![]() Immortal RebellionA Story by Amaya![]() Sam comes from a famous line of mages who have kept the peace between the unhumans, things of myth, and the human. Now, she get her turn.![]()
Pant, pant. The dog running beside Sam gave a soft woof of encouragement. Heh, Sam laughed and kept running along the forest path. Finally she broke through the trees into a clearing next to a river. There were some horses, and two other humans. The man sitting on the tree stump nodded. “You are the second one back. Walk it off then get some water,” he ordered, his voice approving. The boy of 15, who looked older because of his muscles, that was sprawled out on his back propped himself up on his elbows to see who was there. “Hey Sam,” he called. “Did you hurry back so you could see Vicky sooner?” Sam flicked her blond hair over her shoulder. “Go to hell Ryan. Besides, Victor isn’t in the capital this week.” “Victor the sorcerer, Vivian’s son? Isn’t he a bit old for you, and aren’t you a bit young to think about that?” “Lord Bryan, he’s only five years older then me, and Ryan likes to annoy me with something I have no interest in.” “Sam isn’t interested in something?” gasped a new voice. Sam ignored the other girl, Dawn, whom had also completed the run. “Alright, Ryan, you can take the girls back to the palace-,” Lord Bryan broke off when he saw the looks he was getting from the two girls. Ryan held very still so he wouldn’t be noticed. Wonderful. “You would let Ryan go back on his own.” “But you won’t let us.” “Girls, please. There are bandits around as well as thieves-.” “Both of which we can handle.” Sam’s voice dripped venom. “Yes, you and Dawn, your horses and that lovely dog against ten bandits, all armed. Figure the odds.” “And they’ll be wearier about attacking us with Ryan there?” Dawn demanded. That seemed to satisfy them enough that they left without anymore protest. Ryan followed the girls like a dog that had just been scolded. “So what isn’t Sam interested in?” asked Dawn. “Victor the sorcerer.” “Oh, what a liar! She fell for him so hard, look, she’s blushing. But he’s 19 and she’s 14 so I doubt that he even notices her.” “Shut up, both of you,” Sam snapped, her face a deep red. “Oh, Samantha, your blood smells so good,” a voice purred from behind them. Sam pulled up her horse, and took a deep breath before turning to face the speaker. A man was leaning against a tree, softly smiling. But he wasn’t human. For anyone who knew what he was, it was obvious. He had pale, white skin, and when he pushed himself off the tree and moved towards them, he moved with cat like grace and scared the horses. “Duke Matthias,” Sam said politely. The vampire chuckled. “Always so formal aren’t you? I thought you could relax around me. Anyways, Lady Dawn, you are so very wrong. Poor Victor is so mad at himself for being in love, with a child, he calls her.” “I am not-,” Sam started, but was cut off. She felt ice cold arms around her. She didn’t feel herself being pulled out of the saddle, but did feel wind against her face. She had time to grab Mathew’s shirt before it stopped. He was holding her, and they were by crumbling buildings. “The ruins,” she whispered as Matthias set her down. “Yes. They are haunted, so never come here alone with out an un-human.” Meaning were-wolves, elves, etc. “What do you know about these?” “Only that it used to be the only place that no human was allowed. It was also the only place that enemies, like were-wolves and vampires, would get along at.” Matthias nodded. “Understand, that also includes dragons, trolls, and almost anything else.” He paused for a moment. “200 years ago, human mages came. They spilt human blood to distract the vampires, left carcasses for the trolls and goblins. Nothing was left.” They were both silent as he led Sam through the ruins. “Why?” asked Sam finally. This place was making her edgy. “Why did they do that?” Matthias gave a hard laugh- for a vampire. “When you can figure that out on your own, then you can be called an adult.” “Why?” Sam demanded, glaring at the vampire. “Why did you bring me to a place that I shouldn’t be? Was it to prove to me that I’m a child?” Matthias looked away. “No. I lost several friends here. I wanted to talk about it with someone who wouldn’t say it was our fault or rant about revenge.” I feel guilty, she thought, but said out loud, “Why am I accepted by so many non humans, even though I’m not a mage? It’s like no one cares.” Matthias laughed as though her confusion amused him. The beautiful sound was lost in the emptiness. “Don’t feel guilty little one. Do you remember your parents?” Sam shook her head no. “I thought not. Incredible people; your father was an extremely powerful mage, and your mother was a plant singer. She was the one that made peace between the races.” “So if they were still alive, I would be a disappointment to them.” Sam fought back tears. “Do you think your parents did what was though impossible by caring how much magic people have? No Samantha, I think your parents would be very proud of you. And do not give up hope of magic yet. Come, I should bring you back now.” He brought her back to the palace and dropped her off by Lord Bryan before leaving. Warding off questions, Sam went to lie down. The dog that had been with her earlier, Lacey, jumped up onto the foot of the bed. Soon they were both asleep. When she woke, Sam slipped out of the room she shared with three other girls, took a bath and got dressed. She took her sword and went to the practice field. Sword play was her worst subject after writing and literature. Who cares about old love poems told by dead people? She had a good sword though; it stayed sharp and was light enough for her to carry easily. After she had warmed up, the elf that had been watching her unsheathed his sword and came towards her. Sam grinned nervously. “Lord Mark, I would be very grateful if you didn’t chop me up. That would be painful.” “I will try. Guard.” For the next hour or so they sparred, Mark stopping every now and then to correct Sam’s stance or show her a move. Finally, when Sam was sure there bruises on her bruises, they stopped. “Go have breakfast,” the elf ordered. “Yes, milord.” Sam got breakfast and sat by some people who were members of the tracking guild; they were like the spies of the country. “What if he is arrested for treason? I remember Dylan; it took us months to fix everything,” said Karen, a member for about five years. “Easy, we kill him and pray that we don’t get killed. Now, Sam, we’ve been over this before. You aren’t allowed to sit here unless you tell us that you are here. I will see you in my office after breakfast,” said Captain Nicolas. “Sir, why do you even bother? Just cut off her tongue and ears.” The were-wolf strutted over to the table. “Sam scowled. “Go f**k yourself, fur-face.” “Aww, I’m touched.” “Both of you stop it. Sam- where did you learn to swear like that?” asked the captain. He led her to his office. Sam could have gotten there with her eyes shut, since no one seemed to figure out that it wasn’t her fault that she got into trouble. Well, except for when she got into trouble with the scribe master. But she didn’t want to have to read gushy stories about dead people. She had been to almost all of the leader’s offices. One time the king had gotten mad at her for insulting his son. What was she supposed to do, she had asked, when he called a good friend of hers a blood sucking leech, and then compared that same friend of hers to a were-wolf? The matter had been dropped, and Sam forgiven, but she was still at odds with the prince. Sam was directed into the office. “Sit. I’ll be back in a moment,” Nicolas ordered. He left and Sam sat in the corner. For about 30 seconds, nothing happened. Then the door opened and a were-wolf slipped in. “C’mon,” he hissed at someone in the hall way. The other wolf slipped in. “Alright, let’ find what we’re looking for.” Sam’s first instinct was to jump up and knock them both out, but then something Nicolas had told her once went though her mind. If you see someone doing something they shouldn’t be, only stop them when they’re about to kill someone. Find out what they’re after first. Because of that, Sam just held still and watched. Finally they seemed to find what they were after. “Found it,” the second wolf said. “Good,” Sam purred. She stood in the door way with a knife in each hand. “Now hand it over to me and stay put until the captain comes back. “Where the f**k did she come from?” the second wolf asked. “Who cares? Little girl, the captain ain’t coming back, and if you don’t make us gut you, we’ll take you with.” The door opened behind Sam, who quickly moved out of the way to see who it was. Matthias stepped in, followed by the commander of the King’s guard. “Nicolas is dealing with some trouble and mentioned that Samantha was here. Knowing her, I figured she would need some handling. Now.” Sam saw him move, but nothing else before he hit her head and she blacked out. “Ugh,” Sam commented as she opened her eyes. She tried to move but was tied hand and foot. And gagged. That made it hard to swallow. She looked around- not that there was much to see. On her side, she could only see a table, chair, and there had to have been a window since light was coming in from somewhere. “I was worried that I might have killed you. However, you seem to have such a hard head that the blow didn’t cause any damage.” Matthias must have been somewhere behind her because he removed the gag. Sam swore at him and he cuffed her head hard enough to stun her. Sam knew before he entered that Mark was coming towards them. “So how is the human? I was worried that you would drain her blood.” “How about you give me that sword and leave?” “Sweet,” spat Sam.” Neither of you trust each other.” She shifted so that she could see the two immortals. “Now since I’m obviously not going anywhere, could you explain what is going on?” “Simple,” Mark said and sat next to her. “Have you ever noticed that mortals rule? Don’t answer. The point is, they say they give immortals and other un-humans rights, but who cares? So, in less then a year, all surviving humans will be slaves.” “Then why am I not dead?” Sam whispered, her throat closing up. “My dear, you come from an exceptional line of humans. But if it makes you feel better, we could turn you into a vampire or some such. Mark, let’s go.” They both left, Mark shutting the door behind him. Sam struggled out of the roped and stood. She walked over to the window and looked out. Trees. She put a hand to the window and felt spells around it, preventing it from being broken. How am I feeling this? She wondered. I’ve always had a strong 6th sense, but not like this. She went to the door- it opened easily. She went outside onto a porch. Nothing and no one. Now where am I? She spun and looked up. There was Matthias on the roof, and he did not look happy. “How did you get out?” he asked. His voice was soft but it carried clearly down to Sam. She was scared and replied with anger to hide her fear. “It wasn’t hard; you didn’t tie the ropes very tight, and the door was unlocked,” she snapped. The look on Mathias’s face turned from anger to something else. Interest. “This is interesting,” he mused. “I wasn’t sure what you would be, but a powerful thief mage?” This time, Sam didn’t even see him move be for she was knocked out. She felt air hit her face when she woke for a second before it stopped. “Oof,” Sam grunted as she hit the ground. She rolled over. “Damn you Matthias, go to hell.” “Shut-up. If you continue to swear at me, then I will rip your tongue out. Then there would be a lot of blood and the last thing you would feel would be my mouth on yours draining your blood.” Sam shut up very quickly. Matthias turned to the vampire next to them. “Bring Samantha to the were-wolves or elves. She needs food and at no time is to be left alone.” He pulled Sam to her feet. The other vampire bowed and, unsurprisingly, brought her to the elves. He relayed what Matthias had said. Sam ate, but didn’t talk to any one, even though she knew most of the elves there. Though she did ask one question. “Why am I here? Why does anyone care if I’m alive?” Her guard answered, “Because many here owe their lives to ancestors of yours, and you don’t care who you have to deal with. We can accept that. I will show you where you can sleep now.” Sam nodded and was led through the village of tents to one off to the side. Inside was a bed roll and a chair at a table. The guard took the chair as Sam sat on the bed roll. She was asleep instantly. When Sam woke, she hurt all over. Her head was throbbing painfully and the rest of her was stiff. She dimly noticed that there was someone in the tent with her, but didn’t pay much attention. Her knees were at her chest, and as she straightened, she whimpered. The were-wolf at the table crossed over to the human and sat next to her. “How are you feeling, Sammy?” she asked gently. “Not so good, Aunt Lianna. I hurt like hell.” “I’ll get a healer, then we can talk.” The healer was a friend of Sam’s, and told her that if she wanted to live, stop knocking herself out, and don’t do much for a few days. Once he left, Lianna sat next to the girl. The two weren’t really related, but Lianna had helped raise the girl and held her at her parent’s funeral. “So you’re a thief mage.” “That’s what Matthias said. I somehow got out of a room I wasn’t supposed to be able to, and can now tell when someone is near by and who they are.” “Well, the leech is right. Do you remember the two were-wolves who robbed Nicolas’s office? You shouldn’t have been able to hide from them.” Lianna stood. “Now let’s go have dinner.” After dinner, Mark walked over to her. Sam punched him in the mouth before asking politely, “Can I help you my lord?” Mark muttered something about a whoring b***h, but didn’t say that loud enough for Lianna to hear. “The king whishes to speak with you. The were-wolf can come too.” “Do you have a problem with were-wolves?” Sam asked as she and Lianna followed. The answer came out as ‘nes’ because Mark answered no as Lianna said yes. The elf king knew Sam, so he had only wanted to see if she was still alive and sane. Afterwards, Lianna went back to the wolf pack, but Sam had to stay with the elves. Sam settled against a tree and smiled tiredly as pixies fluttered around her and tugged her hair. The dust that came off them worked as sleeping powder for human’s, so she was soon fast asleep. -What are you doing?- -…What?- -What are you doing?- -I…I don’t know. It’s all misty… I’m scared.- -Do not be, I am here Samantha.- -Where is here? Who are you?- -We are in your mind, and I am a friend. Why is the fog here?- -I… I don’t know. It shouldn’t be here. It’s too cold and ark.- -Shh.- Warmth flooded through Sam. –It’s time to wake. The mist will fade, then you have to do what everyone else in your family has done.- -Are you going to leave me?- -No.- Sam’s eyes shot open. She shoved herself off the bed and past Lianna. “Sam, what-?” “This has to stop!” -Where are the leaders?”- -They’re meeting on the first floor. I know where.- Sam raced down two flights of stairs and burst through a door, shoving past the guards. The people inside were on their feet, ready for an attack. “Damn you this has to stop!” Sam shouted. She touched the table and it turned to dust. The mist was returning and Sam realized someone was speaking through her. “The humans-.” “Are wrong. Would this slaughter be any better?” the haze got thicker and thicker until only darkness was left. -You had been drugged.- -The mist is gone-. -Yes.- -Good bye father-. -Never good bye.- “Sam? Sam, are you alright?” “What happened?” Sam sat up, clutching her head. “Lianna was next to her. “You have probably set the record for passing out the most tines in the shortest time. “Am I the last human alive?” Sam demanded. “No. Everything was called off after the palace started to burn down.” Sam stared at her for a long moment, then started to laugh. She kept laughing as tears fell down her face. She was alive. The end. © 2009 Amaya |
Added on March 8, 2009 Author![]() AmayaAboutHi. I have next to no life off the computer, so I'll probably be on often. Besides that, i'm boring. more..Writing