

A Story by Gemma Elizabeth

A peaceful night of shopping turns into a lover induced headache.


Oranges or apples?  I just couldn’t decide.  I had been standing in the fruit and veg section for about five minutes and I was getting some very weird looks from the staff. 

For the third time, the woman with grey, tight curls, who’s nametag proclaimed her to be Suzy asked me if I wanted help.  The first time she'd asked she’d been polite like her training instructed. That had faded and now she wanted rid of me.   I got the distinct impression she didn’t appreciate a much younger looking woman cluttering up her aisle.  I was actually much older than her but appearance wise, I looked about twenty-two. 

Like the other times, I just shook my head and she went back to arranging potatoes.  She was defiantly going to moan about me to family and friends for days.

I looked back at the two fruits.  I really couldn’t decide.  It would be easier to just purchase both but I never did that, and I’d be damned if I changed my routine for Suzy.

I felt someone approach me from behind.  I didn’t need to turn to see who it was, I already knew, but I turned all the same.  Any excuse to drink in the beauty of the man I knew was waiting for my attention. 

Beauty was really the only word to describe Chad.  With his unruly blonde locks and silver eyes, you’d be forgiven for mistaking him for an Angel.  I knew he was anything but.  This Angelic, golden skinned God was a werewolf and a very naughty werewolf at that.  He gave me a lopsided grin and I all but melted.  I was powerless to do anything but grin back at one of the two men I was currently screwing.

“Still can’t decide over apples or oranges?” Laughter filled his voice.

I nodded. “You know me, it always takes me awhile to decide.”  I lowered my eyes then looked back into his. “What would you recommend?”

Chad laughed as I said these words.  These had been the first words I had spoken to him when we had meet right here, in front of the apples and oranges.

“Well,” he said as he tucked a strand of my red hair behind my ear, “Personally, I would go with the apples.  I’m in the mood for something with a crunch to it, something to really sink my teeth into.”

He wasn’t talking about apples and I knew it.  Lust filled his voice, his eyes.

“That is,” He continued, “If no one else is having a bite.” 

I thought hard.  I didn’t think I had made plans but my short-term memory was terrible.  Ask me what I'd done fifty years ago on Halloween and I could tell you, but ask me if I had plans today or tomorrow and I was stumped.  I shrugged at his question, grabbed the packet of apples and made my way to the check out line.  What can I say; he got me in the mood for the crunch.

Chad took the bag out of my hand and offered his arm as we were walking across the car park.  Just as I was about to accept his arm, I heard a very familiar snigger.

“Who let dog boy out?”

Enter boy toy number two.  Okay, he didn’t enter so much as just appear from whatever shadow he had been hiding in. Damn, sneaky vampire.  The atmosphere was suddenly tense.  Did I mention these two couldn’t stand each other?

“Hey Jason.”  I sighed, not that because I wasn’t pleased to see him but because of what happened whenever these two meet.  Namely me getting a headache.

Jason glided over to me and put his fingers under my chin, tilting my face so I was looking up into his breathtaking green eyes.  I moved on from his eyes to soak in the rest of his face.  God this man was beautiful.  Not in an Angelic way like Chad.  Jason was the Demon to Chad’s Angel with his black hair tinted with silver.  

“Hello my red haired Succubus.”  His voice had the same effect as Chad’s smile and my knees became weak.   He used his free hand to stroke my cheek.

A harsh growl sounded from my right.  Chad was not a happy wolf.

“Back off Parasite, she’s mine tonight.”

Jason’s eyes left mine and he glared at Chad. “So sorry to disappoint you, but I think you’ll find I have already booked her time tonight.  She belongs to me!”

I took a step back and glared at them both. “Excuse me, but I belong to no one.”

Jason gave an impatient wave of his hand. “I did not mean that you belong to me for eternity.  I meant merely tonight.”

“She’s with me!” Chad growled.

“We made plans.”

“She forgot, “ Chad beamed “Guess you’re not that memorable.”

Jason face twisted with rage.  He lunged for Chad but the werewolf moved out the way just in time, which infuriated Jason even more. 

I rubbed my eyes in frustration.  Why did they always do this?  Yes I knew that both vampires and werewolves were territorial but for God sake, was it too much to ask for them to tolerate each other?  I was stupid for even seeing one of them let alone both but hell, I was a Succubus!  I didn’t just love sex, I lived for it, and as I couldn’t screw humans unless I was in need of a pick me up, I had to look to the supernatural world. Vampires and werewolves were the best, only coming second to fellow succubus and incubuses.  I wouldn’t be screwing an incubus til I was ready to settle down.  We mated for life and no way was ready for that kind of commitment! A fact that these two always forgot. 

Jason clipped Chad on the chin. Chad was not happy about that.  He backed off and began to shimmer.  Damn, he was going to go furry.  This was getting serious.  I knew better than get in between them physically so I did the next best thing.  I picked up two stones and hurled them at them.  A stone bounced off each of them.  Chad stopped shimmering and they both turned to face me.

“Enough!”  I yelled.

In unison, they mumbled sorry.  I wasn’t buying it.  The tension was so thick you couldn’t even get a knife through it.

“Would it kill you two to just try and get along?”  I exclaimed, “For God's sake, you’re both getting equal time!  I really don’t see the issue.”

“Vampires do not share,” said Jason.

“Either do werewolves.”

“Oh for the love of -” I took a deep breath and calmed myself. “It's just sex.  I am neither of yours soul mate or destined love or whatever you want to call it.  Either learn to share or I’ll find new sex buddies!”

With that I turned on my heel and walked away from the pair of them.  It wasn’t till two streets later that I realised Chad still had my apples. They’d be all bruised now anyways. 

The urge to smoke hit me hard, despite the fact I had quit twenty years ago.  Damn them two idiots!    If only humans were an option. It would make life less complicated.

© 2011 Gemma Elizabeth

Author's Note

Gemma Elizabeth
I have edited this story to death but if you spot something PLEASE let me know.

My Review

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Thanks Jim! I have actually been thinking along them lines. I agree with vamp and wolves being done to death but in my defense, I wrote about them before the crazy really hit and I'll write about them when they become unpopular XD

Posted 13 Years Ago

Great story, Gemma! You really should consider turning this into a longer piece. I don't know if it's enough for a novel, but maybe a novelette? It's an interesting concept, although the vampire/werewolf thing has been pretty overdone as of late. But you did a good job. I've messaged you some edits.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 13, 2011
Last Updated on February 13, 2011
Tags: Succubus, Werewolf, Vampire, Love, Lust, Hate, Rivalry, Choices


Gemma Elizabeth
Gemma Elizabeth

Crewe, North West, United Kingdom

Recently graduated from a Drama and Creative Writing course, I find that I'm unable to write XD more..
