Who Knows?

Who Knows?

A Poem by icelandicblue

I've known you all my life
although we've never met
punching your own ticket
mere mortals can't forget.

Always reminding everyone
how you're one step ahead.
You've built your ivory tower
with all those books you've read.

Your perch certainly is lofty
you think you're big, we're small,
but in this life there is no escape
from the vexing know-it-all.

© 2014 icelandicblue

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Such types spend so much time admiring their reflection, that they rarely take time to reflect. Next time you encounter the species, tell them they're suffering from autolatry, then watch as they make a beeline for the dictionary. :)

Well writ. T

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

uff da aint that the truth - love the little bit of wry humor in this...the vexing know it all.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

We've all been vexed by the cut and paste pixies me thinks. ; )
oh yes, there is no escape.. and working with a lot of doctors I see this all the time.. It is fun bringing them down to reality sometimes.. being just a lowly nurse, you know... knowledge is power, but not all of it in life can be attained through books.. I have learned quite a bit through life experience.. this is beautifully written from the tone, the attitude, the flawless flow, and the knock-out punch at the end.. well done! I thoroughly enjoyed.. look forward to reading more:)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you once again April for sharing on your thoughts on this one. You can fall from lofty places .. read more

10 Years Ago

I agree... and you're more than welcome, it was my pleasure..
Reading the line, "punched your own ticket", I thought it meant suicide, but saw later what you meant. Yes, those kind of people are irritating--especially the ones who don't know what the heck they're talking about, ie, my brother-in-law. Nice writing.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I think we all know one or two. Thanks for much for reading and commenting.
I hear this many times from my Dad... I have to admit though, most of the time, all you parents are! You're always right, then my Dad tells me "Of course I'm right, I've been alive longer than you..." HA! Then I tell him his age and he goes huffy with me, hehehe!!

I love the sarcastic tone in this poem, Anne. Perfection!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Ha sometimes when you know it you're compelled to show it! Thanks Noodle always a pleasure to have y.. read more
Hey, I am with Pryde, but I try to be polite about it.:) Seriously, very lovely sarcastic wit here.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much. My husband says my hobby is being right.
Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

And the b***h of it is, you probably are ...

10 Years Ago

It's a blessing and a curse!
Your perch certainly is lofty
you think you're big, we're small,
but in this life there is no escape
from the vexing know-it-all.

LOL … I think at times I may be the vexer but I swear I mean well:)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I've been accused of being one on more than one occasion. Thanks Pryde.
Ha-ha! This is so good! Just cuts straight to the point and skillfully delivered. Very nice write!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I am happy you enjoyed this one. ; )
I certainly appreciate knowledge and intelligence in this day and age. Sadly, it seems to be a dying thing among so many in our society. Education has been dumbed down so much, and our kids certainly aren't better for it. There's nothing worse than feeling like you have to dumb yourself down in order to have a conversation because others are so threatened by someone else who is intelligent. This knowledge and intelligence has to be tempered with a bit of humility because no one likes a cocky know-it-all. I personally love being surrounded by intelligent people. God knows we need more of them.

Great job!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I am a teacher and I can tell you education has not been dumbed down in the manner that most think. .. read more
Oi, my kids say this to me all the time, although I'm pretty sure they're the know it all's....not too lofty though, just kids. I do know a few myself, well said as always Anne.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

My kids say the same thing to me...I tell them it's a burden to always be right LOL. Thanks Frieda

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12 Reviews
Added on September 25, 2014
Last Updated on September 25, 2014




I do not accept any new friend requests unless we have read and commented on each others poetry. No exceptions. I have enough homework as it is. I expect reciprocity in our exchanges. Read my work and.. more..


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