![]() An Angel's Work is Never Done.A Story by Gemma Elizabeth![]() Just a random idea that came into my head ....![]() Being an Angel can be hard work. I’d had a pretty hectic week with blessing, press releases and monitoring underground demon worships. Finally, my night off had arrived. I went to favourite rock joint, dressed in my best Gothic threads, determined to enjoy myself. All was going to plan til I stepped outside for a cigarette and ran into a sensitive. He looked at me wide eyed and I just knew my evening was over. “It’s the Dark Angel!” “Dude, I’m not the Dark Angel.” He ignored me and began to touch my face. I fought the urge to push him off me. “I knew the Dark one was female!” He pressed his nose to mine. “Kiss me.” “What?” “Kiss me. Drink my soul. Make me yours.” I pushed him away. He tried to approach me again but I held a hand out. “One, I’m not the Devil. Two, even if I was, why would I want you as a servant?” “Is this a test?” I shook my head. “Sorry bud, but I’m seriously not who you think I am.” “You must be! You are the Dark Angel!” I was getting fed up with this guy. It was miracle that no one had noticed our interaction so far but if I didn’t get him to shut up, it wouldn’t last. “Look, I’m sorry but I’m really not the Devil. I’m not even part of his work force.” “But you’re here.” I rolled my eyes. “There’s nothing evil about rock music, why wouldn’t I be?” Again, it was like he didn’t hear me. He grabbed hold of my arm and began to really yell. “Please, oh Dark One, accept me.” That got some attention. Our fellow smokers looked at us. I beamed at them, hoping they’d mistake us for an odd couple. It didn’t work. Before I knew it, another male was approaching us. And judging from his aura, he too was a sensitive. Joy. “Is there a problem?” Before I could so much as cough, the man clutching me began to cry. “The Dark One rejects me. I am worthless.” “I am not the Dark One!” “Derek, she’s telling the truth.” Derek looked at the new comer. “But she is an angel.” “She’s on the side of the light.” Derek released me as if I’d burnt him. “The Light has no place here!” He said as he barged past me. I could only stare at his back, dumbfounded. “Is he for real?” The remaining sensitive laughed. “Afraid so,” he stuck out his hand, “I’m Jason.” “Bella,” I said, shaking his hand. Jason leaned into me and lowered his voice. “Can I ask you something?” I was tempted to say no. It was my night off after all. “Sure.” “Can you come to my mother’s with me?” As an Angel, I couldn’t say no. Well I could but I’d look like a b***h. We try to avoid that as a rule. So I put on a smile and agreed to go. Within half an hour, I found myself by his mother’s bedside. “I really appreciate this.” Jason told me. “What exactly do you want me to do?” I hoped she wasn’t sick and he wanted me to heal her. I couldn’t do that unless one of the higher ups gave me the okay. Sounds twisted but if every Angel healed every one they were asked to, it would throw the Cosmo out of balance. That in turn would bring about chaos and destruction. “All I need is for you to talk to her.” “She’s asleep.” “I’ll wake her.” I checked my watch. “Its two in the morning. Don’t you think it’s a bit late?” “Not when her souls in danger.” I was getting a bad feeling about this ‘talk’. Before I could stop him, Jason shook his mother awake. “Mother, I have brought you a speaker of truth.” He proclaimed, pointing at me. The woman turned to face me, looking very startled. I didn’t blame her. If I’d been awoken the way she had, I’d have the same expression. “Jason,” I said, “what exactly do you want me to say?” “Tell her if she doesn’t change her ways, she’ll go to hell.” The woman snapped her head towards her son. “I most certainly will not!” “Yes you will!” “Jason, what exactly has she done that would cause her to go to hell?” Jason continued to glare down at his mother. “She has been skipping church.” “And?” Jason turned his glare on me. “You don’t understand. She went every Sunday without fail. Then she met her … her … boyfriend, and now she doesn’t go at all.” “That’s right,” his mother said, “I don’t go because Sundays are the only time I can spend with Jeremy.” “You see how the demon has his claws into her!” “Wait, she’s dating a demon?” “Yes.” Both Jason and his mother said in unison. I looked at his mother and shook my head. My brain just wouldn’t process it. Demons were usually shallow creatures, going for bimbo types. While Jason’s mother looked good for her age, she was no spring chicken. “Skipping church and dating a demon will not land her in hell, Jason.” “I told you.” “What’s the matter with you?” Jason asked me, ignoring his mother, “She’s screwing a demon! That has to be a sin.” “Nope. Killing is a sin. Premarital sex hasn’t been for long time. Even with a demon.” “That makes no sense.” I just shrugged. I didn’t make the rules. Sleeping with the Creatures of Darkness was frowned upon but that was all. I’d even done it myself a few times. I left mother and son arguing, telling myself that next time I was off duty, I’d say no to visitations. © 2011 Gemma ElizabethAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Gemma ElizabethCrewe, North West, United KingdomAboutRecently graduated from a Drama and Creative Writing course, I find that I'm unable to write XD more..Writing