, to give him the cream, to help heal his wounds. He knocked on the door and when the little boy answered Gaara Said "Im sorry about earlier. it must have hurt." he said with a smile "I brought you some cream to help with your wounds." he offered the brown paper bag to the boy but the boy just glared at him "Go away, Monster" Then slammed the door in Gaaras face


A great Pain went through Gaara. Guilt. He clenched his heart. It hurt. He walked home slowly, depressed. He was sitting on top of a roof, crying, when suddently a ninja covered on the face and everything. He couldnt reconize him


"Why does this always happen to me? Why only me!" He yelled


His sand wrapped around the intruder and Gaara used his "Sand Coffin" jutsu and put the intruder to a near death state. He then removed the mask of the intruder and it revealed Yashamaru. He gasped and clenched his chest. He felt a great pain.


 Yashamaru then went on to explain how she tried to love him but the memory of her sister wouldnt allow it. And how his own father, the fourth hokage (kinda like a president), sent her to kill him. He felt a great pain.


Ever since that day Gaara had a tatoo on his forehead that mean "Love" and he would kill anyone who stood in his way. He felt no sympathy for his village.


Gaara remained like this until he met Naruto. Naruto showed him that being a chinchurki, a person with a beat within them, isnt that bad. For Naruto had the Nine tails beat within him. They became great friends. And gaara changed. He wasnt so willing to kill anymore.

© 2010 Escape My Fate

Author's Note

Escape My Fate
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I love Gaara. I was so happy that he changed. I couldn't stand him being evil. I think he is going to make it big. Especially in Shippuden

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 29, 2010
Last Updated on November 29, 2010