On September 4, 1918, United States troops land at Archangel, in northern Russia. The landing was part of an Allied intervention in the civil war raging in that country after revolution in 1917
Can you still hear the footsteps drowning out the shouts of the fallen? Stay close MIlaya moyA, we are expected at home.
Vanya, I have lost sight of the colorful scarf flagged around the threadbare grey of your coat.
Calling your name, no one acknowledges the plaintive stretch of each letter. I am a screeching ghost in the wind.
Finally in an alley finding you still on cobblestones with your scarf covering your beautiful face.
Kneeling beside you watching your life run in rivulets back into an ungrateful motherland
I know-
Our archangel has forsaken us. Torn between grief and anger I cannot bear to look at you.
You promised me, you promised mama, you would always stay here, in hell, with me.
Our archangel has forsaken us.
Torn between grief and anger
I cannot bear to look at you.
You promised me, you promised
mama, you would always stay
here, in hell, with me.
War makes so many victims, robs the world of so much love. Very effected by this write, IcyBlue.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thanks Pryde this was during my "Russian" period. I appreciate you finding this one and commenting o.. read moreThanks Pryde this was during my "Russian" period. I appreciate you finding this one and commenting on it.
This is such a sad story Anne, you've written it superbly though. All the emotions are spot on. You got me on the title though, thank the heavens for Google, huh?
You, Frieda and Pryde all like your big words. Lol.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thanks sweetie. You know in the summertime for years I had to learn a new word every single day befo.. read moreThanks sweetie. You know in the summertime for years I had to learn a new word every single day before I went out to play. The book was called word wealth junior and I never minded doing it a bit. I like to write historical pieces now and again. I am sure many people don't know that after the Russian Revolution the Americans landed in Archangel to help the resistence...what were we thinking!!??
OH MY GOD. This just tore into my chest and locked teeth around my poor heart. How can I even say great poem - when I am so stunned? Great is a hollow word in comparison to this. This should be published.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
I thank you very much. I am partial to this one myself. ; )
Okay Anne, you stumped me here, had to google, had no idea what the title meant, it was intense even before I realized what it was about....last stanza is killer good!
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Even when I'm not trying I'm pretty intense eh. Russian history is a hobby of mine. Thanks for readi.. read moreEven when I'm not trying I'm pretty intense eh. Russian history is a hobby of mine. Thanks for reading, I'm not writing much so I thought I'd send out an older poem. ; )
I'm referring to the Russian Revolution where foreign troops landed in Archangel to fight the Bolshe.. read moreI'm referring to the Russian Revolution where foreign troops landed in Archangel to fight the Bolsheviks those natives fighting from Archangels were referred to as white Russians vs. red Russians.
11 Years Ago
I don't know much about Russian history but I love learning something new whilst I'm reading poetry .. read moreI don't know much about Russian history but I love learning something new whilst I'm reading poetry so thanks, and yes, you are intense my friend. :-)
11 Years Ago
Ha- I added a bit of information to the top to help other readers. Thanks Frieda.
I particularly enjoyed the line "watching your life run in rivulets back....." life running back into the ground resonated with me, I think the specific cadence (seems broken, fractured) adds to the overall effect, more dreamlike, more on the fringe of conscious, good work
Posted 12 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
I don't know how I missed your lovely review- thank you.
I do not accept any new friend requests unless we have read and commented on each others poetry. No exceptions. I have enough homework as it is. I expect reciprocity in our exchanges. Read my work and.. more..