I think we all know this feeling all to well; yet, you have managed to rise above the feeling to write this short and succinct senryu. It is replete with melancholy.
Very nice job with this short form, Anne. I like the way you have made the "away" a bit smaller than the other words to emphasize your meaning. You are a very talented poet!
Open your heart where clouds are parted at your command.
Paint the vision behind the lids embrace of your vision and see what you desire.
Hold this vision in the protection of your soul until it becomes your reality.
You have exposed this gloom and it no longer holds power over you. You are the light overcoming the darkness. You are the warmth on a dreary day.
I really like the first line, "Life clouds my vision." It is a great line. Though this is a short poem, it has so many meanings and so much emotion behindd it. It is a very good poem.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you PoetryPenPal, this is a type of poetry called a Senryu it is the cousin to the Japanese Ha.. read moreThank you PoetryPenPal, this is a type of poetry called a Senryu it is the cousin to the Japanese Haiku.
I do not accept any new friend requests unless we have read and commented on each others poetry. No exceptions. I have enough homework as it is. I expect reciprocity in our exchanges. Read my work and.. more..